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talked to DOS today

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This morning I called DOS. After two hangups, I finally got to speak to someone after a 45 minute wait. I asked about the name check, gave the case #, to which she then relied very abruptly -" Please don't call again for 3-4 weeks." I then asked" Does that mean that her name check has not cleared?" She replied"Obviously!" She then hung up.

If you believe in Karma then I must have sinned greatly in previous lives to have to suffer such jerks.

BTW, in order to be fair, each of the previous two times that I have called the operators were very friendly and even sympathetic.


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I've gotten through to the rude lady in the past as well. Some of the people are decent enough.


It is a little disconcerting that yours has not cleared yet. Clearances had been taking about a month but lately they seem to have slowed down.


I almost wonder if it would be better for us if we had one person call and ask for status on 10 cases and then report back via e-mail rather than having 10 of us wait on hold.

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Sorry you got the rude lady Dave. I know everyone has bad days but these folks should make every effort to be polite after all the wait we have all had to go through. Well, remember what the taped response says. "This conversation may be monitored for quality control" or something like that. Hopefully, someone was monitoring this one. :)

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I have had bad ones too...... One time a lady refuse to check the computer for the info. I requested. I ask her how does she know the info doesn't exist if she didn't check the computer? Her reply was, she work there long enough that she knows everything. I was quite irritated, but not pissed off. I just told her to transfer me another rep. who can help me, so she routed me back to the que again. The next person anwsered my call was very helpful and I was able to get what I wanted. Don't let the bad ones get to you, keep calling!

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Sorry to hear about your experience:(

I am at about the same point in the process. Today my experience was just the opposite: polite! last week: rude but unfortunately still the same result "pending" :o


When calling the IRS or most other government offices the person answering states their name. Not so at the DoS, I suspect the Visa Specialists might have to follow strict security guidelines... but as long as quality is assured everything is fine. :D


Names can not be checked for ever and on that fine day a quick cure of my sarcasm will become necessary.


For now I am slowly chewing on the upbeat message Maura Harty delivered befor e the weekend in Washington; let's hope it robs off on us :lol: .

Images of "Open Doors" conflicting with "Can Opener" :unsure:


Good luck to everyone still waiting!


But wonders do happen: I am so glad and happy for all and every bit of good news: many a couple finally is united, just got married or is about to have interviews! Congratulations to all of them! :lol: :lol: :lol:

I am also very greatful for all the insight from the oldtimers and regulars who contribute!

Everyone here helps and brightens the Candle for Love.

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Just to make sure that they won't be rude to us, should we always ask for their name first?


We just send our P3 in 10 days ago and is hoping that it got to GZ ok. This slowing down business is making me worried just as we thought it was now faster.


Let's keep our hopes up!

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I've gotten through to the rude lady in the past as well.  Some of the people are decent enough.

My experience was: I consistently got the rude lady early in the week (Monday's and Tuesday's) and I consistently got the pleasant lady later in the week (Thursday's and Friday's). When I asked to speak with the pleasant lady on a Monday, I was told she doesn't work on that day.


(:P Please don't gang up on the the pleasant lady. :) )

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To Jerry:


GZ does not request the name check to DOS for at least a month after you mail P3. That means calling DOS will not help. The best way to check is for you or your fiancee (wife) to call GZ consulate during their working hours (2-4pm GZ time). It takes patience but most likely you can talk to a live rep if you persist. I know it is tough to not know if GZ recieved the paperwork. Good luck.



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Since you told me about this website, I have been thinking to write something here, so today to write to you first will be a good start.


I'm sorry that you dealt with that woman, which also upset me.


I think to call later in the week would be a good idea. But if you talk with her again and she is still as rude as this time, to ask her to spell out her name is good too. Luckily we have another nicer woman to talk with.


I doubt that whether there are many such persons working in the department, who dont hold right manners and attitude, and whether this point would influence the speed of processing?




I love you!



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Most of the people I have spoken with at DOS have been polite, and some have been very polite. Whenever I call DOS (or any business) I make a habit of introducing myself in the beginning, and asking for the name of the person to whom I am talking.


Once we have the name of this rude person, and bandy it about a bit in this forum, it is possible she could get an attitude adjustment.

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