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Everything posted by Trigg

  1. Ive only been married 21 months this time--but it seems like five years!
  2. well then it's time for yoyur official CFL wahooo as presented to you by the official CFL wahoooer. And now-- WAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. I asked him the same question. The Doctor told me because he is required to do basic exam if he is to sign off on such an important issue. I guess I would do the same if my signiture was on this paper. The only medical documents we were allowed to keep from the POE was the Xrays from the China exam and the document explaining the results. This doctor has no knowledge of any exam, any testing or any results. The whole process has been elementary school style, if that makes sense. I've been scratching my head wondering why the whole time... 181162[/snapback] The doctor ripped you off. he only needed to sign off on the vaccinaion suppliment. the results of the GZ physical were sent to UCIS. many of these cicil surgeons do the same thing. it took me several phone calls to find one who did only waht was needed.
  4. The question is why did you get a physical??? The one she took in GZ is good for a year!
  5. As for the stomach problems--I'm guessin' its the water. as for not sleeping. Let me jsut say that if you are sleeping well when visiting your SO after a long time without her--your a sick man.. Me thinks your doing it right!!!!!!!!
  6. Trigg - What time, what channel is this program?? Jesse - ESL Online from a Chinese member 180522[/snapback] I have it on the great wall package with Dish network, PHOENIX NORTH AMERICA CHINESE CHANNEL. It's available ala carte and on other packages also. On satellite 121 (the one my part of the country uses for international programing) it's on at (9:20 am Central time. On sat #148 it's channel 581--same with sat 61.5. she tapes every one of them and studies them several times each.
  7. Organizing it??? Now i don't care who you are--that's funny! Wasn't much organization involved. someone said "hey, let's raise money for Jany and Cindy" And then the members took over from there--thats about it. I'll second Don's sentiments about Jany. I know we all like to help others less fortunate than us but most of us feel others should help themselves also. Well Jany is one of those who has and is helping herself. she'll be taking her real estate license exam soon and my guess is she will win hard fought success. She's a woman who has every reason to fold and way to much courage to consider it. I've known people of courage in my day and she is defiantly one of them. We'll hear from her in the future. Trigg
  8. Transferring from China to a US school varies state to state so this is a generalization. You can get a transcript from China that will break her school work down grade by grade through the eighth-I dunno about past there. We got one for my stepdaughter that was in Chinese and English. It looked much like an American report card. If your step child is 1-8 grade just pick one thats age appropriate--he/she will do fine!! My stepdaughter had about a 50% mastery of English when she first came her. She took all tests in English with no assistance. Here math scores were the highest in the county and after her first full year her GPA was 4.0 and is 4.0 half way through her second year--this is not atypical. Most ,if not, all states will offer ESL classes for anyone under 18 years old. Usually through the local school system for children and either there or at a library or Com College for adults. You will find that the children will pick it up rapidly-partly because they are children and partly because they are being exposed to it in school in china. My wife resisted ESL but found a Chinese TV station that teaches English for a half hour everyday. I used to wish she could speak more English so we could talk--now that she does, I can't get her to shut up!! All in all the school experience was a breeze but do keep in mind that I was a psychologist/school administrator and knew the laws and made sure that her new school new that. piece of cake!
  9. After a comedy of errors and waiting and wondering what happenned, Jany finaly got the check we sent. Now I gotta try to remmeber which account i wrote it form so I can put some money in it. Heres her email today. I know she won't mind me sharing it with everyone. _____________________________________________________________ Dear Trigg, I took today off to gather all the paperwork for the public housing appartment. So I went to the office to get the mail from you and also the check. Thank you so much for your help and the love from the friends from CFL. I will try all my best to make my life better here and I hope I will be able to help others in the future. Please tell the friends at CFL that I say thanks a lot. I will have a busy weekend. I wish you a good and relax weekend and I want to day Hello to your beautiful wife and your children. Sincerely Jany
  10. Being the ONLY official CFL wahooer and having been officially reminded by the official CFL wahooer reminder and having officially noticed that an unofficial wahoo had been given, I officially denounce the unofficial wahooo and am about to officially perform you official wahooo!! READY???? you bet you are so here goes. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!! Caution: an official wahoo can only be wahooed by the official wahhooer or his designee and can only be given for a visa related achievement. accepting any unofficial wahoo can and Will result in immediate visa revocation.
  11. It always says that it's good for four months--don't worry. Gz or whoever will automatically extend it-damned near nobody makes it from Noa2 to the interview without the pettition expiring but--like i said they will auto-extend it.
  12. Bring evrytyhing that you ahve already ubmitted ti UCIS for the AOS interview. Thats what UCIS told me when I cllled them. They said that way if they ahve lost something--you will have it. all they asked us for was recent 1040 and proof of relationship--pictures and a void check etc...
  13. Some have gone to HK and returned to re-trigger the visa-others have gone to the local chinese authorities (police) and had their visa extended. Either way it's no real problem!
  14. Chefy dude--I in no way wish to usurp your expertise (although I have yet to taste your culinary magic) I agree 100% -if it feels good use it. Having said that lemme tell ya that I'm no novice when it comes to cutting, boning and chopping. I've butchered sheep (yes I said sheep), goats, deer, bore, buzzard, bear and wild turkey, even a couple ex CFler who pissed me off (oops, didn't mean to give that info away-please disregard, they'll show up eventually). Any way, I had a large collection of skinning and boning and filleting knives until wifey took me clever shopping. Now do keep in mind that the old mop slingin' Chinese woman to whom I am currently wed, may be the cheapest human being (I use the term advisedly) that ever skinned a cat. Well ole cheapy Mop Ling herself would settle for no less than a mid sized cleaver that cost in the $100 dollar range. I knew something was up as she would renounce me and all she holds near and dear in order not to spend a C note. I got that rascal home and removed it from the dreaded plastic sealed thingy--promptly got stitched up and set to usin' this oriental toothpick she 'had to have'. Long story short--I now use it to skin and butcher deer, fillet fish, chop veggies, chop meat for sausage, peal 'taters, shave my legs and chase away the neighbors goofy kids. If i could only have one knife it would damned sure be that cleaver. I just wish i could get all my fingers back!
  15. Do I look stupid? Don't answer that. However, when I'm at a safe distance and I see somebody swinging a mop handle, I'll point then at any nearby hornet's nest for the entertainment value. 179648[/snapback]
  16. For a K1 it is 3 years from the date of the green card. K3???
  17. I think the consesus is that the K1 is 3-5 months faster than the K3. and welcome the the Candle!!!! Trigg
  18. Tamiflu script is a good idea but do get it filled in the US and remmeber that it's usless if you don't take it within 48 hours of contracting the flu virus--of course all antibiaotics are usless with a viral infections. also, flu shots target three or four specific flu viruses that the CDC projects may effect the USA--there are hundreds of flu viruses and the CDC projections do not laways take China into account!
  19. You take nothing away from the rest of us--Don and Frank always give the #1 advice on the board-even I pay attention when they talk and I'm attention deficit disordered!!!!!!!!! Hey!! but i'm cuter!
  20. They may make a good Xmas gift--We still have ours but never needed them. my guess is they were looked at when she had her physical maynbe looking for TB or VD or BVDs or or or or or??????? 179049[/snapback] We had Lushengs and the twins framed and placed in the den 179052[/snapback] Their X-rays or them??
  21. Ahhhh Danny, you shoulda asked one of us---we'de a been happy to tell you that you were once again screwing up. however, in your defense, if you'd a bought the wooden handled one then one of here friends would have told her about the metal handled one and a pot holder--then you'd a still been wrong. Might I suggest that you get accustomed to being wrong--it ain't as bad as all that!!
  22. They may make a good Xmas gift--We still have ours but never needed them. my guess is they were looked at when she had her physical maynbe looking for TB or VD or BVDs or or or or or???????
  23. Crown Royal--The only shot anyone ever really needs!
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