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Dan R

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Everything posted by Dan R

  1. You might check rates here. http://www.helpcity.com/coupons/allextra.asp?ct=10260 I haven't been there for many years but it is a simple hotel between the 60 & 10 fwys. The URL above offers 10% off. Call for prices. You should be able to get something in the $50-60 range. Luckily the east side is much cheaper than the west side of L.A.
  2. I don't know about reducing with Oo-Long Tea. I drank it for all the years I have been over weight. It is the tea that used to be referred to as Chinese Restaurant Tea. If I believe the redused fat benefit I guess my weight could have been even worse.
  3. Looks like we are getting a good start on the second 50 page Cali thread. Thanks for the help Don.
  4. Breath........ Relax it is all down hill now.
  5. Congratulations!!! It looks like our timeline on AOS is running one month behind yours. I hope it stays that way.
  6. Definitely Frank is one of the good ones. Always there to help the members.
  7. Change is difficult it would be interesting to speculate if modern China could have evolved if left in the hands of war lords and most Chinese peasant workers. The Nationalists took Taiwan and progressed rapidly. However I doubt that would have happened without the U.S. help in the name of battling Communism. Also the peasants didn't migrate with the Nationalists. They enslaved the Taiwanese who could not even participate in government until recently. The problems of creating a unified nation was left to the Communists on the mainland.
  8. I'll second that MMMmmmmm Jim. Boy does that BBQ look good. I wonder if we can do that in the picnic area.
  9. I downloaded it and will print it out for my wife to read to see if she finds anything useful. Thanks.
  10. then the worst they would do is sieze it for no perscription and they might not even do that.
  11. Shouldn't be a problem as long as they are commercially packaged and sealed. Don't worry about declaring these they go as miscellaneous. The worst that will happen is she won't be able to bring them through. Few bags are searched. If they are not in commercially labeled and sealed packages they will be taken under agricultural prohibition if seen. Also commercially packaged may be seized if it is on a restricted list for FDA or contains narcotics. Don't worry Chinese bring lots of this in their bags and most gets through. It is not a big issue. I was once stopped at Honolulu POE coming from Japan. A friend's Mother asked me to bring her son pickled and dried seaweed she had made. Customs thought it was "weed". The Officer took a pinch and chewed it. He then made a terrible face and yelled This IS SEAWEED!!! Pack up and get out of here. I think he was trying to perk up his day
  12. Local SO's are not required. Only requirement is having read this post. 190976[/snapback] Jim I think they do have a city ordinance that only Laowai with local (Chinese) SOs may walk the streets unaccompanied. Perhaps we should issue stickers to those coming solo that say "My SO is Chinese".
  13. Looks like the Dongbei delegation keeps growing. Maybe we should lobby Don for a seperate Forum devoted to Dongbei issues, food, culture and language.
  14. That is the traditional way of counting it. Also everyone celebrated their birthday on Chinese new year. Thus a person could actually be 2 years old the day after they were born. Today the actual birthday is celebrated and most count the first year one year after birth. Also as I was sternly corrected this Chinese New Year, it is Spring Festival not New Year. I was told Jan 1 was Chinese New Year (just look at the calendar silly). See how easy everything is. That is a new one for me Frank although I know there are certain lucky and unlucky years during ones life based on the age number. These differ for men and women.
  15. Cool, the thread was moved. Don seems to be recognizing tthat California has culture. Either that or he thinks we speak a foreign language. Maybe that's true after having visited OR-E-GUN. Hey do any of the wives miss Chinese scrubs at the bath house? In L.A. Koreatown they have bath houses that scrub til you're red if any want to try.
  16. Hey this is California! Anything is possible here. But it will be interesting to see if we have it before this thread reaches 50 pages. After all we have a rep to protect
  17. Trust me, it could be worse. My SO loves China and is very skeptical about moving to the US and actually wants me to move to Chongqing. Of course, if I married her, I would do definitely have to consider this reality. Consider yourself lucky that your SO is very happy among her people, she loves you and you still enjoy the benefits of living in the USA. I wouldn't worry too much about you turning Chinese, if you're willing to give up everything and move to make her happy, then a little cultural shake-up for the same reason shouldn't be overwhelming. 190366[/snapback] Wow I thought Chonqing was a great city. We even looked at a Garden Condo project near the river. I can understand someone living in the mountain city not wanting to leave. On the other hand when she gets here she won't have to walk up hill or hire a porter to carry things up the hill.
  18. I know how it feels to go days without a response. But reality is that it isn't always possible. What kind of job does she have. In China 10 hour days are the norm. Many jobs run 12-14/6 days per week. Often the only day people can manage anything besides work, cooking, laundry is on the day off.THis would be especially true if she has no internet at home or even has limited Emglish requiring someone else to be also available to translate.
  19. The size and extent of the Chinese communities in California is what makes it different here. Chinese only (or with very basic English skills) jobs are readily available and there is no need to use English for daily life. The market, doctor, auto repair, cell service, insurance agent etc. are all available in Chinese. I have purposely used Chinese speakers for services we need so she can thoroughly understand the difference in services here and in China. This has worked well. In 4.5 months her English has gone up and down with the amount of time she spends with friends. She does want this to be different from living in China so she tries to experience more. gradually she is adapting and not everything in America is "Bu Hao". Still other than me there is little contact with Americans other than going to government office appointments. Luckily (Jason this may apply in your case) her English is about the best of her friends. What this means is they pick her up to help with anything requiring English and ask her to make calls for her. It gives her a feeling of accomplishment and importance which she needs. It also emphasises to her how important knowing both worlds is. It has definitely been a growth experience for both of us in many ways.
  20. Welcome to California. I understand just what you are saying. At least if you get to hang out with them you will learn some Chinese. You have accurately described life in the Chinese communities of California. I hope you can both work out a balance of your needs. Good Luck.
  21. Congratulations!!!!!!! Stay with the date if you can and get the heck out of this process while the gettings good.
  22. We have had trouble trying to get the State ID. We recently applied for the EAD. This will be her ID until the Green Card arrives. The State can keep their ID and we won't go back to them until after the Green Card when she decides to drive. The problem with the passport is it clearly shows her visa expired. This to many people immediately creates the assumption she is illegal. I'll be glad when she has the ID and we don't have to worry about immigration checks to go out of town.
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