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Everything posted by Trigg

  1. WAAAAAAHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Welcome you our world--and you were worried!!! (you have been officialy wahooed by CFL's official wahooer)
  2. Trigg started it 155449[/snapback] Point here!! Note my post to Ed. Succinct, descriptive-answered his question as it was asked. I represented the Candle :candle: and the all knowing Don in a manner deserving of such greatness. Soon, very soon, i will be opening my "Trigg's school of on line etiquette" school. You are invited to the grand opening.. (nominal fees apply)
  3. I made mine out to UCIS --over a year ago. If you get too confused send them to me. i'll hook you up!
  4. MMMMMMMMMMMM I dunno guys. I'm pretty sure it is a government trick of some kind. Who do they think they are messing with?? Do they think they can fool the great minds of the Candle just by doing something on time for a change? yuppers, it's a trick alrighty--now if we can all think of a way to get them to keep fooling us!!!! congrats man--can you say CLOSURE????
  5. If she has a valid passport so much the better. Saves you one step. The chinese gov wont be looking at her passport. she will need to bring it to the interview to get her visa put into it. As long as it is not near expiration date. I'm not sure but i think a chinese pasport is good for 5 years. There may be an outside chance that the VO doing the interview would want to know why she got a passport back then--not much of a problem is she has an answer.
  6. I think addressing the consulate in that manner would be just fine. Explain the situation and try to avoid too much detail. State the facts as you know them and get to the point. Look for obvious grammar and spelling errors and avoid advice from Trigg. 1. Put the date at the top center of the letter 2. On the left margin put your name and address 3. On the left margin below that put the address and division your sending 4. Below that add a line with the Heading: "Regarding" or "Subject" 155315[/snapback] When ya git all that did i'll hep ya wif the grammer and speling. Heed Frank for he is wise--This sounds like an overcome issue. What they likley want is more evidence of any kind that they had a continuing relationship. Receipts that prove he had an international phone card--affidavits from those who witnessed calls--emails-snail mail's-etc... the great GUz does not always say what they mean but an all out denial would likely been sent back to the USA for "administrative processing" or whatever catch phrase they use. If it were an out and out denial they would certainly cover their beurocratic hineys a lot better than stating 'not enough phone calls'
  7. Trigg

    she sounds SCARY

    Ahh, I see you are in tune to the subtle yet ubiquitous differences between overt and covert mopslappings. Most only realize this after it is too late and drain bamage has occurred But I digress wildy off topic!
  8. That's fine Trigg, I understand that, and it's good that others see it. I am only saying that regardless our personal views that each and every one make an attempt to keep things on a positive note. Bashing a government, people, or culture does little if anything to help what went wrong to begin with. Each and every country of the world has crap in the closet. 155301[/snapback] Gotcha Jesse. Occasionally in the interest of keeping peace I withhold my personal feelings--not often, but occasionally. When it pertains to one country aggressing on another--the best that I would be able to say about that country would be bashing it. Every country mentioned has done just that and I cannot remember any of them saying --oops sorry 'bout that. Human nature my friend. To apologize means admitting a wrongful mistake--not many really want to do that.--OK, sorry I interrupted this thread!
  9. Trigg

    she sounds SCARY

    One thing is for SURE David. You are an example here of one person that got into the details of visa-related topics. Your posts and research illustrate that with clarity. ....after all your preparations and study before your interview, I sensed that you felt that you may have over-prepared. Can't say for sure that's the case cuz only you know that. In any event I'm an obsessive sort when it comes to details. If I tried sharing all the details I learn with my SO I would surely be mopslapped! Again David, congratulations on your success, which indeed is quite meaninful.... 155290[/snapback] Jesse, your commented on being mop slapped. Surely you don't imply this is a bad thing do you??? Am I sensing a cultural bias toward a good ole mop slapping?? Are we being politically correct when we refer to the tool (mop) of the slapping?? will this prejudice the next person who read this?? All very sensitive and important issues that need the PC committee to hold a hearing and eventually decide about the frivolity of it all. Carry on.
  10. Is it as bad as they say?? NOPE!! will you believe it isn't so bad?? NOPE! Should you worry about being able to get the visa? NOPE! Will you worry about it?? YUP!! will you laugh at yourself after it is all over?? Well hell, why ask me? I only know that the rest of us worried until we puked and now we are laughing at ourselves. It's a tedious process but eventually it ends. Pay close attention to what those that have been through it say--double check to be sure they are correct. Then pull up a chair, get you some Cheeto's and hang around for a while. Most of all--CHILL OUT DUDE--we'll get ya their!
  11. We are ALL different here, unique with our own personalities and perceptions of the events that take place on this planet. First, let me be sure to extend an apology to tywy_99. The use of the violin was NOT intended to minimize the cost of these events. The members of this site are a diverse people with a wide array of opinions. I quickly sensed the passion in this post and think it quite appropriate for the site. I noticed the thread becoming laced with negative thoughts about the Japanese and American governments. We all have passion when it comes to the fair treatment of those we love. While the events expressed in this post surpasse being regrettable, it certainly has taken an unfavorable turn toward US and Japan bashing. That is the ONLY reason that I suggest it be moved. 155229[/snapback] Understood Jesse but this is a topic that, while emotion evoking, is of interest to us all. Moving it to the padded cell will limit the views it gets and would insure that it goes off topic. For now I think it is best left where it is.
  12. Hey man!! I'm a DAV also-but a bit older than you. Do what Dr Lee said and remember that if lawyers didn't try to push the panic button, nobody would hire them--Good luck and welcome. Trigg
  13. There are several that are more knowledgable tham me on this situation but I think what you are talking about doing is what is call DCF-direct consulate filing. The way I understand it this is faster and HK is faster than GZ.
  14. WAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!! "bout time long--now get her here an take your beatin'! (you have been wahoooed by the only oficial CFL Wahooer)
  15. WAAAAAHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! congrats and welcome to our world!! (you have been wahoooed by the only official CFL wahoooer)
  16. From everything I have read, heard, seen and imagined, your chance of getting a B2 visa while waiting for her K3 or CR1--is maybe one in a few billion. It ain't gonna happen. There are some who say that applying for one may be detremental to your up coming interview. Remember, the main thing in obtaining a B2 visa is proving strong ties to China--a person waiting for an ,as of yet, unaproved visa to migrate to the USA has proven no ties to China-quite the opposite. Sorry, your gonna have to wait it out. Oh, I'm going to delete the duplicate post in the culture and lanuage forum
  17. Ryan, From the latest I-485 on USCIS web site, go to page 3 on the 485 instructions, bottom of page on left side: Attach a copy of the fiancé(e) petition approval notice, a copy of your marriage certificate and your Form 1-94. 155115[/snapback] yep, you guys are right.... i just thought that "technically" the condition just before the explicit K-1 condition also applies as well, and that condition doesn't require the marriage cert... anyway, i see it now. thanks. 155121[/snapback] Hey!!! Lee got one right!! Waahhhhhhhooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!! B) this wahoooo was brought to you by theoficial CFL wahoooer.
  18. Huh???? Spitting is gonna be an olympic event??
  19. I never sent photos of me but did send the required visa photos of her. A photo of you two together may be asked for at the interview. You will need a copy of your marriage certificate-you can't adjust status until you are married and they ain't gonna take your word for it. The I-129f approval is the NOA2 you got from the service center--it has nothing to do with the marriage cert. but they need it anyway. We used wifey's new name on all AOS and EAd documents--I only sent a marriage cert with the I-485.
  20. Can't we all just get along? let's keep this on topic. It is in the appropriate place and is an interesting topic that could be discussed and maybe enlightening.
  21. I don't see any reason to move it--YET!
  22. Well, the way i figure it, my wife pushes me around at home and sometimes spits at me. If it's good enough for my household then it's good enough for China!! Just be thankful they dont carry mops around in crowded palces.
  23. I was ordered, I mean told the same 154989[/snapback] Hmmmmm, wonder why Mop Ling never gave me that order-er suggestion??
  24. I think it still plays in i.e doesn't t--then there is a view?? What Frank said--tencent. thats where my stepdaughter loaded it from. If you still have probs When I get home from SHOPPING i'll have my stepdaughter see if she can find the exe thingy.
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