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Dan R

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Everything posted by Dan R

  1. When a friend was told they had no record of his case his SO had missed the interview because the P-4 was not received. They were trying to get it rescheduled and after many emails and no response from GUZ for two months. He involved his Congressman. A month later he was told there is no record in GZ of his case. Two months later the Congressman still had no response but they received the P-4 with the new interview date. WHO KNOWS WHAT LURKS IN THE MIND OF GUZ. Good luck. Leave no stone unturned.
  2. I know that feeling you describe. I felt the same when after waiting on the phone I was given her interview date instead of the usual "in process". Congratulations!
  3. Did he give them a card for the coyote to bring them back to SF? Canada smuggling across the border is 1/3 the cost of Mexico. Perhaps because Canadians cross easily without work visas to work each day in the U.S.
  4. By the way 25 years ago I made Roast Beef with Soy Sauce coating for export to Japan. A few years later soy sauce was being used in most commercially cooked roast beef as well as found in BBQ sauces in the markets.
  5. Let us know. The other item easy to make for both tastes is Hot Wings. The vinegar and tobasco sauce is easy to adjust for the taste. Other than people from Guangdong who have sweet sauces I haven't had any success with American sweet BBQ. However a great BBQ sauce can be made mixing soy sauce, catsup and a bit of honey, garlic and crushed chilis.
  6. Roger you must not have introduced her to American Cajun cooking. I haven't served had a Chinese yet refuse Creole Crawdads. Ping says "I can make Chinese food, out we will have American. I think she means steaks. I haven't been to one of those in six years. That time they didn't have any alternative on the menu and I was struck with a small salad while everyone ate. I'm asking around to see if any of my friends will take her out for American food. So far the only one I know is my ex.
  7. Oh you youngins are just jealous because the older you get the better the presents. Look at Trigg he just got an AOS.
  8. Birthday presents will be collected at the Portland BBQ. Let's see which Trigg shows up to open them
  9. WONDERFUL! Every landmark on our path is exciting. From here on each one will make you more excited than the last til you can barely stand it Welcome aboard for the ride.
  10. Many of my friends say they just use the XP soft keyboard for pin yin input. This seems to work fine and is quick to learn. Set your default region and language on China and everything for windows shows in Chinese.
  11. Ya best make me and Fang Ling a maybe on the list. Are you saying you withdraw from the Sheep/Goat debate to be decided at the CRG at 2:00 (a bit past high noon). Did Wyatt find something else to do the day of the OK corral shoot out?
  12. If a hormone is involved then this is another boost for massage. Massage stimulates the endrocin system and thus activates hormones. I'll have to add Instilling Trust on my promotional benefits list.
  13. Have you reported the loss to the Atlanta office?
  14. The other disadvantage to mailing something expensive to another country is the receiver will pay additional tax on the higher U.S. cost. Even if the item is the same price in China, which many import model new laptops are, the cost of mailing and insuring and tax on entry makes it just too expensive for no advantage.
  15. I think this issue goes back to earlier threads about the burden of proof. It would be different if the VOs and other government employees did not look at us as guilty until proven guilty. I deal daily with government on a variety of issues and it mostly boils down to the mind bent of the officer or inspector. The quickest way to have cooperation from them is to grovel and jump through hoops but you will be made to suffer by time and money doing it for their gratification. The easiest way, which I have been known for for 25 years in my industry, is to know the regulations better than they do and call in a supervisor who isn't looking at it as a personal showdown.
  16. The forms using Adobe Acrobat that are fillable can be printed but not saved with the read only version.
  17. A friend of mine's attorney had him fill out the I-864 but then had to redue with the I-134 which is the form required with the finace visa app. But he had no cosponsors. All USCIS forms are at http://uscis.gov/graphics/formsfee/forms/ I'm going to disagree with your attorney. By doing both of these forms it means the person agrees to help the sponsor as a back up rather than be a primary sponsor. This means they are the next in line if you default. The difference in doing the I-134 is that it makes them equally responsible. It seems to be a stronger declaration that there are four (including your brother) equal cosponsors willing to take full responsibility. Since three of you have joint assets it seems to me the I-134 is a clearer statement of support not requiring the government to pursue a chain if needed. They would simply request reimbursement from all three (after all this is what the affidavit of support is about, a guarantee that the person will not be a public burden and who to get back the money if the person files for government support like food stamps etc.) Also, as was the case of my friend, the I-864 plus I86a are much longer and will at least triple the paper work submitted by your parents. The officers do not seem to appreciate having the longer form which they are not required to be going through. Short and sweet as possible is the rule I would follow. If your attorney is speaking from recent cases involving a Chinese fiance and had favorable results in a similar situation, then, hey, go for it.
  18. Guess that's a bit far. I may stay with the Days Inn.
  19. So if we stay in the Yurt over night how far is that from the BBQ?
  20. Good for you Robert. You are already getting the hang of the now.
  21. Can you find a yak in Portland? In the North Donkey was on many menues (in addition to the Goats and some other things)..
  22. Well if you are doing Disney for a honeymoon you better stop by L.A. for a dinner.
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