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Dan R

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Everything posted by Dan R

  1. I would say we have learned to express our dismay but not sure if that is FAQ or something material.
  2. Many of us have suspected this from the beginning. Many when GZ moves into the new facility with presumably more storage, DHL will deliver more quickly...and the packages will wait at the consulate instead of at DHL. Yes it should be amusing if not heartbreaking to hear the new delay story. Of course this one works so well why change? Conspiracy theories abound but I don't think they put that much thought to this. The customs delay is a convenient point of slow down to control the accumulation of cases at GUZ. Like a funnel you contol the input. At least we haven't heard of anything like the case a couple years ago where an officer in Laguna Nigel was shredding most of the applications because his work load was heavy. He was fired so there is a limit to what USCIS even accepts as SOP.
  3. I don't think that is the reason. As Americans working there they are highly visable and easily followed stalked etc if someone wants to. I think it is more the general rules of interogation where the interogator is anonymous but knows all about the interogated. It is just part of the power positioning. If someone wishes to complain to a superior, a description of the individual time and date of the interview would pin point them as easily as a name.
  4. Chicken wings and feet are in such high demand in China that they are imported from the U.S. Japan mostly buys leg meat and Russia the leg quarters. Only the U.S. has high demand for breasts. Half of the chicken legs consumed in the U.S. are sold in southern California. I should know. I have been in the chicken business for 25 years.
  5. So Frank do you think this is like buying lottery tickets? Expensive tickets at $100.00 per attempt. It would be interesting to know if those who succeeded after multiple attempts added critical information each time until they had what the visa section wants or did it go unchanged and after you pay enough you get through. No matter how it is done it is a very disheartening procedure for visiting family.
  6. And Canada or tourists from Ireland, England, Germany, Japan overstayed and got jobs. Next their employers will get their visa status changed to Work Visa making them legal again. But then don't you think wwe should protect America from interfering Mothers? What tangled webs we weave when first we try to administrate.
  7. Yang ro exspensive??? I buy the neck, shoulder or shank for great lamb stew. Only the rack or hind leg is exspensive. Try the bone in shanks stewed sometime.
  8. Congratulations I wont be surprised if I get the same trick.
  9. Thanks alot! This is good info for us since she is trying to decide between Shanghai and GZ for the physical.
  10. Our country's fear of being swamped with Chinese is a factor that does affect us all in receiving visits from family and friends. It seperates us from immigrants from Europe who quickly get their whole family here. For me your information holds out some hope that we will be able to have family members visit one by one, as the family is larger. Seems this is the opposite of having hostages.
  11. Ok show us left coasters what is meant by Southern Gentelmen. Come on over.
  12. You two are making me so hungry. Tony's link had pictures. I worked all evening and now you are making my stomach growl. There should be limits on posting subject matter.
  13. and i'm crazy???? Tony how long is she away for? Our interview in 9 days will be 1 week short of a year since I came back from China. AI YAAAAAAAAAAAAA
  14. I would love to attend, but this was scheduling after I bought tickets for my loapo visit on the 27th. Better planning is required !!! I think I qualify for excused absence. If you disagree, I know someone that can explain it to you. Do you need some Yak jerky ? When are you all going to get over this goat/sheep stuff ? As soon as you introduce us to yak meat and milk and convert us. Besides goats aren't flu and sheep aren't colds so what is there to get over?
  15. Jim I always take passport style pics with me. You never know when it will come in handy. Thanks you got me another GVD post to balance my LL image.
  16. With the new photo standard they are no longer taking ear counts. Don't worry any place that takes passport/visa pictures should know the latest preferences of the photo peepers in the government.
  17. Tell her it is not policy to allow such questions. There was a man doing that a while back at LAX. After several complaints he was removed. They may ask something to have a last chance at catching visa fraud. Recently as the officer was looking at a friend's fiance's passport. She looked up and asked "So how much did you pay him to marry you?" She replied "Oh, do American women have to pay men to marry them?" The officer scowled and quickly finished with her.
  18. This sounds good but awfully tricky. Why don't you just stop out this way with Ping and do it for us... B) B) Really it isn't so difficult. But maybe I should show you how the first time.
  19. Tony something just doesn't match here. Unless maybe frugal means in Chinese don't spend much on little things, we need big money for big things.
  20. It was my understanding that the background check includes turning the name into FBI, CIA and Interpol for criminal investigation. If this is true it is the same check that many locales in the U.S. require of massage therapists to be licensed. That check takes two months to clear.
  21. Tong Yi! I do not think the powers that be are very concerned about what happens to us other than possible legal repercussions. We become the casulties in a battle to protect America from illegal and unwanted immigration. Most citizens and the government I believe see it as necessary. So when we get lonely or mad or sad it is wonderful to have CFL here for us. I think CFL could equally stand for Community of Friends and Love.
  22. It isn't the food it is all the walking and standing. Don't you notice how they are all asking for cars. The guys fall for it too.
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