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Dan R

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Everything posted by Dan R

  1. Boy was that a good musical! Maybe we could use Whatever Guzee wants as our theme song. Whatever Lola Wants Sarah Vaughan Whatever Lola wants, Lola gets And little man, little Lola wants you Make up your mind to have (Make up you mind to have) No regrets (no regrets) Recline yourself Resign yourself, you're through I always get, what I aim for And your heart and soul Is what I came for Whatever Lola wants (Lola wants) Lola gets (Lola gets) Take off your coat Don't you know you can't win You're no exception to the rule I'm irresistible you fool .. give in (Give in, you'll never win) Whatever Lola wants Lola gets ---- Instrumental Interlude ---- I always get, what I aim for And your heart and soul Is what I came for Whatever Lola wants (Lola wants) Lola gets (Lola gets) Take off your coat Don't you know, you can't win You're no exception to the rule I'm irresistible you fool ... give in (Give in, you'll never win) Give in (give in, you'll never win) Give in (give in, you'll never win) Another good one was, You've got to have heart Van Buren: You gotta have heart All you really need is heart When the odds are sayin' You'll never win That's when a grin Should start. You gotta have hope Mustn't sit around and mope Nothin's half as better as it may appear Wait'll next year And hope. When your luck is battin' zero Get your chin up off the floor. Mister you can be a hero You can open any door, There's nothin' to it, But to do it You've gotta have heart Miles 'n' miles 'n' miles of heart, Oh, it's fine to be a genius of course, But keep that old horse before the cart, First you've gotta have heart. Rocky: A great slugger, we haven't got Smokey: A great pitcher, we haven't got Sohovik: A great ball club, we haven't got Rocky, Smokey, Sohovik: What've we got? We've got heart All we really need is heart, You gotta have heart All you really need is heart When the odds are sayin' You'll never win That's when the grin should start We've got hope We don't sit around and mope. None is solitary sob do we heave, Mister, cause we've got hope. Rocky: We're so happy that we're hummin' Quartet: (hm-hm-hm) Van Buren: That's the hearty thing to do Quartet: (Hoo-hoo-hoo) Smokeyk: 'Cause we know our ship will come in. Quartet: (Hm-hm-hm) So it's ten years overdue. Rocky, Smokey, Sohovik: (Hoo-hoo-hoo) We've got heart Miles 'n' miles 'n' miles of heart. Oh, it's fine to be a genius of course, But keep that old horse before the cart. Smokey: So what's the heck's the use of cryin'; Rocky: Why should we curse? Sohovik: We gotta get better Van Buren: 'Cause we can't get worse! Quartet: And to add to it, We've got heart, We've got heart, We've got heart! Van Buren: What've we got? Rocky, Smokey, Sohovik: Heart Van Buren: What've we got? All: Heart Van Buren: What've we got? All: We've got heart Miles 'n' miles 'n' miles of heart. Oh, it's fine to be a genius of course, But keep that old horse before the cart. First you've gotta have heart. Locker Men: What've we got? Shower Men: What've we got? Locker Men: What've we got? Shower Men: What've we got? All: We've got heart Miles 'n' miles 'n' miles of heart. All we really need is heart We've got hope Mustn't sit around and mope. Bubba: Look All: What Bubba: Soap-on-a-rope! All: Da, da, da, da, da, etc. Ozzie and Bomber: All we really need is hope All: (Gargle Chorus) What've we got? What've we got? We've got heart Miles 'n' miles 'n' miles of heart Oh, it's fine to be a genius of course, But keep that old horse before the cart Van Buren: Who minds those pop bottles flyin' Rocky: The hisses and boos Mickey, Bubba, Ozzie, Smokey: The team has been consistent Bomber, Sohovik: Yeah we always lose All: But we're laughin' cause We've got heart! We've got heart! We've got heart! What've we got? We've got heart. All: Gloria!
  2. Wow sounds great! Wait til they see the shops with large carvings of jet from the coal mines. They may not like the coal dust and fumes in the air but there is plenty to keep active in the area. I hope they have adventerous tastes. Europe certainly doesn't prepare one for Chinese variety of cuisine. Liaoning Sheng is certainly different from other regions of China. It isn't what you expect from American Chinese food. It would be nice if you could post your pictures of it on http://www.virtualtourist.com Fushun is poorly represented. Below a bridge is a shop selling jade. THe carved fish bowls on pedestals with goldfish in them might be interesting. I'll never forget the miners there staring at me in groups. THey were all bundled up and covered with coal dust. Except for the circles around their eyes where the goggles protected them in the mine. The Palace and Mao statue in Shenyang only an hour away might be interesting or the caves. They can also pick up cool software (games) at the computer places. I hope you all have a blast.
  3. Say hi too her for all of us here (a personal greeting is nicer than a post). I for one enjoy both of your posts and appreciate the comments. Too bad we don't have more SO participation. Aw heck you're goinChina not flyin. You'll probably forget us until the day to come back. ENJOY!
  4. When dealing with the government the only time you need to follow regs and know what they say is if the gov employee goes to far. Until that point just say yes sir with a smile. Ask which foot do they want you to hop on and everything will be fine.
  5. She checked intends to work and wrote in "as soon as approved to work" so we will see what happens. She also marked plans to go to school. The schools I have talked to require a valid student visa or the SSN, so this may be another angle for quick issuance of the SSN.
  6. By George I think he got it! The scales of GUZ determine the requirements. Now this makes sense. Yup cover your bases. Where was it stated that 100% poverty gets you a visa? If I knew that I'd have quit my job and moved to the street. If it would have improved my chances.
  7. Ok Don got it. I'd say that isabout as straight forward a requirement as government gets. Any paragraph will do as long as it includes the required items stated. We both wrote letters of intent for the I-129 and because of time lap I wrote a reaffirmation of intent with the I-134. THe VO didn't ask for anything from her except photos. He liked the screensaver on CD I made
  8. That would require a short trip or return pretty soon after arrival since it only allows the original 90 day period before being married.
  9. That can happen anywhere. You wouldn't say that if you've seen what the help does in the kitchen or even the walk in cooler. If you are worried about that either train her in martial arts or keep her at home. Fast food is a hard job for the money and lacks the tips a waitress gets.
  10. According to that information from SSA we should be getting the SSC in the mail within 3 weeks of entry. Has anyone ever heard of this happening?
  11. There are a number of Chinese women at the So Cal Casinos. While I haven't been to the casinos, I have met several Chinese women waitressing in San Gabriel while studying to be dealers. I've never heard of there being any problems at the casinos here. Are you coming to the Aug CFL meetup in San Luis Obispo?
  12. Seems K-1's have run into the same road blocks. The major problem is with governmenmt employees enforcing regs they haven't fully read or were misinstructed in. If you know the regs when dealing with said employees it is much easier. I have to do that in my job. In 24 years I haven't lost in a dispute with them. Most take the easy route and just agree with the GEs interpretation right or wrong. Since I'm K-1 then I guess I can't volunteer. an often misquoted quote says it all "Our country, right or wrong. When right, to be kept right, when wrong to be put right." U.S. Senator Carl Schurz (1829 - 1906)
  13. From Social Securities website. As you can see K-1 is permitted an SSN according to SSA rules. All that is required is the passport with I-94. Original Social Security Number for a Noncitizen You must complete an application and be interviewed by an SSA employee at your local Social Security office. We need at least two documents as evidence of your age, identity, and lawful non-citizen status. Age: We prefer to see your birth certificate. However, we can accept your passport or a DHS document which shows your date of birth to establish your age. Identity: We must see a document in the name you want shown on the card. The identity document must be recently issued. We prefer a document with a photograph. However, we generally can accept a non-photo identity document if it has enough information to identify you (e.g., your name, your age, date of birth, or parents’ names). We can't accept a birth certificate or hospital birth record as evidence of identity. Some documents we may accept as proof of identity are: Driver's license Marriage or divorce record Military Record Employee ID card Adoption record Life insurance policy Passport Health Insurance card (not a Medicare card) School ID card DHS Document. Alien Status: We need to see an unexpired document issued to you by the DHS, such as Form I-551, I-94, I-688B, or I-766. We CAN'T accept a receipt showing you applied for the document. Your documents must show that you are authorized to work in the United States (here's a chart of immigration classifications that allow you to work in the U.S.). If you're not authorized to work in the U.S., we can issue you a Social Security card if your are lawfully here and need the number for a valid nonwork reason. Your card will be marked to show you can't work. If you do work, we will notify DHS. Effective October 27, 2003, we don't assign a Social Security number when your only reason for needing a number is to comply with a State statute requiring an SSN for issuance of a driver's license. We'll continue to issue SSNs to noncitizens who aren't otherwise eligible for SSNs for the following nonwork purposes: a Federal law or regulation requires that you provide your SSN to get the particular benefit or service or a State or local law requires you to provide your SSN to get public assistance benefits to which you have established entitlement. If you don't have permission to work, but still need a number for one of the reasons mentioned above, we'll need a statement on letterhead stationery from the government agency that is requiring you to provide an SSN. The letter must: Specifically identify you as the applicant Cite the law requiring you to have a Social Security number and Indicate that you meet all the agency's requirements to get the benefit or service except for having a SSN. All documents must be either originals or copies certified by the issuing agency. We can't accept photocopies or notarized copies of documents. Visa Classifications that Allow You to Work in the U.S. Visa Classification Definition E-1, E-2 Treaty trader or Treaty investor F-1 Foreign academic student, when certain conditions are met H-1B, H-1C, H-2A, H-2B, H-3 Temporary worker I Foreign information media representative J-1 Exchange visitor, when certain conditions are met K-1 Fiancé of a U.S. citizen L-1 Intra-company transferee M-1 Foreign vocational student O-1, O-2 Temporary worker in the sciences, arts, education, business, or athletics P-1, P-2, P-3 Temporary worker in the arts, athletics in an exchange or cultural program Q-1, Q-2 Cultural exchange visitor R-1 Temporary religious worker with a nonprofit organization TC Professional business worker admitted under U.S.-Canada Free Trade Act (NAFTA) TN Professional business worker admitted under NAFTA Please Note: If you have a different classification, you must show us evidence from the Department of Homeland Security that you are authorized to work. Beneficiary form requires beneficiary’s SSN http://www.ssa.gov/online/ssa-788.pdf
  14. Open a joint checking and savings account. What about a car? Put both names on the registration.
  15. Oh and Jim have a blast this weekend
  16. In California until she gets the SSN she can't get a Driver's permit to learn to drive.
  17. I know if the husband does not agree it can be a real problem. The marriage laws are by province so they may vary. The best information is from the city office where her hokou is. That is the jurisdiction that applies.
  18. The technicallity is that the !-94 entered in the passport does not allow working unless stamped with the Employment Authorized stamp and most POE do not do that anymore (is JFK still doing it?) there is no way to qualify for work even with a SSN. Another ID would be needed with the SSN like a state ID. To hire an employee in the United States an employer must fill out an I-9 form http://uscis.gov/graphics/formsfee/forms/i-9.htm. this is the form the second page lists acceptible documents for work. During an audit an employer may be fined $250 per missing line of data or $2500 for not having the form. This is for each employee. During an audit the officer congratulated me because with 65 employees my fine was only $2000, the lowest she had ever seen. It was for forms for 3 USCs whose paper work had not been updated as required.
  19. Guess I didn't need to post Michael said it all I could have saved time and just said "I agree with what he said". Michael you should have told me you were posting so I could have gotten ready for work.
  20. I sent the completed I-134 with the I-129 along with proof of relation and other documents. It was requested in the P-4 but when she went to interview they only asked for the updated tax filing. Since we sent everything needed for the interview with the I-129 including the I-134 and her notarized police,marriage, single and etc. records. They only asked for the 2004 taxes and photos. The VO took a cd with a screensaver of pictures of us and her over the time of our relationship and viewed it. That was it, no problem over a previous visa overstay which we decided to answer yes to in the P-4. I think if they have enough for making a decision in the application then by interview it is a done deal and just a formality. By doing all our papers first for the I-129 it only took three days to get everything completed the second time. I did have to wait a week for the letter from my Bank in the mail (I wanted the original not just the fax). At least this time the Operations Manager knew exactly what I needed. The interview was exactly 12 months from preparing the docs for application so time sensitive docs needed to be updated.
  21. Must feel good to use the word Alumni. Has Mom started the cleaning yet? Remember I won the raffle for next to be cleaned. I'm worried she'll she my comfortable bachelor pad and head straight for the nearby hotel. GUZ was never this rough
  22. Congratulations!!!!! It seems to be raining visas this month.
  23. As for foods passing customs, processed products such as pickled, salted, candied, roasted and etc. are fine except for meats and poultry. Simply dried doesn't do it since that wouldn't kill any pests that it might have. Packages of dried or fresh fruits do not meet the plant quarantine regulations of APHIS. That is why they pass out the agricultural check list for having visited a farm or carrying agricultural products on the plane to turn in at customs.
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