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Everything posted by oregonknl

  1. Interesting poem, Trigg ~ ... if a top aid were to present it to Geo. W to read: "Huh?" But about Dan's situation...... To me, Dan's post reads as if he is Chinese American, or ABC .... and if that is the case, it might make a (cultural) difference how he proceeds ---- there may be more cultural acceptance if he "lays the ground work" for his family in Portland, than if one of us white guys were to up and move to China --- "because we were tired of Portland"... But the whole subject of relocation ----- to Portland in the winter ------ was one that I discussed with Fei many times (and documented last January's protracted ice storm extensively) ----- doing what I could to prepare her for it ----- and always asking if this was going to be ok... She said then that she was, and so far, at least ---- she still is!
  2. Yeah, have to take issue with that young Southern lad -- JP, Any state that went rebel against the Union can hardly be called "Mid-Atlantic" ...which I, reserve for those that officially, at least, supported the Union... I mean, come on! "The Old Dominion??? --- Richmond ~ Capital of the rebel cause?!?! ... come on........
  3. Alex, trully hope you can resove this on American soil in China! (the Consulate) GOOD LUCK!
  4. Yeah, well, see ---- while Trigg was away--- I PAST EM' ~!!!! ...and now I've got a comfortable lead ~!!
  5. This issue came up about 5 months ago.... I also had heard that the I-134 was supposed to be included in the sealed envelope at the time of the medical exam.... And several members here on the Candle confirmed that this was done in their case..... But it is done either by tradition or as a convience ------ it is not a requirement..... I hand carried the I-134 from America and gave it to Fei the night before the interview --- and told her not to produce it unless asked (along with my passport) ---- sure enough, both were requested during the interview... But no problem...
  6. Yeah JP, B O' A has to be better than that Wasatch Mt. bank you're dealin' with... I think banking must be much more competitive oout here in the west --- I can't imagine any western bank giving you the BS run around you got...
  7. Hey JP, I doubt you are in much trouble about this for Jun's inteview... Because of the nature of my work, my I-134 was heavily dependent on my assets, and I had no problem... I doubt that even the most stickler of a VO (and yes, Fei pulled one, and yes he did examine my I-134 closely) is going to care much about deposits .... they just look at the bottom line for very specific numbers that indicate you meet the law about support.. For instance, in my case, I bank at Washington Mutual, and Ing Direct --- both institutions are happy to prepare the letter for free, and I sat down with the branch manager at WM --- he asked me if I wanted a full printout of deposits and charges, and I told him just give me the last six months total deposits, (one figure) and total charges (one figure) --- and current ballence..... The VO was fine with that breakdown.. I do agree with Frank, this isn't something you need to get worked up about since you have your Father's support ---- this is one area, I think that if you simply satisfy the asset requirements of the law, then the VO is going to be ok with it... (maybe one of the few areas were the sand isn't shifting under us all the time... )
  8. Alex, I have been here since April of this.... NO, NO! April of LAST year ! .... and in that time, I can honestly say the vast majority of Candle members (eventually) prevail! Many here are rooting for you too!! --- Kim
  9. Taz, Amber .... I don't know if there is statistical evidence to support the theory (broadly --- as an American cultural phenomenon) --- that American men feel threatened by American women..... And that those of us here are seeking Chinese brides (presumed submissive) as a reaction --- --- but I will say, if you were to pick a sample group of men that had poor relationships with American women, you probably could not pick a group with a higher percentage than here at the Candle... And I'm willing to admit some of that myself... I think most of us: (the men) are coming from broken relationships that have left us rather cynical.. In my case, my ex is one of the most manipultive people I have ever met --- trully treacherous --- but I have also written here in the past about a Chinese woman (quite similar as it turned out!) who I met briefly in Beijing.... Did these experiences it convince me that all women are "bitches" ---of course not!! Yes, I chose to search in China --- (as the father of two Chinese girls) ---- and now I just count my lucky stars that (finally) Fei and I came together! --- Kim
  10. Unfortunately, as Moon Carol suggests... The process to obtain a K-visa is constantly evolving to stay ahead of visa fraud. My Fei just got her k-1, but it was hardly a slam-dunk, even though I have visited many times.. A problem with a "one visit" application is that it places your SO squarely in the profile of recent visa fraud --- this has been well documented here, because it was reported widely in the press ---- a Chinese national in Washington DC who was finding American men (at fast food restaurants), sending them to China to be with a "fiancee" and "meet the family" --- and thus create a photo and travel document that was quite good for supporting a K-visa.. Since that scam was discovered, I think (and this was supported in Fei's interview) that Guangzhou is relying much less on the family photos, and more on other evidence --- such as entrance and exit stamps in passports... and other forms of evidence, known only to the VO... Personaly, I would highly recommend multiple trips --- and I would also suggest that if you only have one trip, you should be there there for the interview, and be prepared to take the time to answer a blue slip!
  11. Missingher, Don't worry ~! Like you said, since you found this site, you are MUCH better prepared than most applicants in China !! I'll bet you do fine! Be confident in your truthful answers, its easy: just tell the truth, and don't let the VO shake your confidence! You are going to do great!
  12. Yeah, John, if I recall though, wasn't last month the same? A few before the weekend, and then the door opened big time the next week?
  13. lele, any idea about how much longer the train trip is from Beijing to ChongQing vs. Guangzhou to ChongQing? --- It looks like its about a third further.... I always sleep like a lamb on a hard bed, but never get any sleep at all on a hot seat train... matter of preference, I guess.... Also GR --- a quick check at Travelosity suggests that airfare from Guangzhou to ChongQing will be substantially less than from Beijing, if you chose to go by domestic air...
  14. Yeah, I've got the right place too.... Anyway you figure this its a looooong trip... So you have several distinct options to consider.... Fly to Beijing or Guangzhou, and catch a domestic flight to ChongQing ... (Chengdu involves backtracking....) perhaps a bus from ChongQing to Luzhou if there is no train... Or, as Fei assures me ---- there is train service from Guangzhou to ChongQing --- long but cheap --- and if you book a hard bed train, you can probably sleep for a substantial portion of the trip... Your SO should be able to weigh the domestic part of the travel for you ----- price and time ----- surface transportation from Beijing vs. surface transportation from Guangzhou...
  15. Woooow ~! We may have a miscommunication going on here! ... the Luzhou I'm refering to is SW from ChongQing, and much longer than a 3 hour bus ride from Yangshuo......
  16. Check out flights on NWA.com (Northwest airlines just won several routes directly to China, and is offering introductory discounts) Check either CAN or HKG ... If its Hong Kong, take the train to GZ .... subway to the main GZ train station.... If its Canton, no problem ~! Book a hard bed ---- NOT A SEAT ---- this trip will be much too long for that!!! Still, it will be cheap. Probably will have to connect to Luzho through ChongQing...
  17. Yeah MCC ..... Fei has been experiencing "sticker shock" on everything in the two weeks she has been here ---- fresh choy sum in the local Chinese market about 12 times the price 48 hours earlier in Guangzhou..... Spending a lot of time looking at the grocery ads, and just shaking her head... Then the other day: "OOOOHHHHH GOOD PRICE on Hagen Daaz~!!!"
  18. Congradulations Phil and Ningning ~! Glad to see that GZ has (still) run out of excuses not to issue p-4's !! Lets hope for an "excuseless" 2005 ~!!
  19. The magnitude of this event is horrible, but I doubt it will equal to the loss of life of many other lesser earhquakes.. Fei reminded me that the 1976 earthquake that was centered under Tangshan cost more than 200,000 lives in China, but was not widely reported, of course, because China was still closed...
  20. I'm sure most know about the earthquake and perhaps, even worse the tsunami that swept across the bay of Bengal to India and Sri Lanka... Apparently, its one of the great earthquakes of the last 100 years ... anyone have personal experience of the places or people affected? Fei and I were in Thailand, in Feb. but on an Island in the Gulf of Thailand, I would be surprised if that area was greatly impacked... Apparently the Pukett area on the west side was hit fairly hard --- with loss of life... guess we will just have to wait to fully understand the magnitude of this human loss...
  21. Yeah, I didn't see the whole post (s) "Americans talk about "family values", go to Asia, "family values " rule. Anyone think there may be some truth to this?? Is it valid enough to be a discussion point? And pardon me, but having been raised in very much of a liberal and "feminist" household, I also saw quite a bit of my mother (and now my adult sister) taking some very "in your face" attitudes towards men --- and reading Chinese history even recent Chinese history --- which included perhaps the most politically powerful woman in the 20th. Century (May-Ling Soong) --- it would have been anathema for a Chinese woman to rise to power by typically "western feminist" means... Anyone else see any validity here??? Interesting to note that some of my (former) "Liberal" friends have disowned me -- (partly due to the constant carping to them about me by my ex-wife): Citing the classic western position: "Fei must be a victim... She is escaping ecconomic hardship" ... this about a divorced, College educated Chinese woman who speaks four languages..... poor dear, must not know her own mind.....
  22. John's experience with US currency is similar to mine! In fact, I have had genuine US C-notes rejected at one bank! I have also had problems passing smaller denominations --- many in China don't have much experience with smaller US money, and arn't going to risk taking something they haven't seen before. In the bank case, I'm guessing that the teller must have been burned and didn't want the responsibilty... Yeah, traveler's checks are sort of a hassle; mostly waiting for the snail pace Bank of China; but they are safe, and they are negocilble (at the Bank of China)..
  23. "Making negitive generalizations about large heterogenous groups of people doesn't accomplish anything..." Louisa ---- who are you calling heterogenous?? Isn't that a value judgement? Are there NO broad distinctions that can be surmised as being valid between western and Chinese people? No cultural comparisons that can be validly made? Arn't we all about celebrating differences of two cultures on this web site?? How can we do that if we can't identify (or at least discuss) them??? And if so, why would anyone waste time in the Social Sciences??? Can't we discuss some of these aspects without becoming personally offended? I didn't see any personal attacks in pkfop's posts, quite the contrary, much too broad of a brush stroke, in my opinion, but perhaps a vaild starting point for discussion? Tony saw something that rang true in the initial post ----and that is from the perspective (I think) of an ABC man, returned to China --- observing "from both sides now"
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