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Dan R

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Everything posted by Dan R

  1. If she believes she quit she should just say she quit. If it was required for a job it doesn't appear to have been an issue at all at interview. Just answer truthfully.
  2. http://www.ctrip.com/ is the chinese site try this for the english http://english.ctrip.com/Destinations/Dist...sp?District=151 both worked for me.
  3. What do you want I'm a professional, been in the food business 25 years.
  4. I don't understand the big deal over Duck feet. I'll take Chicken feet any day before Duck. But if they want the feet I'll be glad to finish off the rest of the Duck So the workers at the restaurant have their own stash I always ask Korean restaurant owners at Chinese or American restaurants here if they have any good stuff in the back. That often gets me a kimchi side dish or dried fish yummy.
  5. Actually a good question. After a couple years of a really strange life situation of dealing with "the process" is it simple to sit back and say where do we go from here? Do you have a carry on bag Roger? When the time comes for your interview dump all the evidence in there andtake it with you. But does anyone know if the marriage gets dissolved and the SO sent home if several years later we destroy the evidence?
  6. Since you wont be working or receiving salary at the time of interview I'd submit both employment and assets. Otherwise there could be questions of how you could leave your job and what were you really doing in Australia. The asset proof would clearly show that you can support yourself and her for a prolonged period. A letter from the employer testifying that you are on approved leave and your job is available to you on return would show your ability to continue supporting in the U.S. I favor both it poses less mystery to the VO.
  7. I recommend emailing GUZ and calling DOS. The emails and calls are logged into your computer file and seem to give you points. DOS 202-663-1225 follow that by entering 1 after the message then 0 try between 5:30 and 6:00 our time (PDST).
  8. From our experience I would say your early Sept estimate is what I would expect. The week before our interview wa scheduled GUZ answered with "about 3-4 months for scheduling" so their time frames mean nothing. Check in with DOS every couple weeks and you will know in advance when the P-4 is coming.
  9. GUZ is not checking the managerial chain of your company. The supervisor's sig will be fine using his/her title. I would add that you are permanent as this is a classification of employment not a guarantee of employment. They do want to know that you are not temporary but long term which is called permanent.
  10. Congratulations! I reeeaaaallllyyyyyyy wish I were at your stage of the game.
  11. Ok I am glad that I have been corrected and that full information has been given.
  12. I don't see why you should need to do the I-134. Your Father who has the qualifications would be the sponsor and you are the applicant. I would just send his with a cover letter of explanation. I am sure there are those that disagree but a affidavit of support without ability to support is of no value. To keep it simple I'd have only one sponsor in this case. This eliminates all the job and other explanations that would be brought up. http://uscis.gov/graphics/formsfee/forms/files/i-134.pdf The government site for forms makes the required copies when printed.
  13. It is probably sitting on a desk and not yet entered in the computer. A friend was given the interview date but never received the P-4 (second date the first the P-4 was returned and he was notified after interview date) when asked for another date he was told they had no record of his case. Two months of hell later they sent the P-4. I don't mean to scare anyone but just advise to check the tracking and keep after them to find out if it was entered yet. If you still have problems, I would write Maura Harty with all the info. After all this is probably an employee foul up and she's da boss.
  14. http://www.usembassy.org.uk/cons_new/visa/iv/faffidavit.html The U.S. Consulate webpage for UK gives information about this. Sounds like HK still thinks it is part of the UK. You can get the form at visapro.com http://www.visapro.com/US-Immigration-Forms/Form-DS-1858.asp
  15. Why wouldn't they write an employment letter? As HR I do it all the time as it is required for employee immigration issues, financing and other things. Sometimes companies just say write one and I'll sign it. You might do that and ask your supervisor to sign. Over the years I've written several hundred of them. Maybe you asked the wrong person and they just don't want to be bothered.
  16. CONGRATULATIONS!!! Now the important stuff. Since Blenz where everyone said they wait during interview is still on Shamian, where do you wait at the new place. I am sure those coming after you want to know. Ok enough chit chat. Time to move to the next step. Best Wishes to you both.
  17. Maybe the issue is being older than the parents. It wasn't asked of my SO. Her father and mother are both older than me. Our age difference is 19 years.
  18. Post office or any civil service job is great for security and benefits. The post office near my apartment is about 75% Vietnamese now for the clerk jobs.
  19. Flower Drum Song is one of my favorite musicals. It isn't available in DVD so I am getting the VHS to watch when she is here. Jack Soo is hilarious and Nancy Kwan is sexy. I think after we watch it she'll probably be singing "I enjoy being a girl". I believe this was the only major production that was all Asian. I can't understand why they don't release it on DVD. It is good in that it shows intergenerational differences among Chinese immigrants and the intercultural effect.
  20. David that looks like a good list of recommendations. Lee if mental abuse is regarded with the same severity as politically oriented posts there will be little left on the board other than a copy of the instructions from the USCIS website. Or are you limiting your request for a policy to abuse only between members.
  21. Darn I've been searching but can't even find mention of the game. Perhaps there is another name for it.
  22. If you look through the threads here you will see that there is no rhyme nor reason to what GUZ will ask for. Best is just go with the flow. After all they issue visas not you. Have you heard this song. Whatever Lola Wants Whatever Lola wants, Lola gets And little man, little Lola wants you Make up your mind to have, no regrets Recline yourself, resign yourself you're through I always get, what I aim for And your heart and soul, is what I came for. Whatever Lola wants, Lola gets No use to fight, Don't you know you can't win You're no exception to the rule, I'm irrezeestable you fool, Give in .... Give in Yup just give in and it will go easier. In the mean time read up on things here. See what others have been through and learn the regs. That is so you will know what to do on the outside chance GUZ gets nasty.
  23. You like Korean food! Are you and the boys in luck. There is a great multistory Korean restaurant in Fushun that opened about three years ago. Sorry I don't remember the name but you drive in a driveway between two buildings There is a parking lot behind and the restaurant with dining room and private rooms. In the gallery the Fushun pic was taken there. I hope you can find it. It was one of the best Korean meals I've had and I eat regularly in L.A. Koreatown. If it would upset the boys too much to try canine cuisine be sure to tell your SO. And make it clear to her she must let them know when it is being served. Lioaning Sheng is the best known place for BBQ and soup canine. Every Korean restaurant I went to in Liaoning served it and many Chinese places do too. So make sure she understands if it bothers you or the boys. Chinese like to serve it to see the reaction and actually have a hard time believing there is really a problem. If you are game then I preferred the BBQ over the soup. Oh and if you get to that Korean restaurant they have some interesting varieties of sauces and spice dips I hadn't had before. WOW! uh can I come with you?
  24. Now how do we know this isn't just another name for Trigg to try and increase the Sheep lead? Bill before you vote read the threads on Goats and Sheep very thoroughly. I am sure you will not be swayed by Trigg and Carl's uh fondness for those soft sheepish creatures. Welcome to CFL the convelescent home for recoveries of the run in with GUZ. Nice to have you with us. (assuming you aren't Trigg using another name to tilt the polls) Bill spell something so we can be sure
  25. In California, no SSN, no Driver's License. So we will try to get the SSN 2 weeks after entry so she can get the learner's permit.
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