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Dan R

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Everything posted by Dan R

  1. I didn't want to take a chance on a lost, damaged or not returned document so all notarised forms I have in triplicate. The marriage cert here in California is $13/original. I will order triplicate tomorrow. You never know when something will be asked for. I had triplicates of my divorce decree and along the way I only have one left. Now that shouldn't be a problem as I will be showing the marriage cert instead B)
  2. Steve relax, you are trying to make sense out of something the government is doing. And if that isn't an exercise in futility I don't know what is. A friend's SO arrived in L.A. last February. They filed the end of March in L.A. The interview was passed in mid August. Two weeks before getting the interview date they were told they had about a 3 month wait to go. So don't put much stock in what is said. You will know when you get your letter so sit back and relax til your number is called. That said please remind me of this post in about 4 months. Monday I will start preparing the AOS papers. I figure I better have everything ready to mail by the time the expedited certified marriage certs come or
  3. Gas cooking can't be beat for variety of cooking and controlling the heat. The induction cook top changes temp fast, but can't high temp enough to sear and brown properly. Veggies stir fried at lower temps lose their water and then everything boils or steams. It doesn't caramelize which is what gives things the good flavor.
  4. I agree with Jason on this. No need to bash anyone. Besides wasn't it China that held the first Miss Plastic Surgery Beauty Contest? And It isn't the U.S. that promotes Alteration Vacations. Generalizations can be applied anywhere but are rarely accurate and ignore the many varieties of individual found in every country. In fact most comments in CFL about why you picked who you did seem to stress the individual.
  5. Yippppppeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!! Now the training begins BBBBBBUUUUUUWWWWAAAAAHHHHHAAAAHHHAAAA (to quote the Triggster with due credit)
  6. There is no spell check until the Triggitionary first edition is published. Search that! Til then spell anyway you like. You will soon learn no matter how you spell some will understand and some won't. Have you followed any long threads here yet? Ever play the telephone game were you pass a wishpered sentence down a line of people? You soon will I try to keep them on topic but it is a hopeless task.
  7. Cheetos heck! Are you a sheep or a goat man? Just relax and pull up a chair for you have entered the Official Waiting Room of Guz.
  8. As far as passing or being denied I don't think being there is a factor for the decision process. Most seem to feel the decision has been made before hand. The interview is important as it is a last chance for them to detect fraud. They would be more interested in the SO's inability to supply info about you or lack of personal contact. The photo proof of relationship appears the most critical and most often asked for at interview. Go over all of your personal data with her so she can answer the questions confidently. Be sure she can pronounce your name! Read through the experiences of others, have plenty of documentation (phone bills, emails, etc.) You will do fine.
  9. As I posted in another thread a couple days ago, the SSA policy manual is clear that a K-1 can have a SS# for work for the 90 days of the visa. This means getting the number 14 days after arrival should not be a problem. Bring with you another ID such as the birth certificate w/ translation from the P-4. They may ask for something besides passport and I-94. We had no trouble. In fact almost no words were said. I passed the SS5 and passport to the clerk. She put in the info. Asked for another ID. I gave the birth cert and she finished typing, handed us the receipt and said the card would come in two weeks and we can use the receipt for DMV. All finished. A girl in front of us was told to try back in two more weeks because USCIS had not entered her in the computer yet. That is the reason for waiting 14 days from entry to try.
  10. I think someone did one time. R2D2. 159058[/snapback] Haven't seen him around since then, have you?
  11. In our case she arrived with appendicitis and had emergency surgery and 5 days hospital stay. With hind sight I would say get them travelers insurance so they are covered prior to marriage. Most company plans have certain enrollment windows such as within 30 days of marriage. There are several threads on this.
  12. If a few end up at the Holiday Inn or Best Western we can get together to use the spa or pool. Does anyone have a karaoke machine?
  13. Come on down and teach us yourself! (Wow and he even pinned us )
  14. At least you have an interview date Doug. So there is an end in sight. Hey guys did you notice? Don put us in culture. Finally someone recognises California is cultured Besides the yoghurt made from happy cows that is.
  15. Good to have you with us. If you have been checking things out for a while, have you decided which category you're in? Well? Goat or Sheep? Pull up a chair and settle into the Official GUZ Waiting Room. You will have plenty of good company and free advice here.
  16. Ok let's try this again. The long awaited big CFL bash in California is approaching! Who is in? San Luis Obispo on November 12th &13th. The California numbers have been growing since the August schedule got postponed due to tourist rip off summer prices. Also Jason & I decided we would rather be there with our SOs than be odd ones out again like in Portland. Jason already said they are in. I think we can count on at least 10 of us. So start adding your names to the post and let's see how big a hotel we need
  17. A very pious man was caught in his home by the hurricane. He ignored the order to evacuate. The flood waters kept getting higher. He went to the second floor but finally sought refuge on the peak of his roof. While sitting there he said "Lord I pray regularly to you. How could you leave me like this. Shortly a boat came along and the men asked him to get in. He said save others, the Lord will not let me down. After a couple hours and the roof barely above the water a helicopter lowered a ladder to him. He refused to grab on yelling. "I trust in the Lord." As the roof was covered with water the man cries out, "Lord how can you forsake such a devoted believer?" There is a rumble in the sky and he hears a voice "I ordered an evacuation which you ignored. I sent a boat to rescue you which you turned away. Finally I directed the rescue helicopter over your home. I have done everything I could for you and you say I foresook you?" You will get the visa. It will suddenly happen sooner than you anticipate. No matter what happens English proficiency will be valuable to him. I recommend that he do whatever he can to gain those skills. Best wishes for a wonder filled future.
  18. No she did not but the SSA policy manual states K-1 is eligible for work for the 90 days of visa. That policy memo is probably why the stamp stopped being given. I would guess someone at JFK made the decision to continue issuing because so many SS offices don't follow instruction. Remember the visa and I-94 with stamp are also only valid for 90 days then the AOS is needed with EAD to again have the right to work. http://policy.ssa.gov/poms.nsf/lnx/0100203500
  19. I printed the SS5 from the net Tuesday. Filled it out and we went in Wednesday. Took about 25 minutes. 18 waiting for our number to be called. I marked the application for work. They didn't say what the card will indicate. Showed her passport, I-94 and Birth Cert. USCIS had posted her in the computer so no problem. The card comes from MD within two weeks. The receipt is all we need to do the Cali ID next week at DMV.
  20. When did DOS say the interview had been scheduled? I knew more than a week before she received the P-4 that they had scheduled.
  21. Another CFL victory!!!! I don't know what happened to your official CFL Yahoo. There isn't any call in that he was going to be out sick. You know what happens if anyone violates his copyright so it will have to wait. So I expect to see both of you next Wednesday. Keep me posted.
  22. You may want to get certified to teach English as a Second Language (ESL). Check with the Teachers' Colleges near you. Explain your background, experience and education (have your transcripts with you). They might be able to give you credit based on these towards the dgree. That would save you time.
  23. They don't? 157116[/snapback] By the Avatar are you implying Star Trek may not be a factual documentary?
  24. Barey take a deep breath and exhale slowly. It will be ok. By the way did your spider avatar come from the Terry Wright online story, Black Widow? I like those short stories. Now pardon me while I get back into the Way of the Thingie. Sometime today my SO will arrive (don't know when, it is a surprise ). OOOOoooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmm TTTTtttttttthhhhhhhiiiiiinnnnnnggggggggiiiiiieeeeeeeeee Ooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Tttttttttthhhhhhhhiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnggggggggiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeee Oooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Ttttttttthhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnggggggggggiiiiiiieeeeeeeeee
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