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Dan R

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Everything posted by Dan R

  1. Girl you're almost there don't snap now. Do that spa thing. I'm telling you I've never had a dissatisfied client on that. Maybe schedule for the afternoon or evening before he arrives. It does wonders for retaining a persons sanity.
  2. That's a great idea Carl. Have you done this? I know you would need the drive and a dual boot installed. The IT man here said you could do that then install on the other drive the Chinese operating system but you need someone reading Chinese to do the install and very microsoft saavy. He suggested going to the XP set up and setting the location and language as China, Chinese simplified and use it this way as there might be hardware compatible issues with peripheral hardware on the system while using the Chinese OS. I have Chinese friends here who have just used the settings and loaded programs from China but they didn't want the Chinese OS because there are some program conflicts with the American regional coding.
  3. You can set up a profile for her that has all the language settings on Chinese simplified. Set the internet browser to Yahoo Chinese or just make the homepage one of the Chinese ones such aas sohu.com, tom.com, sina.com etc or what she used in China. Have fun playing witth it. I need to fix a problem in mine, it wont load Asian languages.
  4. Now that makes even less sense than the rest of the process. As a spouse and therefor a beneficiary of a SS recipient no matter what the residency a basis for need of the SSN is already established. I wishthey would read their own rules.
  5. The practical Chinese do not seem to appreciate the degree of avarice that can be acheived under capitalism. But they learn very fast. Oh this thread? It was about Chinese language newspapers and magazines. We are staying much closer to topic than usual for CFL
  6. Boy it is good hearing of interviews rhat go so well. I hope ours will too. I'm up now at 1:15 because we were just talking about it and will soon be going over the questions together.
  7. Or maybe they think they are anti Mao graffiti and turn a blind eye to them.
  8. A very interesting form of public assistance. Very different from the U.S. where like license plates, road signs bring income to the prison population that we support. They also are used to create revenue for the local community by ticketing those who do not follow instruction of the signs properly. Even more revenue can be generated by putting the signs in difficult to see positions such as behind shrubs and trees or a commercial loading zone frequented by large trucks. Cultural Diversity is fascinating.
  9. Welcome to the Official Waiting Room of GUZ. Have a seat, browse the reading material (pardon our spelling) and feel free to join in and post anytime. At this time we have been getting lucky and the process is taking less than a year to just slightly over. With the expected increase in interviewers at GZ we are hoping it will even get quicker. There are a number of SOs here from Nanning. Just relax and get to know our community which is based on mutual support for dealing with a stressful process.
  10. Hey NOW! I never called GUZ a sheepish shepherd no matter how mad I got. No need to thrown UCIS in with us!
  11. What's wrong Trigg? Kryptonite got you down? After all this time do you really expect reasonable from the U.S. government. I believe unless the instructions ask for the originals and a copy then the originals will suffice. Of course when they open the original you could force your way to the copy machine and perhaps get a copy before they grab you. Good Luck big guy! You da man!!!!
  12. Self employment does not restrict you from sponsoring. However it requires submitting three years of tax returns to prove your ability to support. The three tax returns must show an average income of over 125% of the poverty level or at least $18,000. This is in lieu of the W-2 and employers letter. From your timeline you probably wont have another tax filing before the interview. Be sure to keep pay stubs and get an updated letter from the employer for the interview. I would have the three years tax forms also to submit with current employment info. As the job may not have beeen over a year and there is no tax filing showing a year of the job income, they may want the three years.
  13. you think so? What about those that have no shower proper ? Just speaking from my own experience which is limited to a modern city girl. There are bath houses which are not only for cleaning but part of the neighborhood identity and socializing..
  14. SROP???? Sould this word go into the new wordarama book?? Is this a neologism?? What is the definitiom?? Oh, congrats J. Now maybe the boys will get the hint and stop drooling! Sr = abbreviation for sister op = last half of stop ergo nothing stops a sister. Ok so maybe it was the result of trying to type in the dark while half asleep. Besides I don't drool or even salivate. J is like a daughter to me. Hey J what's Mom like. This forum is off limits to SOs, isn't it? ooops this is a jgrier topic so I forgot I wasn't in the LL. Don please don't send me to that room. Ooooo oooo can we get a crying emoticon, Don? There were times I could have used one.
  15. Congratulations Ok now have a good day, nothing will srop you now. On to planning the airport pick up and what you want to do with Mr. Wang after you ditch Mom.
  16. THe list also showed that going east of L.A. on the I-10 or I-60 five cities in a row have more than 33% Chinese populations. THis is both a blessing and a curse. It means everything you are used to in China is available but it also means there is little drive to learn how things are done in America.
  17. I think it makes sense Doug. Chinese women shower more often than American women. I think that means they shower much more than American men. At least until the men get a Chinese girl friend
  18. Last summer a friend got his Congressman's office involved when they had to cancel his So's interview because GUZ didn't send the P-4 and ignored multiple requests to resend. The Congresasman's office said the Consulate must respond to a Congressman's inquiry. Prior to GUZ they told him the longest it had ever taken was 6 weeks for a response and usually they hear back in two. 5 months later when GUZ rescheduled and sent the P-4, the Congressman had not received a reply. His K-1 was submitted in Oct 2002, she was interviewed Dec 29, 2004. The interview was almost nonexistent even though her English is poor and they hadn't met by then for 3 years. I don't know if the fact that they had Congressional letters in the file helped. I suspect it made the final approval easier. However it appears GUZ resents other departments or branches of government getting involved. But anything that lifts the veil of secrecy from GUZ is beneficial. I would say if you are having trouble yell loud and strong and get anyone you can involved.
  19. What school do you teach at in Shenyang? I've made 3 trips there and strongly recommend that you try the yuan wei zhai restaurant at san hao jie, zhong jie in heping qu not far from the holiday inn. They have some of the best food including Shenyang Duck.
  20. I not only find out what is in it but how it is made. That way I expand my cooking skills and learn what is healthy or unhealthy for the diet.
  21. I like it unsweetened. If it needs sugar it is either not a good tea or it was brewed to the point of bringing out the bitter oils.
  22. Mmmmm Hawthorne!!! In the Chinese communities east of here bubble drinks are real popular now especially the Boba franchise. The Hawthorne called Black Plum on the menus has a heavy smoky taste. I bet a Boba franchise would go well in summer in the midwest. http://www.boba.us/ Robert when you get to Vietnam try a jelly drink, the three color is very popular. Ask Thoa. As far as I'm concerned Salty (preserved) Lemon drink is much better than lemonade. And don't miss out on Goi Coun the cold not fried Vietnames egg roll thingie. Usually it is dipped in a peanut sauce. I prefer dipping it in Nouc Nam (fish sauce). Now I'm getting hungry thinking about your trip. Are you sure you don't need someone along to explain what you are eating. I'll even taste it first to make sure it is safe.
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