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Everything posted by Trigg

  1. It would have been a good idea before we obtained signatures. Now it is too late to make any changes as some have already signed the letter. OK, time for my daily begging session. Several haven't sent their sig page. Ya'll, this in no way benifits me or any of the othere old timers that signed. It only benifits those who are or will be waiting. We have had 1000+ looks at this letter and only slightly over 20 signatures this far. How will the system ever change if we don't unite to implement such change??? What are you waiting for??? Let's do this thing!!!!!!!!!!!! PULEASEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Send Trigg to Washington? Great idea. Preferably the oval office. Seriously it aint a bad idea. Trigg wanna make a trip to DC and bang on a few doors? You have the gift of gab and the personality to make it work. 100 signatures and I'm there.
  3. Yea John, we get 100 and I'll fly to her office in DC and deliver it in person---with a big grin on my tired old face.
  4. Yea James-all the other stuff is for the Interview. !-230 part one i think-I-169 and maybe a supplemental sheet thingy is for the p3.
  5. These are the signatures that came in today mail. looks like a total of 19 so far with more on the way. Don H. John B. Roger B. Doug E. Barry M. Paul B. Robert S. James W. Mark M. James T. For sure the Marks are well represented and Six of the california group chimed in today. As always the Oregon bunch had a good showing. SOOOOooo What happened to the southern contigency??? Hey my fellow southern gents, PUT DOWN THAT ROADKILL long enough to send me a signanture page. C'mon guys, the race doesn't start 'till sunday. Have your sister write it if you have to. Nothin' to worry 'bout-spellin' and grammer don't count for squat. 19 isn't enough, if we are going to have an impact and possibly open a dialogue with Ms. Harty, we will need to double this!!1
  6. These are the signatures that came in today mail. looks like a total of 19 so far with more on the way. Don H. John B. Roger B. Doug E. Barry M. Paul B. Robert S. James W. Mark M. James T.
  7. Woamen need Sheetos. It's an estrogen thing.
  8. READ ONLY PLEASE DO NOT POST IN THIS THREAD This is the final draft of the letter. I have incuded a sample siganture page written by John. It is short and concise. I am putting this in a seperate thread as some CFL members have said that the original sample signature page and letter is becoming difficlut to find. If you wish to sign please send your Signature page to me. C. Trigg Minnick PO box 143 White House TN 37188 _______________________________________________________ Dear Ms. Harty: We are writing to you as members of “Candle For Love” a growing online community of nearly 2,000 law abiding, taxpaying U.S. Citizens. We are joined together by the common bond of a lengthy and unpredictable wait to receive immigrant visas for our spouses, fiancé(e)s and children. The purpose of this letter is to address a few of the current immigrant visa processing issues at the American Consulate in Guangzhou. These issues have caused, what we feel are unnecessary hardships for our loved ones and us. We ask that you take a moment to read our honest and concise assessment of the current situation and of some problems that exist. We ask that you consider possible solutions. 1) Wait Times for K1 & K3 Visas: The wait time for the K-1 Fiancé(e) visa and K3 Spouse visa, being processed at the U.S. consulate in Guangzhou, is the longest in the world. Our members wait an average of 13-months without a good reason or an understanding as to why it takes so long. We would deeply appreciate your help in investigating, why this particular consulate has such long delays. Perhaps you can better help us to understand this situation, especially when considering K type visas processed in most U.S. consulates around the world are completed significantly faster than those processed at the U.S. consulate in Guangzhou. China has the world’s largest population. Isn’t it time that a country of this size and importance has more than one consulate to handle immigrant visas? There are countries of smaller populations and less immigrant demand, which utilize multiple U.S. consulates for this purpose. Recently, some of our members have had the pleasure of hearing you speak in Beijing about the improvements in handling student and business visas from China. Typically, over 180,000 student visas per year are processed and issued in a matter of days or weeks. We are sure that you would consider the petitions of U.S. citizens for their loved ones, to be at least of equal priority as those from Chinese citizens. 2) Denials without appeal: In our opinion, many of our member’s spouses and fiancé(e)s are being denied visas for no apparent reason. After the denial, the U.S. citizen is not permitted an opportunity to consult with a member of the IV Unit to help resolve the issues related to the denials. The specific reason for the denial is often unstated and unknown. Your help in resolving this communication deficit would be greatly appreciated. 3) White Slips changed to Blue Slips: There are a growing number of cases where white acceptance slips are being given to the wife or fiancé(e) of a U.S. Citizen upon completion of the interview. When they return the next day to pick up their visa, they instead receive a blue rejection slip and no visa. This is done without explanation or consultation. This is very confusing to all of us in the “Candle For Love” online visa community. We would like to give our support to your visa officers. This becomes increasingly difficult however, when they overrule themselves with no apparent or stated reason. In our opinion, this reflects negatively on the consulate staff. Again these cases directly affect the lives and futures of US Citizens and their loved ones. The above listed items are simply a few of the issues we wish to bring to your attention at this time. We ask for no special treatment. We ask only for the same and equal consideration, care and service, that anyone requesting a visa in China would and should expect. As the U.S. consulate in China is considered to be U.S. soil, we ask that everyone who enters be treated with the basic human rights of dignity, respect, and non-discrimination that is fundamental to our way of life. We appreciate you taking time out of your busy schedule to read about our concerns. Collectively, our members have a wealth of information about the family visa process and how it interfaces with the U.S. consulate at Guangzhou. If there is anything that we can do to assist you in your monumental task, please feel free to contact us at any time. Respectfully, The Members of “Candle For Love.” _______________________________________________________ SAMPLE SIGNATURE PAGE March 16, 2005 Dear Ms Harty, On March 24, 2005 my fianc¨¦e will have her interview for a visa at the U.S. consulate at Guangzhou. From start to finish it has taken 9 months and 9 days to obtain the visa. Although I believe this process has taken far to long, our timeline has been shorter than most others. I am including my signature as an endorsement to the letter being sent to you by C. Trigg Minnick. I do this with hopes that those who follow in my path will have an easier and faster process in obtaining a visa for their Chinese fianc¨¦(e) or spouse. Sincerely, _________________________________________________________________ PLEASE READ ONLY-DO NOT POST IN THIS THREAD Don, can you pin this as a read only thread so that others can more easily find it????
  9. WaaaaaaHoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Good letter John-concise-to the point!!!! I should have used it as a sample.
  11. WU takes a fee to change to RMB. YourSO cab get a better rate so specify you want it recieved in USD.
  12. Correct PJ. Just give them the name of the person recieving it and city--the money can be picked up at any western union. They often change the name and get it backwards. If this happens you can call WU and fix it--no problem.
  13. WU is 14$ but not if you use the online service. Then it is VERY expensive-cloase to 10%
  14. First might I suggest some Crown Royal and a valium????? As for cert copy of passport--not neccessary. If you are going to be there have her carry your passport into the cosnuate with her and place it on top of all her papers.Then they will know you are outside waiting. As for plane reservations --of course they will make them. thbere have been rumopurs that you need visa in hand to buy a plane ticket--NOT TRUE. However, you may want to wait to be sure she gets the visa or at least ne sure you can change the reseervations . Hotel??? good question. I like the victory hotel but there are many options.
  15. Heckifino Dan but therre are several of the SOs who don't have a bank account. My wife had never had one until she came to the US.
  16. The way it is supposed to work is you send it Western union and she can pick it up at ANY western union outlet. you don't send to a particular Western union. My so and her family have picked it up at several stations in china.
  17. These are the signatures I recieved have so far -Mark E. -Mark R. -Mark S. -Kim L. -Eric P. -Edward K. -Jim T. -Carl E. -Trigg I expect another batch in Thursdays mail. We are still far from the fifty we wanted and time is running out.
  18. Thanks Don, your endoesment is a very important one. I'll be watching for your letter. Trigg
  19. Not to worry Trevor, the abbreviated cover letter that john was so kind to write is a brief description of the longer version. HEY EVERYONE--Let's get the signature pages in before it's too late!!! why do I sound so much like i'm MCing a fund raiser?????
  20. I hate to hear about the sober thing but CONGRATS!!!!!!
  21. Great---good luck man!!!!! HEY!!! Thats next week---get to cleanin'
  22. Ok, it is crunch time. Only around 20 have PMed or emailed me saying they are sending a signature page. THIS IS NOT ENOUGH!!!!!!!! It's campaign time. Email, PM, phone or vsit the CFL member nearest you. Let's get cookin' and make sure everyone who wants to sign is aware of this and has/will send there signature page. Let's get this thing done-I ain't gettin' any younger!!!!!!!!!!!!
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