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Everything posted by oregonknl

  1. Great to hear about Wang Fang's continuing success Trigg! And yeah, the only thing that I think could distract her accademically --- is boys --- and I'm sure when they come around (and you know they will) Daddy Trigg will have is big strong tatooed arm around their skinny little shoulder, slippin' up around the neck a little .... and walk them around the plantation a spel' jus' to let em' know what is expected of a gentl' man in the suthern' tradition.....
  2. Thanks, too John for the post! But thats got me thinkin' .... .... what if all this talk from Trigg about sheep is actually just his spelling for sleep? keeps everyone amused--- how he needs his sheep--- can't go WITHOUT sheep! ....but in fact he's serious!! He needs some serious shut eye!!
  3. Humm... A few caviats on the 62.7% thing .... My impression is that Sina.com has its member base in the big three: Shanghai, Guangzhou, and particularly in the Beijing area.... all perhaps the most cosmopolitan areas of China.... ... Bet if you get in the rural areas ---- (and lets remember: vast majority of Chinese are not yet internet connected -- even to the censored verson) --- the old traditions are alive and well....... just remember how fond and friendly the Chinese can be to your SO and you walking down the street, holding hands .... Anytown PRC~! Having said that, yeah I'll throw my hat in --- I also have heard --- many times in China --- from Chinese women --- what AHs Chinese men can be to their wives..... Chinse men are certainly the most powerful Secret Weapon we Amercan men have at our disposal!! ..... In Fei's case, her first husband was not what I would call a hard act to follow ---- he simply abandoned her, immigrated to Canada, leaving her to decided when, (and how) to divorce...
  4. Mari, You can save the expense of a mult-trip visa (not that cheap anymore) --- if you arrive in HK, vist HK, and then enter China. OR: Fly directly to Guangzhou, use the visa, then exit through HK OR: Do your roundtrip into HK, visit at both ends of the trip in HK and then leave.....
  5. Trigg, we discovered it by accident.... Someone on the elevator pushed 3 but chickened out and got off at 2 .... ....so the door opens on 3, and there is this guy, sitting around in front of a reception desk, reading a porn mag, and looking bored ... who suddenly jumps up with his best: "hi! come-on in! what do you want??? No pause for the now blushing Fei, so I jokingly try to pull her out of the elevator, and get major pistol whipped!! (fortunately, she didn't actually have a pistol....) Guy starts laughing, so do I, while Fei pushes the "close doors" button, and I'm lucky to still have both arms.... BTW Trigg, brothel at the Victory is in the basement ........ as if you didn't know......
  6. In my opinion, White Swan is clearly the way to go, maybe the best in China, certainly the best in Guangzhou.... And it offers that rare opportunity (if booked right on line) to get a genuine 5 star hote for under $100.00 per night... But of course, priorities are different for different times.. This last time (Dec.) Fei and I stayed at the Silver Bay Bailing Hotel --- great views of the Pearl River, totally up dated rooms and baths---lots of marble ... 5 min cab ride to the Consulate, and on the edge of old Guangzhou great walking streets... Draw back is this hotel sees few westerners --- (even to visit the brothel on the 3rd. floor) so the counter staff speak no English, really--- but if you're with your SO, no problem.. Bailing is less expensive than the Victory....
  7. Let me add a little here as a former client... .... Patent law... some interested in law school might already know that the billing here is substantially higher than most areas of legal work, because patent lawyers usually also need another advanced degree in engineering... Fortunately, in the several years I was involved in the most intense part of my relationship with the firm --- litigation --- I wasn't paying the bills, because they took it on a contingency .... But yeah, I got a good look on the inside ---- reviewed EVERYTHING and sat through at least 10 depositions..... knew who was prepared, and who wasn't.... Many times, I as the client, pulled the firm through..... But, also, after the trial, some heads did roll among the associates .... and I'm glad they did..
  8. Yeah, Martin, Seems to be the difference between night and day.... Everyone posting here that came through had an easy experience --- memory serves that Portland Jim had a similar post...
  9. Those of us adopting children in China go through a criminal background check, including the FBI fingerprint database (reguired by China, if memory serves, not US State Dept....) ...... but keep in mind, if you paint this with a broad brush ---- unless there is a minor involved in the K visas ---- this is going to add a huge new burden (and of course, TIME and expense) to the visa process....
  10. Our experience was similar to Michael's in Portland... actually it really doesn't matter what line you get in here, its so layed back.... And the reason for that is that they only have one flight from Asia arriving daily, so its no big deal.... .... you ain't getting arround them in the crowd, because there ain't no crowd.... American citizens pass quickly, and everyone else just sort of hangs around... I went through the citizen's line so I could go round up the copious amouts of Fei's belongings past customs check-in, but then came back in the opposite direction ---- no problem when I explained the situation.... It took slightly longer for Fei, because the Customs officer involved hadn't actually processed a K-1 before, so he had to follow procedure from a book... ... But as Michael says, everyone has smiles, as Portland is ---- as a matter of policy ---- trying to erase an earlier reputation as "DePortland" .... documented in a news series in The Oregonian several years ago which blew open the INS, and lead to a Pulitzer for the reporters involved...
  11. Hey TAZ! Can you please post a translation???! My old MAC won't accept any Chinese language softwear.... Need some help here~!
  12. John, Congradulations to Hai Yan for getting past this hurdle.. . I'm sure I share your concern that this must be about the most emotional time of her life~! Just the interview process is etched into Fei's mind, for life, I think... even without the family complications (and emotions) .... glad she can attend the funeral, but she has alot of ground to cover to get to Hunan and back to Guangzhou by Monday... Great though, that this means some R & R in Hawaii! Think she will definately appreciate it after all this! --- Kim
  13. Yeah, I agree, The problem is not HERS its HIS!! I've know alot of hard times (financially) ---- but what kind of a man can't even scrape enough scratch to buy his wife a bed ~!?? B) .... and what does that say about his true feelings for her?? Anyone else here thinking chattle?
  14. Wow! What a compact time line, she must be filled with emotions! But one step at a time, after the interview, she will certainly be in a better emotional state to deal with her Grandmother's death...
  15. The main train station in Guangzhou is one of the most awesome transportation hubs in China ... what could trully be called the "masses" from all over China passing through in great numbers... I went through there twice this last summer during the heat wave, shimmering, massive wet heat ... looking out to the square in front of the station, perhaps several thousand or more people squatting or seated in lose lines many with what looked like all of their worldly possessions.... The air was so bad that pollution obscured those furthest from the station entrance, lending the feeling that the squatting masses extended endlessly into the smog.... Obviously, a perfect place for preditors... Roger, let me add my relief that Lu Li wasn't seriously hurt! We took the overnight train from Changsha last summer and arrived in GZ early morning, and we could have been perfect targets, since I remember that I didn't have my guard up at that time in the morning!
  16. Glad to have you back, RMark... And thanks for the interesting post! King .. about the dog ... .... during my first visit to GZ in 1997, there was a huge open-air public market just off the island... (gone now) maybe you know of it? Have a great photo of a lean, skinned dog hanging from a meat hook...... ---- Kim
  17. John, Fei and I discussed this at some length... ... she also is from Hunan, but she thinks that there is a more basic custom in play here... --- namely that the Grandmother needs to interred within three days of her death to find peace... That families who prolong the process are disturbed, and more concerned with "earthly" matters... So I think Hai Yan makes the right decision to go to the interview and THEN to the family... since it would be impossible to travel to Hunan, and then back in time for the interview
  18. Hey Xu Lei 601, Very similar here --- Fei has an English teaching credential, and tought at the middle school level up to the late 80's ... She has just recently gotten her work authorization card, and since we are still workin on my new house, hasn't done much serious job searching... The expectation is that her experience in international freight forwarding --- and Chinese multilingual tallents will serve her better than the teaching..
  19. F-in-A Right RMark! Trigg gets alota credit here! And look how many "Marks" he's signed up already ! BUT~! Since the Candle membership (last time I checked) has a total of 927 members named Mark, for all the rest of you Marks out there --- get your signature into Trigg! (even, if your name Isn't Mark!!)
  20. Jenny, Guangzhou is pulling a lot of "otta' left field" questions these days, but what you're talking about seems clearly over the top even for them.... ... Is there any reason why they would doubt your tax documents are authentic copies of the originals?? OF COURSE NOT! That part, at least, will be smooth, and I'm betting the whole thing will be a non-event...
  21. Trigg, that must be one hot wak! She also wear her asbestos gloves when cooking? Be sure to remind her to step back during the flareups! (save them eyebrows!)
  22. Fei and I are having a little disagreement.... She is of the Chinese cooking school which suggests that if you add a little too much salt to a dish, you can compensate by adding more sugar... essentially neutralizing the salt... Anyone from China know about this??
  24. MRMC, Congradulations ~! Suggest you check out NWA.com for airline tickets, they are very competitive right now, and have recently won landing rights at the new Guangzhou International Airport ---- my entrance into China there in Dec. was the easiest ever... So while in Guangzhou, would highly recommend the White Swan ----- MY FAVORATE HOTEL IN ASIA --- should be able to get it for a little less than $100.00 per night... worth the price in my opinion, and hey, you have a lot invested, if you can afford it, why not? (China's best East/West breakfast buffet..)
  25. Sorry, just found this thread.... Trigg, I really don't know that much about the type 2 ---- my Father in Law has it and manages it pretty well ---- 20 years (at least ) our senior ---- BUT HE LIVES IN CHINA!!!! ....not exactly the epicenter of deep - fat fried donuts Yeah, Jim, in my opinion, you were too slim for your size.... In my case, with the diet change since Fei got here in Dec. I have lost 15 lbs.... 195 (her cooking) and she has gained maybe 5 .... 112 (my cooking..)
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