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Everything posted by Trigg

  1. wifeey says bu keqi--means you are very welcome.
  2. http://candleforlove.com/forums/index.php?...ic=8653&hl=jany 173671[/snapback] If ya'll wanna get your tears jerked---read this thread. CFL done good--real good!!!!! So did 'a safe place'
  3. Ying wants to be here by the 9th. I have to do some more cleaning, but it is worth it. 173669[/snapback] NO nO NO!! Don't clean---she will appreciate you leaving her with something to do--trust me on this one!!!! BUWAHAHAHAHGA
  4. Well, they sent me a 'please donate' letter today. I rarely donate to organized charity but those who remember the Jany thing all know that 'safe place' did a great job with her. I'm gonna send them a check-anyone who really feels the need to share some of their bucks at this time of year--This place is top of the line!
  5. I'm about 99% sure that you will need to file everything seperatley for them.
  6. Well then boys and girls, guys and dolls is this a case deserving of an officail CFL WAhooo?? ME thinks it is so here goes WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!! Now wasn't that worht the wait????
  7. Whiskey and valium----whiskey and valium!!!
  8. you will need either the green card or the EAD in order to get a Social security card. unless you need one now--just wait until you get the green card---saves $$$$$$. I'm almost positive you have to file all the same crap for AOZ as you did for your wife.Others will chime in to make sure.
  9. Rule number three--If you forgot to do rule number one--Lie about it and do so quickly and decisively!!!!!!!!!
  10. Welcome to our nightmare naive newbie, I think your gonna like it!! As gor the dreaded mop. You'll see soon enough!! Buwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!! As for your other question, you'll see soon enough but I doubt you will be dissapointed. And, as for the padded cell---well not yet but my guess some of the answers you get to Q#2 may make the PC this threads ultimate destination!!!!!!!!!!!! PS have you purchased your copy of the coveted Triggtioanary yet?????
  11. Because they are, they are, redun redundant. Brought to you by the department of redundancy department.
  12. As I understand it the vaccinations given are at the civil surgeons discretion. if he/she/it decides theat certa vaccs are not warranted then thats the way it is!
  13. ORRRRRRRR---------- maybe GUZ is less adept at doing what they do than other consulates????????? I for one refuse to make excuses for a Gov agency that is already busy making their own excuses. If they have problems serving US citizens because of names or population---then they need to adjust what they are doing. AFTERALL, it is WE they are supposed to be serving--not the Chinese!!!!!!!!!
  14. Same thing happenned to us. It's no big thing but we didn't wait 180 days. After 150 I called UCIS. Thye said "why did you wait so long to call" and did a 30 day inquiry. Less than a week later we got her greencard in the mail and the next day got a letter form the service center stating they are looking into it. Looks like it sat on someones desk until we filed the inquiry then "Oh damn!! Best send this thing!!" Ahh, same with the vac sup ecxept I never reminded them. I still have it in the sealed envelope!!!!!
  15. NO MORE MIXED BATHING????? OH NO!!!!!!!!!! I'll bet thats why the Japanese developed their 'warrior code'! Makes me wanna cahnge history books. How can we explain to our grnadkids that WE are the cause of this tragedy?????? BONZAIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Right, in many states ESL staus has the same staus as special education, therefore they can bypass some requirements. Don't worry too much about college requirements as they can ussualy be bypassed by first attending a community or junior college then transferring credits to a full blown univerisity---having never gone to highschool, thats how i did it!!
  17. It's official!!! The official CFL wahooo reminder had reminded the official CFL Wahoooer that an officially official CFL Wahoo is in order. Soooooo. allow me this opportunity to officially say this, WAAAAAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congratd!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. K1's and K3's are treated as immigrant visas. 172700[/snapback] Is it also the law that you treat the non-immigrating visas as immigrant visas? or is this a way to rewrite the law in the interest of protecting us from the red menace??
  19. Perhaps David. My wife's interview questions never got beyond "do you speak English?" 172382[/snapback] that's a good point.. and at least in my mind, I have a theory... I will say that based on my research of the interviews over the last year plus, that a definite shift occurred... I would say that your wife's interview fell under the 'old' issues prevalent at the time, which were clearly more 'english speaking' issues and requests for videos abounded; so much that everyone was talking of bringing a video to the interview. I think the 'current' trend is now different... I think we're beyond the 'black pearl' stage ( to borrow a term I really don't like, but I think this represented the previous stage)... This older stage seemed to me to tough, and, at times, disrespectful towards the SO... but I don't quite see that now.. I have to believe that this shift occurred due to changing VOs, maybe a mgmt spot or directive, or who knows what... 172388[/snapback] Like Carl, i've been around awhile. i'll be darned if i can see this new 'kinder and gentler' stage your talking about. Just today someone posted about a VO who refused to see evidence. Almost weekly we see someone talk about rude VOs. So maybe nothing has changed except a 'kinder and gentler' perception of whats happening. Perhaps those who see the new VOs as the good guys are just more passive than we old timers who saw them as not so 'kind and gentle' It also seems that since GUZ has been monitoring this site many are crawfishing on past statements about the VO's. Paranoia rules!!
  20. Yoo Hoo, we need an offical wahooooooooo. 172327[/snapback] Sorry, your offical CFL Wahooooer was on offcial CFL Wahhhoing buissines. And now, live and officallly offical form the offcial wahhoing officail------ WAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Welcome to our nightmare--i think your gonna like it!!!!!!!
  21. If you are married for two years and get a green card it is the ten year card. Wahoooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. I'd guess that with the new speedup at GZ-if everything else is good you should start checking the mailbox.
  23. Hopefully they won't pick up ALL of our ways. If the did, why go to china??
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