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Dan R

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Everything posted by Dan R

  1. Sorry to hear about the dilemma you are on the horns of David. At this point she is very happy that I filed with less paperwork and cheaper than any of her friends. However if the AOS takes more than 6 months and she wants to leave the country, I will no longer be "The best husband". I will live in fear until then.
  2. We opted to save money by only doing AOS. It is a gamble but several of her friends applied for EAD, AP and AOS only to get all at the same interview. Make sure you double check her birth date on the form. I didn't and they sent it back with the check for wrong fee saying a one year old does not pay full fee. Yes I enclosed the marriage certificate. I am still worried they may send over social services to check on my marriage to a minor.
  3. Our case showed in the status search online as soon as we received the notice of receipt. I signed up for email notifications. Oddly online it showed it was touched on Sunday. Who dun dat??????
  4. Yes there is one north of San Diego. Now that we have the AOS receipt notice there should be no problem going down there for a weekend.
  5. Congratulations! That should make life a little easier. Is the family just the parents and two sisters?
  6. Well Frank they accepted it this time. She now has an A number! Now we go back to waiting but unlike with GUZ we are together and life goes on. Now you might be right about them getting back for the visa going too easy. THEY SENT OUR CASE TO MO! Now where do we live? Yup, So CAL!
  7. Also lose benefits associated through hokou registration as a city resident. These vary by location but can be quite good for health benefits if living in China.
  8. The opportunity of retiring to China with her citizenship rights is a strong plus in my mind for retaining citizenship. If there will be children it brings in other issues of the right to choose citizenship when they become adults. I like to keep options open
  9. Dan R

    GZ Forum

    This is certainly a good turn of events.
  10. Jim I agree with you that the Chinese shower set up will give China an advantage over the U.S. in controlling a panedemic.
  11. Go online to http://www.soyodo.com. It is a new Chinese (possibly gov run) book store opening large book stores in the San Gabriel Valley in California. Two stores opened already, one opening and three more planned. The prices are the same as in China just converted to dollars. So you will be surprised by 2-3 dollar prices. The whole site is in Chinese so have your wives check it out. Chinese here (L.A.) think it is government sponsored to keep close relation and stop the drift of loyalty that expatriots experience. Whatever the affiliation or purpose it is the first large scale Chinese book source in the U.S..
  12. At this point since a human to human strain of the avian flu has not developed the severity would be 0. Avian flu has always been around and the current strain that can infect humans with close association with live infected birds is prime on the watch list. The strain has been found last year and this year in the U.S. as well as Asia. Infection rate and death in humans world wide currently is at the bottom of the infectious disease list. A panedemic is even more likely from one of the flu viruses that currently kills thousands every year. The current media hype has been useful in getting additional funds for CDC and developing awareness of the likelihood of a panedemic ocurring within the next decade. Being prepared on a government and public level does reduce damage including deaths. This is evident from the later response to SARS in China and the extremely low death rate from Katrina. Staph. Aureus is much higher on the list as a potential hazard. People are being hospitalized and dying at increasing rates. The bacteria is present everywhere, especially on people's skin. It is mutating at a rapid rate into new forms. As an individual there is little to be done. Protect yourself from a panedemic by washing hands often with an antibacterial soap and gargle with an antibacterial/antiviral mouthwash. Avoid being close to people who are coughing or sneezing. Shower thoroughly with soap and often. Our SOs are right on this one. Follow good hygiene practices. Ultimately the real terrorist war is between macro and micro organisms. Them against us and us against them. Victory will determine the inhabitants of this planet. I wouldn't be surprised if we discover a microbe was the cause for the disappearance of the dinosaur. In H. G. Wells' War of the World the martians were defeated not by us but microbes. So live your lives and get through this horrible process so you can enjoy being together.
  13. Relax, you have done what you can do. Have everything ready to add the Marriage Certificate when it comes and you can once again move to the waiting room. But since this time we all get to wait with our wives it is much better. The 90 day requirement is to marry not to submit paper work.
  14. You rushed it to fast. It takes 2 weeks after entry for her to be entered in the computer by immigration. Until that happens they are right, she is not going to be issued an SSN.
  15. Great news! Best of luck and get busy cleaning. I hope you take easily to being trained. You'll love it , really you will.
  16. Carl this is so good to hear. After all the two of you have been through, soon you will be together. Best Wishes!
  17. Getting books has been a problem. Choices are a bit limited. Yesasia is a good one. She is waiting for a book to arrive. The DVDs arrived faster. Also trying http://www.ChineseBookOnline.com. Expecting the book from them today or monday.
  18. Wonderful news. Best wishes to the both of you. I know there is little that can equal the feeling after waiting so long of actually having her presence in the home. Get ready to rearrange, redecorate and start doing things the correct way no not Chinese but her way! Enjoy!
  19. We must take the blame for men not being able to relieve themselves in the open sewers too. The shame we must bear!
  20. Robert it is nice to know that some good came of this. Now force feed the cat so you can get your form back.
  21. visapro was the one which kept "correcting" dates to 2005. On the app from the USCIS site I think I just typed the wrong date. If she finds out that I set us back 2 weeks I'll be in deeper trouble than Trigg gets in. Will send it back in the morning. With all the documents and other lines with the correct dates couldn't they have just corrected it
  22. Thanks David. Why didn't they say that was the reason rather than the check amount. The fillable form I used online was setting the year as 2005 for everything. I thought I had caught all of it. Well it looks like we are too young to have a marriage license. I've corrected it and will send it out tomorrow.
  23. Today her AOS was returned rejected for improper payment. Did I read the instructions wrong? I sent a check with the application for $395.00. The rejection notice says the application fee is $225.00. Now I know my wife looks young but come on. Do they think GUZ approved K-1 for an under 14 year old? Ok I'm open to suggestions. Any ideas besides the first one I had of storming the office with a machine gun? I'm glad to see in the other thread that the process is going smooth for others in our time frame.
  24. When I travelled in China. Sometimes I would register at the hotels, sometimes she did. If she was staying with me the hotel never asked for my passport to register. If she did not stay with me they insisted on registering my passport. As with most things in China it appears you do what you are told. If no one tells you then don't bother. If the police hear or are interested that a foreigner is in their district they will visit you. Then you can register. Until then, why bother.
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