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Dan R

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Everything posted by Dan R

  1. This is only a guess but since the paper work includes evidence of your citizenship and if you included a birth certificate showing you were born in the U.S.. I'd say they will ignore it or have her fill it in at interview. This is a cover all form and the question is for nationalized citizens or permanent residents. As long as the VO realizes this I expect it will be overlooked. We entered "By Birth".
  2. Thirty years ago it was acceptable for men to urinate in the open sewers. Now in the big cities when you leave the bar you have to find a restroom. Is this evolution or devolution?
  3. Culture is a majority norm. It changes with the times. Just read the literature of any country from over 200 years ago. Check out the cookbooks also to see how diet changes with the culture. Nothing is static.
  4. Perhaps the adaptability of some Americans (stress on some) is the result of the decades of embarassing publicity for the "Ugly American Tourist". As Chinese travelers become aware of a negative image some will change. The majority I run into abroad eat at MacDonald regularly or other American places. They keep as much of their country around them as possible. A very popular lunch place in Tijuana, Mexico for Americans going down for the day is a lunch counter at Woolworths. There is security in having familiar things and most need that security.
  5. Trigg I think the Capitol Building in Washington still has spittoons, try applying there. So Beilou is the translation of Yankee???
  6. Never been to GZ but a number of cultures in the world simply regard spitting as good health. Swallowing excess mucous or chewed debris is scientifically unhealthy. This is why we had spitoons. Spitting in America stopped as being esthetically unpleasing and a sign of poor education. Luckily spitoons are not used today. Imagine trying to find anyone legal to work to clean the spitoons in all our buildings. By the way spitoons were only indoors. Outdoors people spit on the ground. Many people still do today. Most food processing plants (as well as USDA regulations) state that spitting is prohibited. Certainly Chinese realize that it is not approved of by Westerners. There is much less public spitting than 20 years ago. Ask someone who flew on a Chinese airline back then about the plastic sheet on the aisle to spit on. It would be rolled up with the spit as the plane landed.
  7. Tolerance isn't natural, self defense is. It is too mankinds' credit that tolerance is becoming a rule not an exception. "The test of tolerance comes when we are in a majority; the test of courage comes when we are in a minority." Ralph Stockman
  8. Hear! hear! He's a right good captain too! So give three cheers and one cheer more for the hearty captain of the CFL! I think Don and Cerberus have shown why most of us are here. Information, support and friendship. Open discussion is an important part of dealing with situations. Reins only need to be pulled in when rules are violated and it gets out of hand.
  9. With as many people doing the K visa for green card thing I'm surprised that it doesn't happen more. Most of the ones I know of though were straight business deals. There are those that do it with plans and often these women have friends here that did it too. A warning sign may be having a friend network here. But that isn't always the case. I think many of the women do it as a gamble hoping that it will work out but with back up plans ready. This isn't that they aren't trying to make it work either but is part of Chinese culture. Many have friends whose example they are following. Many seek a more comfortable life and may have an awakening when they find it isn't. They then will attempt plan two. People differ, situations differ and if you look for problems they may develop. We all take chances Like any relationship we enter, there is the risk of being hurt.
  10. Welcome aboard and good luck. Why not just send her the link to CFL's chinese language forum? She can discuss with others here in Chinese http://candleforlove.com/forums/index.php?showforum=16
  11. Best Wishes for a wonderful future. This is the beginning.
  12. Congratulations!!!!!!! Now get on with life since you you no longer have any business in the line waiting for GUZ. Take a rest in Yantal. Settle back with a glass of famous Yantai wine and watch the clam diggers.
  13. If you do it before there is a definite problem you run the risk of having someone step on another's turff for no reason. This could backfire on you and make it harder to get help later. The two places people have gotten help to make things move when problems arise have been your Congressman and DOS, Maura Harty's office. I don't remember any place else that help was sought and it was productive. The results by Congressman was mixed.
  14. Is that personal experience sharing Trigg?
  15. Your wait is coming to an end. Things are speeding up and it looks like you are on schedule. Good luck!
  16. OOOooooohhhh Jim! I'd hate to have to walk 13 floors when the elevator isn't running. Up high in the sky is nice until you walk it Currently I'm on the 3rd floor and use the stairs most of the time. I think that is just about right.
  17. Since you received the NOA2 3 weeks ago that indicates it is being transferred to GZ consulate (unaffectionately known on CFL as GUZ). I called DOS to get our GUZ number which you need from here on out to get information on your case.
  18. Listen to the big honcho Don. I know a number of people from different countries who married while here on other than K visas. They did not have to leave for adjustment of status. Read the forms as he said and be sure to follow the intructions to the letter and you should be fine.
  19. Ya, and toiletts are everywhere too-but how many really think of them as being polticaly or culturaly correct?? 152015[/snapback] Only when they are prominently displayed in the living room. That is where our founding father Benjamin Franklin had his bathtub. Very Feng Sui. It was our President Johnson who had meetings in the bathroom while on his throne. But then you can't see the water. 152023[/snapback] Our president Nixon, during the hot summer months of 1973, would turn the white house AC down real low, so that he could build a nice cozy fire in the fireplace. Is that Fung Shui? 152078[/snapback] Nope, thats confusion!!!! 152106[/snapback] Perhaps necessary while burning evidence.
  20. For hotel reservations I have used http://sinohotelguide.com/ with great results. Harrison Wang will get you what you want where you want at discount rates. The hotels have told me they have a special arrangement with them. But as it is China they usually give me the manager's card and say next time call direct and we can give you the same rate. I guess they want the business but don't want to pay commission on follow up visits
  21. Congratulations!!!!!! So when are you coming home to start the next step?
  22. Ya, and toiletts are everywhere too-but how many really think of them as being polticaly or culturaly correct?? 152015[/snapback] Only when they are prominently displayed in the living room. That is where our founding father Benjamin Franklin had his bathtub. Very Feng Sui. It was our President Johnson who had meetings in the bathroom while on his throne. But then you can't see the water.
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