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Everything posted by Trigg

  1. Bring her to the US--get married--then worry. AW, don't worry, we'll get you through the rest but KEEEP EVERY piece of paper work you have--Throw NOTHING away--you will be needing it again after your married
  2. Yea, put a red credit card in and envelope--Oh, DO NOT bring the ginseng pills---roots only!!
  3. I secodn the American Ginseng. We have found it very cheap in chicago and portland. The majoity is grown in wisconsin-i think. It was around $40 a pound in chy town--a pound of dried 'sang is a LOT!!!!
  4. WAAHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Welcome to our world!!!!!!!!
  5. "origin of animals?" Is this a Darwninian thing?
  6. Next they send you a notice and a number to call for biometrics--then you wait for another letter that gives you your AOS appt. Then you goeBS your way to a greencard. not so hard if you say it real fast!
  7. Some say yes and some say no. As I read the directions you do not need to get the Vaccination supplemental form now but need it at the interview. That is the way we did it an we got the greencard no problem.
  8. Are you 100% sure about having 6 months for a K1 to marry?? I think it is 90 days!! You need to check and be sure. if someone waited 6 months and it was really 90 days--FUBAR!!!
  9. I don't know all the women in the universe (not yet anyway)--but i damned sure know mine and she is convinced that i should know what she has on her mind at least two hours before she thinks it. She scares me sometimes!!!!
  10. If you don't help her she will feel as though she is your servant. if you do help her she will insist that you are doing it wrong and the only way for it to be done correctly is for her to do it. I opted for the second. I NEVER wait to be asked to help as the asian women feels you should know her mind. However, I always make sure i make a bigger mess than when i started. This way she is happy because hubby tried to help and i am happy because she won't let me. It is really that simple if you allow it to be!!!!!!!!
  11. True, but the rotten apples need to be taken out of the pile before the whole basket of fruit turns rotten! 149446[/snapback] I would never argue that point... but the point is... we still have the best law enforcement system in the world... in my opinion 149450[/snapback] I agree, I think as a society we tend to be overcritical of our government and authority figures. Maybe its a 60's holdover. 149453[/snapback] Overcritical of our governement????
  12. I have to agree with goat boy. police brutality is ubiquitous in the US. The similarity to China is that when it occurs to people that 'nobody gives a hoot' about, it is ignored. Go into any big city in America and ask the residents of the lower SES areas if our police can be brutal or not. I'm 100% sure of the answer. The biggest difference may be that in certain areas, if caught on film, we sensationalize it and speak of it as the exception. The power of free press serves us well in this case as the more it is brought to light, the less likley it is to occur again.
  13. WAHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooo!!!! I remmeber the AOS interview like it was last May. Can you say CLOSURE???? Don't it feel goooooooooooooooooooddd????????
  14. It'd probably be a safe bet that they have yet to enter your number into their computer. Efficiancy ain't their thing!
  15. Goat gave you heartburn??? too much BBQ sauce maybe???
  16. Me too-I fit. Educated-yes. Introverted----NEVER MIND!!!!
  17. What???? I thought you were hillbilly 148828[/snapback] Southern Greece!
  18. you don't look Chinese 148813[/snapback] That works out very well as she doesn't look Greek/Irish/American Indian
  19. Control my wife??? HAHAHA, I don't care who you are, that's funny. I'm sure there are a few who marry Asian women for such purposes but I doubt they are very successful--If mamma ain't happy--nobody's happy!!
  20. He won't need anything extra as long as he doesn't leave the international airport. i've flown with layover in S. Korea and it is no problem. There are several chinese travelers there so he should'nt have anyproblem changing planes either.
  21. You definatley do not need a round trip ticket!
  22. I'm retired with retirement pension and Va disability income. It is no problem. A simple letter from your income source stating your income and expected lenth of time you will draw it along with the I-134 and applicable tax return, if any, will do.
  23. Yup, once a month--sometimes once every six weeks!
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