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Dan R

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Everything posted by Dan R

  1. Yup seems whether you know it is feng shui correct or not people can't resist water displays. Seems everywhere you go these days you see little table fountains for sale.
  2. Not good to have your home at the base of a cliff or on the slope of a steep mountain either. Some of these things are so mysterious. I don't know why it shouldn't be at the base? Not only water. All of the elements should be included in a home so that we stay in harmony with nature. It is the harmony you seek not the symbols. The symbols are to keep you on the path.
  3. Sorry to hear you lost one month of cleaning time B) Congratulations!!!!!!!
  4. I don'y know Paul maybe that's why they keep having all those problems
  5. Interesting list. Although I have a beard I do not have a moustache. So I guess it is good luck Would a broom and a mop be the same?
  6. Congratulations! Now the serius work begins, enjoy it.
  7. I am curious as to whether in your travels in China you have ever seen a building missing the thirteenth floor. It is rather common in the United States especially in hotels. Of course that tradition has been scientifically validated. Do kids in America still avoid stepping on cracks in the sidewalk so they don't break their Mother's back? I wonder where that came from other than that crack and back rhyme. I had a few friends that would hop all around trying to avoid them. One friend missed once and sat down crying afraid to go home and see what she had done to her Mother. So, is Friday the 13th a good day for a wedding? Don't trip on that black cat walking in front of you. But you can avoid it by just stepping under that ladder
  8. So what is 2 years in Hawaii time? Just hang loose. Being on Maui might make her feel island bound. You might go over to Honolulu but that's just a little bigger village. Please keep quiet about yard sales. I am afraid of where I will be if she discovers she can sell me. \000/ Shaka Brudda
  9. From the Encyclopedia; "Superstition is a set of behaviors that may be faith based, or related to magical thinking, whereby the practitioner believes that the future, or the outcome of certain events, can be influenced by certain of his or her behaviors. An example is the belief that it is bad luck to wear gold and silver together. Critics argue that superstition is not based on reason, but instead springs from religious feelings that are misdirected or unenlightened, which leads in some cases to rigor in religious opinions or practice, and in other cases to belief in extraordinary events or in charms, omens, and prognostications. Many superstitions can be prompted by misunderstandings of causality or statistics. Seems to cover about all that is not scientifically proven but may be believed anyway. (Pronunciation Key)su·per·sti·tion Listen: [ spr-stshn ] n. An irrational belief that an object, action, or circumstance not logically related to a course of events influences its outcome. a. A belief, practice, or rite irrationally maintained by ignorance of the laws of nature or by faith in magic or chance. b. A fearful or abject state of mind resulting from such ignorance or irrationality. c. Idolatry. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Middle English supersticion, from Old French superstition, from Latin superstiti, superstitin-, from superstes, superstit-, standing over; see st- in Indo-European roots.] If you look at the definition it appears to be directed to a negative conotation of anything contrary to modern western religous or scientific teachings. Yeh right Randy that is not a supertition. I think that was one of Newton's laws wasn't it? If you hang a thingie in a car or house it will be safe from destruction. In L.A. I see about as many Chinese thingies as Catholic thingies or Dream Catchers. Oh and then there are the real idolators who just hang a crystal from the rear view mirror. Dennis I meant everyone here even the Chinese when I related it to the blind men and the elephant. If you look through the posts our married old timers still have questions and compare notes with each other and disagree on many things except that they are still surprised at times. We gain from their experiences because they have had more time to explore the elephant. We also gain from our female members because they shed light on the female aspects which we males may mistake for being Chinese. Actually isn't Venus further from Mars than China is? I am sure any questions you have will find many ready to comment. Some of the newbies may even have more Asia experience than the Old Timers. But everyone will simply explain in accordance with their own experiences and background. It amazes me at times how diverse that can be. And it doesn't mean anyone is necessarily wrong. If you don't mind, this reminds me of a song that illustrates my point. ARTIST: George and Ira Gershwin TITLE: It Ain't Necessarily So Opera: Porgy & Bess Lyrics and Chords [Porgy and Bess] It ain't necessarily so It ain't necessarily so De things dat yo' liable to read in de Bible It ain't necessarily so / Am D Am D / Am D Am - / D7 Eb7 D7 Eb7 / B7 E7 Am - / Li'l David was small but oh my Li'l David was small but oh my He fought big Goliath who lay down and dieth Li'l David was small but oh my Oh Jonah he lived in de whale Oh Jonah he lived in de whale For he made his home in dat fish's abdomen Oh Jonah he lived in de whale Li'l Moses was found in a stream Li'l Moses was found in a stream He floated on water 'til ole Pharaoh's daughter She fished him she says from that stream It ain't necessarily so It ain't necessarily so Dey tell all you chillun de debble's a villain But 'taint necessarily so To get into Hebben don' snap for a sebben Live clean, don' have no fault Oh I takes dat gospel whenever it's pos'ble But wid a grain of salt / F7 Bb - - / Bm7 E7 A6 A7 / D7 - G G6 / B7sus4 B7 D7 - / Methus'lah lived nine hundred years Methus'lah lived nine hundred years But who calls dat livin' when no gal'll give in To no man what's nine hundred years I'm preachin' dis sermon to show It ain't nessa, ain't nessa Ain't nessa, ain't nessa It ain't necessarily so
  10. Don this isn't pin yin studies! It is pronounciation drills. We need to hear and speaks in tones! When do we get vocal support here so we can practice? Dui Bu Dui
  11. We are all experiencing, learning and discovering. We can help each other with advice but aren't we like the blind men describing the elephant? Each relates his own perception. "The real mystery of life is not a problem to be solved, it is a reality to be experienced." - J.J. Van der Leeuw 1893-1934, Philosopher You have plenty of time later to learn from each other. No one has magic answers. Our benefit is in giving each other support more than anything. While some may regard the silly threads about thingies, sheep, goats and etc. as trivia, it helps pass the months of seperation and anxiety waiting for a pronouncement from GUZ when all you want is to start your life together. Laugh with us and add to the sharing of experiences of dealing with a bureaucratic government process and intercultural relations.
  12. You are marrying someone from another culture with all the history and belief systems that go with it. Watch, listen and learn. You might be amazed at the observations someone outside our culture would make of strange ways and beliefs. There is a Jewish saying; "In every joke is some truth".
  13. Remember that religion was discouraged until recently. Asians view religion differently than westerners. They can accept several without seeing it as a contradiction. There is not the same either this or that involved. Universal truths may come in many forms and explanations. Superstitions are usually easy ways to explain the inexplicable. Westerners seem to have a greater need for things to be defined. As for the superstitions mentioned above, I've heard of all of those from people that have no contact with things Chinese. I guess supersitions are rather common world wide.
  14. American ginseng, vitamins and dietary supplements are big hits in China. A $20 bottle of antioxident formula runs $100 in Chinese pharmacies. This is one time it is cheaper to buy in America. Be sure to put a credit card in a red envelope as a gift for her (the Trigg method)
  15. To Whom it may concern; David is relieved from CFL duty due to severe medical complications from vitamin Z depletion. It is imperetive that he go to China and pick up a life long supply of vitamin Z. Once his balance is restored he can resume his duties. I do not perceive any permanent disabilities as long as he follows his prescription. Dr. Dan R.
  16. Uh-oh, you're in trouble now David. I bet you forgot to get permission for a leave of absence.
  17. You might need to rent an office. It will be difficult giving time to work with her there. Of course you aren't planning to cut down CFL time are you?
  18. Tony is that a way of saying we will miss your posts Don't forget David you promised you wont leave us. Yopu will explain to her tthat she will have to share with the guys at CFL, didn't you
  19. That's the one a friend got in june, Roger. I guess they must have different ones. The appointment notice came a couple weeks later.
  20. Both boards fulfill the needs of their paticipants. That's why we are where we are. Good to get your input homeprincess.
  21. Great comparisson. By the time people get to CFL they have probably discovered that Chinese and Americans have different ways of looking at things and doing things. CFL is an American slant and 001 a Chinese. They both are of value and satisfy different ways of looking at the same issues. Americans want validation and an answer to how you know and let me see that. Just look at most of the threads on CFL. Chinese tend to decide if they trust someone then go with what they say. If it doesn't work or doesn't sound right they then check it out or ask someone more trusted. Different backgrounds satisfied by different methods. To exaggerate this cultural diversity, CFL is mostly male and 001 female. Women's sites tend towards advisory and exchanging stories often that are third or fourth hand while men's sites tend to share where to get information and personal experience. This is not always so but they are trends. So taking the Mars/Venus thing with the Chinese/American thing along with language you can hardly expect both SOs to have their needs met by the samer board.
  22. Ah that brand! 99 Ranch Market in California carries the line. I have the chili oil with peanuts in my kitchen. Couldn't cook without it. My main seasonings are the chili oil (actually red chili flakes soaked in oil) and black vinegar. That makes anything taste Chinese. Stews I make with the Chili Oil and five spice....mmmmmmmm mmmmmmm good!
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