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Everything posted by Trigg

  1. That's a good point Trigg, and I considered that may occur, but you must remember that when any Visa petion is denied that the petitioner is provided an explanation and the ability, if any to overcome. You will find Visa petitions denied everyday for a beneficiary that had a problem from the list that Frank left i.e., prior arrest etc. That beneficiary is given the option of filing the I-601 for the purpose of presenting overcome evidence. No such document or form exists for the petioner. 156461[/snapback] Then perhaps the only qualification for the petitioner is that he is single, a USC and can support his SO. Maybe our government really doesn't think past criminal activities indicate a potential visa fraud situation and maybe--just maybe-they don't give a hoot about the non-USC!! So then the only one that really needs qualify is the foriegn SO an not the one who already lives here. Whatcha think??
  2. I'm just guessing but IF they do a background check on the USC, they will do it BEFORE it gets past NVC. If the petition is denied at this point it may not be showing up on some of the stats. For example, Frank checked stats on visa denied and then appealed. Serious criminals may not appeal it and if it is NOT approved in an early stage it may not even be considered a valid pettition thus skewing the stats. This is just all conjucture on my part--but hell, maybe! Then again it may be much like any marriage--there are no checks. The exception here is that the SO is from another country and Immigrating. Why check the USC as he is already a citizen and his marriage would not make him more of a danger/burden on the USA regardless of his background. Also, our gov doen't feel as though it is their job to protect the Chinese SO.
  3. The ten day thing is so your paperwork at poe can get into the system. After you apply for SSN they have to confirm you on the DHS computer through DHS. If they can't do this you go home and wait for them to do it again.
  4. You may want to print out the references Frank gives and take them with you. The SSA is as bad as he indicates-maybe worse. It took me 11 months to get my wifes SSN because someone screwed up, lost the application and then would not let me reapply because " It isn't lost, we just don't know where it is" It took my congressman and finding out that I used to coach with her boss to get it straightened out--and ultimately get her terminated. Good luck!
  5. Actually the K1 visa does authorize her to work but only for like 75 days. Run don't walk to the nearest SSA office as the K1 is only good for 90 days after she gets to the US and after around 75 days they will not give her a SSN. If you don't like what SSA tells you--go to a different office-it has worked for several!
  6. I'll do whatever it takes and a little more. I'd kinda like to hear from Alex and see what steps he would like us to take both collectivley and as individuals!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Actualy Carl make that closer to 3,000. I did a little fund raising after we all did. She emails form time to time and at last report is still in the USA and her and her daughter are doing well.
  9. Ya, I took my Vac supplement tot he interview in a sealed envelope. They never mentioned it and neither did I. I still have it at home--still in the sealed envelope!!!!
  10. I doubt that this will matter James. They are looking at you and your wifes relationship--not her and her daughters. howefver, IF she is asked and all else fails--the truth seems to work ok.
  11. Thanks Trigg, I was about to get the scissors tonight to open it up. Glad I asked before. Well, I asked the secretary again today if we could get a copy of it, but her response was that the government will mail us a copy of the original I693 and I693 Supplemental form. Guess will have to bring the sealed envelope to the Civil Surgeon's office and have them open it and provide us with a copy of it because they claim they don't have a copy of it now. 156169[/snapback] Thats funny!! They may not have a copy of the excact thing but they indeed have records of all the shots and the results. They are bound by law to share your med records with you with the exception of 'certain psychiatric' items. I think it is the 1975 Buckley amendment--not 100% sure
  12. I'm not sure what "security check"means But I'm sure that it being sent back to gZ to be finished processing means she's gonna be here soon. Sounds like good news Carl!!!!!!!
  13. The great debate begins. Feb.06 = February 6th? Feb.06 = February, 2006? Where are my Trigg-o-metric tables? 156165[/snapback] Ok, i'll give that to you---but you said 5 months from p3 to interview. If your given all of feb--and it only takes 5 months--then he has 8 days to get the p3 and send it back--you a wagerin' man??
  14. OK Frank--who took your calculator?? five months from september 22 comes out to be february 22. I could be wrong but I'm thinking that is after feb 6th. If GZ speeds up like some think--he MAY squeak it in???
  15. NO-DO NOT OPEN THE ENVELOPE. The civil surgeon will give you a copy--he has to by law. I did not send a letter of employment????? I sent a photo copy but brought an original to the interview just in case. After you finish with the paperwork you will find that it isn't that bad. It talks about doing an I-130--DON't
  16. Let me add a qualifier to this. If the time between the original and the booster have expired--e.g, 90 days, the civil surgeon will most likley require them to bring the Vac. Supplement up to date
  17. There ia an outside chance at feb 6th--but not likley unless they speed up as some anticipate. Most im[ortant thing now is fill out the three forms (mentioned above0 ASAP and get them back to GUZ. Someone can tell you were to go online to see the forms so you are ready when you ge them. After you send them to GUZ sttart getting the rest of the materials that will be mentioned in the p3.
  18. No, shots aren't required to come to the USA. However, they are required for the AOS. So, have her get her shot record tranlated into English--many Hospitals do this. then when she sees the Civil surgeon in the US he will know what shots she has had.
  19. WAAAHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Naw, wahooer isn't tired yet. Congrats!!!!!!!!! (this wahoo has been an oficial CFL sanctianed wahoo. Any other wahooo are in clear violation of copyrights laws. amy fraudulant wahoooers will be prosicuted)
  20. Go on--get on outa here already!! Sooooo, whatcha gonna be doing for the first few hours afte you get there??? Hmmm, tell us--c'mon you can tell us--we can keep a secret--Honest we can I'll be waiting with a Wahoooooo for you.
  21. Wahooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!! Can you say "CLOSURE"? Congrats Tom. (this Wahooo was given to you by the official CFL wahooer)
  22. If I were you i'd be very concerned. Even my wife only brought a mop--and it didn't have any blood on it!! The best you can hope for is that it was to be used to skin the squirrels!!! Welcome to our world!!!
  23. WAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It appears that they confused an RFE for administrative processing. All's well that ends.
  24. YAa!! I keep coming back in hopes of curing some of them!!!!
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