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  1. Congratulations!!!!!!!!! Ours, the EAD alone would be truly welcome, is slower than my eventual long overdue update. Daniel and Xiyu
  2. Sorry, looks like we got all the medical info in package 3. On Richard Sun's website (http://www.richsun.com/20020227.html) I see the same confusion documented. And it concludes: "Packet #4 Contents (for K1 Visa only, for K3 Visa only contains Appointment Letter)". This clears things up. Thanks
  3. Xiyu received the interview appointment letter (a white envelope) by regular mail. It contains only one page but states: "Please see the enclosed information for further instruction about the medical examination required for all intending immigrants. Be sure to read all of the enclosed information and follow the instructions very carefully..." But nothing was enclosed! We requested clarification from GZ. Is the missing info available somewhere else? Thanks, Daniel and Xiyu
  4. Great! Finally! Good luck and full speed ahead! So glad to hear all news of movment: forward and off the floor! Daniel
  5. You mean with a heart of gold and sunshine AND wit?
  6. Good for you, Mick and Li: Congratulations, finally! A bit sad and sorry to have to congratulate each other on things working as they should! So glad you're over these problems now and you shared them. PS: Chinadave and Sarah's POE experience (stamped work permit) make me wonder whether to eventually come through New York on Xiyu’s first entry ever?
  7. Argyle, how wonderful! Great, finally! Congratulations! A big bravo and Thanks for your exemplary contribution in working to improve this mess. Good luck and much happiness to you and your love. Daniel and Xiyu
  8. Thank you all for the congratulations and well wishes! I have yet to find a great deal on a return ticket allowing us to fly back home together... BUT Oh boy what a relief just to be able to have that problem! The house (short of being still short for the necessary water softener replacement) is not much of a problem; the weeds in the garden are over abundant B) but even tougher is doing the itemized tax return within the extended deadline. ChicagoMan: we did write and write and tried calling (For a very short while we even wanted to trust the wrong interview date of a nonimmigrant visa petitioner of same or similar name in pinyin). Hope you and all waiting get out of this mess soon! Letter writing campaigns and fighting for media attention are the way to go! Nothing in and by itself might be successful but steady pressure seems absolutely necessary in bureaucratic wonderland! I just came back from Arizona and can not help thinking what the water did in shaping the Grand Canyon. Good luck to all of us! tparrent I do hope you come through the garden state and swing by the southern end. Maybe we can combine a cookout and hungerstrike? Hope to meet with you and many others. Come and check out the state of my garden! No candle for love sculpture out there yet but I burn to get back into working seriously.
  9. Hi all, Finally! Confirmed 8/13/03 Interview This morning Xiyu woke me with the wonderful news of a GZ confirmed interview date! Just such a fantastic feeling! I made earlier plans to be there and now will look for the best way to come back home together! Good luck to all! I wish the bureaucratic floodgates open wide to release people still on hold...and allow a flash flood of clearances for all waiting.
  10. Tom, thanks, glad you got this information. Congratulation: Great you finally can move on! Right, it is information we crave; I called DoS and could not get a confirmed clearance date! 4-6 weeks for "Hawk" appears ridiculous! Fakers I am perplexed as to where the fakers reside! Here or there, everywhere? Motives? How I yearn for improved transparency in this mess!
  11. Thanks, I share you're hope donahso. We still are still "racing" on the merry go round, right? I just saw TimD's idea: It is excellent! Let's address the hopeful candidates, they know their relevant timelines while we have no clue but deserve clarity and accountability.
  12. Hi all, I just returned home from a 12 hour workday with the intention to report that my love wrote to NPR and Asiaweek. Xiyu was waiting on line for me: Looks like we finally got clearance! I will call DoS for confirmation first thing in the morning. KC wrote my wife and not me : Never the less I am very happy but truly belief it once confirmed . The visa delay and the on hold mess unfortunately remains unchanged. I do my best to contribute with what I can do to help out. About tow weeks ago I bought a ticket to be with my family late July, now it might include the interview aside from a badly needed dentist visit. All the best cautiously excited Daniel and Xiyu
  13. The statue of liberty is wonderful . Robhon your morning thought certainly does not appear dumb to me . >>>... yearn to be free? Sure, just a moment the next available... > pending. (97days today) A present from the French with a very interesting History: http://www.americanparknetwork.com/parkinf...ry/liberty.html It can not easily be turned into something else (When I eat fries they’re French not Freedom-fries and I do love freedom) Ideas and ideals need to be fought for. whoever, this might not help you much, but I experienced like many others the very same frustration of an aging petition at GZ. I offered Richard Adams to physically help out in clearing the back-log, of course he never replied. KC from CA did, but it has been months since I heard from her
  14. Great news Dave and Sarah! Congratulations and happy journey! Also best wishes for your trip back! PS: The family pistures almost got me sweating and reminded of my two rolls of film taken at our wedding receptions: they simply disappeared not to be found again. Almost sounds like it could have happened in GZ Of course we still have plenty others, but Xiyu for a long time doubted my packing skills, well she has forgiven me now with so much time gone by Daniel
  15. Argyle, I just reread your draft. It is well balanced and editing down seems unnecessary. Some context simply is necessary, even if this makes it longer than a sound bite "I'm not sure that these extraordinary delays are unintended..." is a question like statement (inviting one to read on), where as a stronger statement would require evidence and proof opening into a quagmire. What do you feel possibly could be left out? How to and whom to address is the question we should discuss. What are others thinking? Suggesting?
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