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Dan R

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Everything posted by Dan R

  1. If you have to look that close ...... Glad it isn't but boy did it look like it in the picture.
  2. My suitcase was 55 kilo at check in but Korean didn't charge anything. I guess I should have tried bringing her back in it.
  3. Agents in San Gabriel now have round trip LAX China at around 750 and say next month will drop after all the students have gone back to school.
  4. Did they really write Chink on that??? Please tell me no. If they did you'd be a millionair from the resulting law suit with written proof for the court.
  5. Talk to a good immigration lawyer. I know a few people from China and other countries who married while in the U.S. on visitor/student/business visas. None had to go back to change status after marriage. This is one where the lawyer's experience does help. Someone comes to a country, meets, falls in love... there is no probalem of intent just being convincing that the marriage is real. I have heard of people going back to wait for the visa or going back just for picking up the visa.
  6. Great News! Soon you can start living the life of an ordinary couple with the addition of SSA and DOS but that's nothing after conquering GUZ. Best Wishes!
  7. Did they see any of the cool shops selling statues carved of hard coal (jet)? I have a pen holder with a crane carved of it. Did they get any time in the big city (Shenyang)? Lots of stores with computer gadgets and game software there.
  8. Ok but how did the boys do in Fushun and how did they get along with your SO? I think that is a big part of the process you mention. The rest will come as it is experienced but how the family interacts and the boys' understanding of where she comes from is a big an important step. From what I read the two of you understand the need of adapting. The problems in it are very individual and difficult to anticipate. Flexibility, understanding and patience I think are the keys.
  9. This is lease hold which I explained earlier. It is similar to what Hawaii had for decades. In China the government owns most land. That doesn't stop real estate from appreciating where there is demand.
  10. Congratulations!!!!!! Wonderful News. Is anyone keeping track of how many interviews are scheduled?
  11. OH FRANK! The new responsibilities you have! Are you sure you have time to spend with a grandchild? Of course you wont let that interupt your CFL time right How long before David Uriel gets a CFL member ID? Try not to spoil him too much. Congratulations!
  12. I bet a Mexican Seafood restaurant with cocktails would do very well. Cheese and beans are important in Mexican fast food. Birria, Cocktails, Camarones Diablo, Pazole, Chicken Mole, Menudo are all dishes that should do very well in China. There are so many Mexican dishes and styles that would be just different enough to attract interest. I saw many pizza huts while traveling. Indian restaurants are opening up. Young people want things international and new. I passed a Mexican restaurant not far from the embassies in Beijing. Many Japanese and Korean restaurants exist. Chinese and Italian are the most popular international fare in the U.S. Wouldn't it be funny if American Italian becomes the most popular in China? Remember it was only in 1974 that the Mandarin style restaurants started opening (they were considered communist so only Cantonese opened restaurants). The first Chinese fast food was in the 1980's. Things do change fast.
  13. Yes Randy once in a while one gets by. Congratulations on the interview Long. We certainly have a slew of interviews scheduled for September. CFL should be sending up fireworks all month. I wonder what Jim can do about that.
  14. Welcome back Amber! But once you are back wont you miss being able to get really good Chinese food?
  15. For grits and corn chips try making your own. They use to do that before it became big business. She had a hard time finding pants for me while we traveled. But near her home she knows a big men's shop that sometimes has pants and shirts she approves of for me . I was told to reduce so shopping is easier. Oh and for my health as well. Amber is that your shopping list for all the guys going over in September? Tony when I went in winter I was told don't bring anything, everything you need is waiting for you. It was a good thing too because it is very hard to find real warm clothes in California even in winter.
  16. Congratulations! I remember calling DOS and being told our interview date. When I tried to thank her I was both laughing and crying at the same time. An amazing feeling. Best Wishes to both of you. I hope we will be seeing both of you at the November San Luis Obispo meetup.
  17. Jim, oo1 is a Chinese site like CFL often referred to as our sister site. The link is in links and resources.
  18. Congratulations! It seems the interviews have been getting shorter and the lines processed quicker. Good news for those in waiting.
  19. Yes I enjoyed reading it and you told it well. I especially liked your mention of going through a line as "only a Chinese girl can". Boy does that bring a flood of memories. You also bring up a good point. It does no good to have so much with you that the VO is overwhelmed and doesn't want to wade through it. Have something for each question that may come up and have it easy to get to. Keep it simple might be a good motto here.
  20. At this time most things can be afforded out of pocket. If you have friends that are Doctor's it is even better. Here if you don't have a life threatening emergency you get an appointment a month from now. In China you walk in and wait to be seen. Again if your friend is a Doctor that would be immediately. Everyone waiting will probably think it is because of preferential treatment as a foreigner, but it is only the usual Chinese custom of taking care of friends B) As time goes on we can expect costs to rise, by that time you can get Chinese insurance. The Insurance field is growing rapidly. This might be of interest. http://www.spaef.com/IJED_PUB/v1n4_liu.html just recently in China Daily http://www2.chinadaily.com.cn/english/doc/...tent_464795.htm The fact that the government recognises a problem and there is pressure for change means that things will be changing. This is an issue to follow closely.
  21. Congratulations!!!!!!! Now you can start on real life rather than the 3 conjugal visits I also see you beat the odds going to see the almighty GUZ with only 3 blue thingies in hand. Best Wishes for a wonderful future!
  22. Every time I go to China I take less with me. Last trip I was down to a shoulder bag. Of course I buy a suitcase to bring things back The warehouse store trend certainly make changes fast. When the U.S. pushed Japan to allow Toys R Us in the first year was disaster as over 600 family owned toy stores closed in Tokyo. They had all been in the families a minimum of three generations. Near me 100 shops closed when our mall opened. 6 family toy stores closed when Toys R Us opened. A survey done on what happened to the children of shop owners in our city 5 years after the warehouse stores came in found that 76% were employed as clerks or managers of the stores that had put 230 of their parents out of business. In the U.S. towns and big cities are now trying various legal blocks to warehouse stores that have such an impact on the areas they open in.
  23. WONDERFUL!!!!! Let the good times roll.
  24. As a famous philosopher once said "What, me worry?" Just jump through any hoop they hold up and everything is fine. Don I liked that candy bar story. I hope I remember it the next time it would come in handy. The affidavits of support are just that, signed guarantees that the person wont be a burden on the government. Pure and simple. About the clearest thing we see in the whole process.
  25. Now get busy on the phone answering the questions with Jenny so she can fill out the paper work. I see my work is done I wish I had vacation time to meet both of you in GZ and check out Blenz. Try not to get each other worked up before the interviews You're both Shoo ins. I guess now you can help push each others evidence cart through the streets in GZ.
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