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Dan R

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Everything posted by Dan R

  1. If you already married then there is reason for SS to issue a number. This is regardless of immigration status if you have a SS account. He becomes the beneficiary and must have a SSN if the situation should arise. There is no immigration status or residency requirement for SSN issuance. The requirement is that SSA recognize a need. The need is marriage to a USC with an SS account.
  2. Let me ask you this. Can you do anything more at this point? Of course not. So chill and wait to hear her good news. The odds are way in your favor. I wish both of you much happiness. Is your place clean enough for a Chinese woman to move into? That is the thing to worry about. Forget the gym! Clean! Clean! Clean! You should have no time left to worry.
  3. So you have been silently sitting in the corner of the Official Waiting Room of GUZ? Ok time to come out and join the party. I would give a resounding yes to submitting anything that shows the family is involved and anxiously waiting for her. Have the girls sent emails to her? Those she should print and bring. A letter from them to the VO might be good. I don't think that is being out of line. She will need to fit in with the family to make the whole thing work so demonstrating this is only a proving the relationship. Hey Don! After you tutored me for an hour you said I got it right. Anyway I've been telling them at work that I went to ORY-GUN for the weekend but everyone just asks "Where?".
  4. That's the gist of it. Of course it is up to you to make the declaration. Did you include the 100 $5 bills under your hat?
  5. That's a great list for ESL practice Frank. Now do you have one for Texashua, New Yawkhua, Joizeyhua or some of the other English dialects that don't exist Once you get a pattern in a language then it gets easy. But our poor SOs must learn English which includes spelling and pronounciations from many languages. Rules for Germanic and Romance languages both apply and only familiarization makes it comprehensible. The beauty of English (when used correctly) is it is the most precise. This is why it has become the scientific and business language. However when it comes to emotions and philosophy we continually add words from other languages to fill the gaps. This flexibilty also adds to both the confusion and usefulness. Hey when is that English/Triggese/English dictionary being released? I heard it is being delayed for Fang Ling to annotate it with Chinese comments.
  6. My God Man! Cantonese has 6 tones! Insist that she use Putonghua (Mandarin) with you. Then you only need 4 tones. Now if you are tone deaf like a certain goat in this place that might not help either B)
  7. I now a bit about traditional culture. But it seems her family doesn't follow it much. I send ecards for holidays or have flowers delivered and the family wonders why I know such old things With rapid modernization it is hard to know what and how of tradition the person follows. Certainly provides some interesting conversation time on the phone while waiting for GUZ's pronouncement. B) Autumn Festival has been a special holiday for us. But because the loversmeet only once a year she says we shouldn't do this one when we are together. I think we will watch the moon many nights B) I impressed the family by sending moon cakes nationally famous from Suzhou through http://www.cnflowernet.com . I goofed the year I sent ones from here (made in Monterey Park, CA). They were much too sweet. Bu Hao! This year it is September 18. A good explanation is found here http://chinesefood.about.com/library/weekl...ly/aa091099.htm
  8. Is this a sign? Have the P-3 to interview times dropped another month to only 5? Or does GUZ just like the MP-3s? Let's hope it is speeding up and CFLers continue at the high rate of approvals.
  9. Don't know about this and I am sorry you must learn first hand. I would think with all the family and personal differencesw in how traditions are followed it would be hard to anticipate.
  10. As long as the transfers are under 10,000 they are not reported. Personally I prefer transfers to the risk of carrying a lot of bills. Hmmmm do we really believe China would stop the flow of $ into the country? Seems odd. On the other hand the United States is desperate to slow the flow. They may just be trying to enforce the existing laws on limits.
  11. I agree on dietary supplements. American vitamins are VERY fashionable in China now. So anything for anti aging, antioxidant or Mineral supplements is greatly appreciated. They will even pass them on to relatives to show their American connection. Antistress or Antioxidant formulas sold here in the $20 range will cost $80 to 100 in Chinese pharmacies. I get the men and women's formulas which impresses them even more Chocolates were good for children but even some children spit it out. Most of the adults I tried to give it to just refused and offered me preserved fruits as "better".
  12. 99 Ranch has lots of stuff. It might have packages of American Ginseng. Give them a call. This chain is one of the best in L.A. 99 Ranch Market 668 N 44th St. Phoenix, AZ 85008 (602) 225-2288 The Korean market might also have it. 623) 915-9330 Western Market 4208 W. Dunlop Ave The Korean Ginseng is the most expensive and could be brought if you don't find the American. I have picked up packages for gifts at the Incheon Airport while changing planes.
  13. Congratulations!!!!! You've waited a long time but it will soon be on to the next step. I've never been to Guilin but heard it is amazing. Check out all the photos and recommendations from residents and travelers. http://www.virtualtourist.com/travel/Asia/...ide-Guilin.html If you like nature, odd hills and caves this seems to be the place.
  14. Personal safety is something that should become second nature. Be aware and avoid obvious problems. Paul you live in a neighborhood that has both goats and sheep? How much better can it get?
  15. If you sent back the P-3 in March you most likely will get your P-4 in August or September and interview in October. Just my prediction That means too late for a pregnancy to affect anything.
  16. When Rin-zai[1]was assiduously applying himself to Zen discipline under Obak (Huang Po in Chinese, who died 850), the head monk recognized his genius. One day the monk asked him how long he had been in the monastery, to which Rin-zai replied: 'Three years.' The elder said: 'Have you ever approached the master and asked his instruction in Buddhism?' Rin-zai said: 'I have never done this, for I did not know what to ask.' 'Why, you might go to the master and ask him what is the essence of Buddhism?' "Rin-zai, according to this advice, approached Obak and repeated the question, but before he finished the master gave him a slap. "When Rin-zai came back, the elder asked how the interview went. Said Rin-zai: 'Before I could finish my question the master slapped me, but I fail to grasp its meaning.' The elder said: 'You go to him again and ask the same question.' When he did so, he received the same response from the master. But Rin-zai was urged again to try it for the third time, but the outcome did not improve. "At last he went to the elder, and said In obedience to your kind suggestion, I have repeated my question three times, and been slapped three times. I deeply regret that, owing to my stupidity, I am unable to comprehend the hidden meaning of all this. I shall leave this place and go somewhere else.' Said the elder: 'If you wish to depart, do not fail to go and see the master to say him farewell.' "Immediately after this the elder saw the master, and said: 'That young novice, who asked about Buddhism three times, is a remarkable fellow. When he comes to take leave of you, be so gracious as to direct him properly. After a hard training, he will prove to be a great master, Toki-yori (1247-1263) attained to Enlightenment by the instruction of Do-gen and Do-ryu, and breathed his last calmly sitting cross-legged, and expressing his feelings in the following lines: "Thirty-seven of years, Karma mirror stood high; Now I break it to pieces, Path of Great is then nigh."
  17. Looks like that is a fair listing David. Remember Traditional holidays such as New Year (up to 3 weeks off but at least a week) are on the Chinese calendar so they shift every year on the Western or Gregorian calendar. One of the things Chinese are often amazed at is how few holidays we have and "only a three day weekend!".
  18. Here is the designated civil surgeon list for PR http://uscis.gov/graphics/exec/cs/LocateSurgeon.asp The link only goes to the search screen so put in PR in the state field and search. The list will appear.
  19. It does sound that way Frank. I'd get the corrected paper work back to her lickity split and start cleaning.
  20. For all evidence presented I attached a cover letter of explanation. The need for support in order for her to learn English to faciltate the relationship and our belief that this was important to complete prior to her coming to the U.S. was fully documented and explained. I also expect that anyone intending fraud would not want to show any type of money flow. This could mean that the way it was presented might have indicated to a VO there is not fraud.
  21. If you are listed as the agent (not applicant) for the beneficiary they will send it to you. In some cases I have read, but not all, copies went to Agent and Beneficiary. Agent is usually the attorney handling paper work.
  22. That should be U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. USCIS will do.
  23. From our experience they only regard money flowing from China to applicant as fraud. Money flow the other direction does not constitute or imply visa fraud. Even with a record of previous overstay there was no problem.
  24. A friend who is going to get finger printed for AOS next week applied for AP at the same time as the AOS application. So the question is how long is it taking to receive the AP to go back and visit an ailing parent? Sorry if this is repetitious but I couldn't find the answer searching. David do you have the answer in your bag of references?
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