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Dan R

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Everything posted by Dan R

  1. Randy as long as there are national borders and countries have political agendas it isn't that different. The day that Nagasaki was bombed there were four Americans there who had been kept under house arrest. They were visiting relatives when war broke out. There are always risks. For me I will take reasonable precaution and live my life. Who knows what political break down or conflict may arise in the future. Current treaties require The United States with allies Japan and Australia to come to Taiwans aide. New arms sales to Taiwan are planned to allow them to hold out until we arrive. China is advancing fast in five to ten years who knows what the outcome would be. It could easily be nuclear world war in which case not much would remain anyway. I would agree with Randy that it is highly unlikely. From most sources I hear of it is expected to take three days to come to Taiwans aid. If Taiwan falls in that time there would be political fallout but no military escalation. Of course this alone would probably freeze travel to the U.S. but by way of third countries I expect we could quickly be reunited. I doubt though that no matter what happens we will ever again be seperated as we were by GUZ.
  2. That's what I hear Randy. The main problem comes from the U.S. letting your Chinese SO stay. That's why we go through this blasted process to begin with. I know Chinese couples that have one with Chinese passport and American Residency and the other has American passport with Chinese Residency. They have no problem going back and forth. One couple I know He is Canadian Citizen with Chinese Residency via family, She is American Resident with Chinese Passport. They live in China and she comes to the U.S. every year for 2-3 months. He hasn't been able to get a visa to the U.S. I think for convenience if you hope to live in both worlds keep both citizenships. I am sure the situation will change in the coming years depending on politics. This is after all strictly a political issue.
  3. I see some things remain consistent. GUZ still can't tell a question from a statement. I wouldn't be surprised also if many of the VOs take summer vacations. I wonder what percent reduction in interviews one or two off per week through the summer would be. Vacations especially for employees in the service many years who would have several weeks vacation per year could be a large unknown that has not been included in predictions. I wonder how they shift for illness. For all of you waiting I hope the gates open and we see a flood of appoinment dates coming. Call DOS and check regularly. This can get you a big jump in prep time over waiting for mail notification. Many interviewees have had only 2 or 3 weeks notice so August is still possible.
  4. I would only include your parents if you are using them as cosponsors. Otherwise it would be of no purpose to mention them. So I combine a bit of both advise above. With government forms you have to consider tthe purpose for which they need the information, then give only what they need to satisfy the question. There is no benefit served to giving unneeded information or information that isn't able to be substantiated.
  5. I definitely agree witth you Frank. I just hope they find a better way to modernize than we did. Change is coming fast. I see doing things because...... as an attraction. Just because not because it is the proven most efficient and effective way. This takes some of the tension out of life for me.
  6. I know several people who had their parents visit. One tried for an additional 6 months extension but was rejected. As far as I know there is no I-134 needed for a tourist visa. A simple letter of invitation stating relationship, reason for visit and plans for the duration of the visit submitted with substantial reasons to return (home, business, other children in China) and the visa application are all that those I know submitted. About 25% it seems passed.
  7. This is of interest to most here. What did you hear about good chances? The best chances I have heard is when there are more children in China and the parents have property or a business to return to. It happens that they sometimes give the visa only to one parent at a time. This increases the belief of intention to return. A letter promising round trip ticket and planned itinerary signed by the USC is important.
  8. That's true. It's a commom problem for people from Sichuan & Hubei province, it's because of our dialect. We can say them, and also we know the difference, but we just make the mistake unconciously. It's like she/her and he/him. 137541[/snapback] The letters may look the same but the sounds are not. Initial consonants and integral consonants while written the same are not formed the same. People who use one language will apply the same tongue transition as in their own language to make the sound of another language. Speaking is an athletic sport using many muscles. You have to practice and exercise those muscles until it becomes so natural there is no thought to doing it.
  9. You are right about the big differences. It is like two distant lands. Hey they are further than any European countries from each other. That person should stop worrying about enemies and start building friendships. What is more curious than a Laowai dropped on a corner in the middle of 1.3 billion Chinese?
  10. Lee I went out on my own one morning in Liaoyang, south of Fushun. I was a few blocks from the hotel and turned a corner on to a main street. As soon as I made the turn about a hundred set of eyes were quickly turned my way and everywhere I looked they were staring at me. It was a bit discomforting. At least in Yantai when I went for a walk there were the two old toothless women crouched along the street talking. They laughed when they saw me and waved to me. I waved back and they laughed more. That was nice. Those toothless grins looked beautiful. In Liaoyang only smileless stares. It is also a very conservative place and several people said most people there believe the government propaganda about Americans. Anyone I was introduced to though was very friendly. It just shows if we could get government out of the international relations thing individuals would do fine. Can you imagine all those sleepy people early in the morning on their way to work like any other day. Suddenly an alien balding, bearded, ponytailed and overweight is shoved into their midsts shattering their safe routine.
  11. Nothing is so strong as gentleness; nothing so gentle as real strength. - St. Francis de Sales
  12. If you get her email set up as a paypal account you can transfer to her bank account from your paypal account. Currently they pay 3.22% on funds deposited. If your bank is a direct international transfer bank then you can get a transfer account set up to debit your account by fax and send it to her China account. Mine charges a flat $28. Bank of China gives her the option of keeping dollars or changing to RMB.
  13. MOZELTOV Best of luck to both of you!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Any of the Disney animations are great for learning. But I recommend regular movies so they can start to learn the lip form for sounds. Pronounciation difficulty is all lip and tongue position. Years ago I taught this at Los Angeles City College. Whatching movies on DVD allows going back when you miss words or the trend of the conversation. I had my students use a compact mirror to watch how they formed the words and match what they saw. It works great. Speakers of different native languages have different sound difficulties and this makes the accent.
  15. WooHooo Does this mean you now get a normal life? Thanks for the suggestion.
  16. Government workers are really too busy to look up these things. So they need your help to make the process go faster. Also I think they dropped chart reading from the clerks job description as it narrowed the applicant field too much. All you can ever do when government says hop is hope it was high enough to satisfy. And I still haven't started the after arrival stuff. I need it at that point right, as K-1? Good luck to all at this stage and congratulations to the many already through it.
  17. Looks like your options are wide open. by your timeline it will be3-4 months to interview. after the interview you have 6 months for her to use the visa. Since she has a visa maybe by then she can get the transfer to the US. good luck however you work it out.
  18. The best chicken I have ever eaten comes from a Kosher grocer in Atlanta. Man, the flavor of that bird is so much better than that from big commercial growers. I also ate some halal goat meat recently, a lot like mutton, delicious. Very very interesting about the Buddhist exempt classification. People in china drive and ride busses long distances to get to GZ just to have (RUNNING CHINCKEN). not to be mistaken for chicken raised in a chage. My wife tells me there is a big differance in tast. Im having a hard time swallowing this one. 96446[/snapback] People in the U.S. pay 50 cents a pound more for the "free range chicken". Even though U.S. law allows them to be called this if it was the intention to let them out if they had lived long enough. The over 3.5 pounders actually are out for a week. But this makes very high priced chicken that sells well in markets and restaurants. Even though they were not out long enough to develop the leg muscles. (anyone notice that in America the dark meat no longer is?) All the chickens I saw at homes were yard birds. Even saw a man walking his chickens in a park in Chongqing..
  19. Yeh that's it the AOS interview uhuh That's what I get for trying to follow a thread while I was checking in the drivers at work. And let a goat man make one little slip up and the whole world is ready to BBQ him
  20. You will be fine. Best of luck. Forget the certification as you are not even required to be there. Let her bring in your passport and the faxed letter. Now relax soon you will be on your next step of this grind but a much better step - together.
  21. I don't get this???? My friend applied for AOS in April. Two weeks ago she got an appointment letter in the mail for 7/29. Last Tuesday she did the biometric fingerprints also by appointment received in the mail. She came into U.S. on K-1 2/8/05. Are we all talking about the same thing?
  22. Sounds like the office is following rules used to issue various licenses in China. A letter is needed to show need of travel or issuance of international class certifications from the government. Just give her a letter on your letterhead that says you are inviting her to the U.S.. You will support her while she is here and need her to have a passport as soon as possible so that you can submit her passport number to the U.S. Department of State for issuance of a visa. Address it to her and sign it. What they are looking for is a reason to give an official document. If no reason no document. Once a passport is issued renewal is no problem.
  23. Some interesting tools on food health http://www.ers.usda.gov/Data/Foodborneillness/ http://www.cfsan.fda.gov/~mow/intro.html
  24. Yes but supermarkets use 1 million total plate count as the purchase spec. That will go to 2 million easily on your way home in the car. Our wholesale customers supplying restaurants require less than 50,000. I set 10,000 as our maximum in production. Our normal test comes out at less than 100. Salmonella tests have not been over 5. USDA says illness can come from 25 salmonella. Keeping meat dry and not out of a 40 degree refrigerator more than an hour before cooking is the best thing you can do to keep it safe. Most food poisoning comes from an unsanitary kitchen not the meat. Wash hands and tools before preparation of food and between handling different foods with an antibacterial soap. Wipe all food contact surfaces with bleach before and after use. Use seperate knives for cutting things to be eaten raw (salad, sushi, etc) and those to be cooked. Everyone should keep a spray bottle of water with bleach on the counter for sanitizing boards, counters, knives, etc.
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