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Everything posted by Trigg

  1. CSC is now processing I-130s submitted in March 05--so you should be hearing something soon. this is a link to UCIS site to check processing dates etc.. https://egov.immigration.gov/cris/jsps/ptim...id=aZa-5Nr6fRqf
  2. She does now---but-get back with me after she has been here for a year or so. Guess who will be getting corrected then!?!?!?
  3. I did not read it as ESL. ESL would connote that you will be learning English from the other 50 languages and would not be learning any other language--hence the term ESL +ENGLISH as a second language. However, the reading says differently, it read as though you can learn any of the languages listed-English is not listed. The Example given was an English speaking person who learned Italian for a trip to Rome. If you learned Italian it would be ISL. Maybe I'm misreading it but this does not appear to be a method to learn English but rather a way to learn several other languages if you are already an English speaker. One of you city boys wanna read this and translate for we poor ole country folk?!?!
  4. The headline product is indeed a misnomer. It uses the phrase ESL as if it meant what we think it means --English as a Second Language but in reality of the fifty languages it lists English is not one of them. Further reading indicated that it is for those who Already speak English and want to be learn basics of one of the fifty listed. SOooo, the term ESL is definitely a misnomer and certainly misleading. Whatcha think?
  5. I know of one person in TX who's wife spoke almost no English and he got by without an interpretor. I've heard of another in the same wituation and the Questions she did not understand he was allowed to esplain it in Chinglish. The problem with not taking an interpretor is that if they insist it is one of the few things that you have to go back for--can mail one to them. I took a translator to my wifes interview but it was 200 miles away and i damned sure didn't wnat to come back. If her english is conversational and you don't have to travel far---go for it!!
  6. our visa only took nine months--bring an extra C note to the windy and I'll tell ya how it's done!!!!!!
  7. WAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooo!!!! So many p4's copmin that my wahooooer is getting tired!! Congrats
  8. wahooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  9. Wahooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!! Soon, very very soon you will bo one of us!!
  10. Proof smoof--what they are looking for is evidence of an ongoing relationship. Phone records aren't all that important but don't eleiminate emails and/or snail mail jsut because talking on the phone is fatser better and cheaper. an email a day keep the GZ monster away!! They often ask for emails but I have never heard about them asking for phone bills.
  11. NO!!!!! but sometimes i proof read now. Let me know whatnyou need to get this thing off the road--maybe we can start with designated times or something??
  12. Good idea. Now, how to get this thing going and who has time to help translate/teach etc????
  13. My wife recently became a candle member because she thinks she can learn to read ad write English easier if she just does it. We've been talking about trying to put together a candle forum-mostly for the Chinese SO's to help them learn to read, write, and speak English. Of course we would need to stay away from it most of the time. I'm thinking a couple of Mods who speak and write Chinese and English. My wife doesn't know how to put Chinese Characters through the keyboard but she would certainly benefit from writing and reading English and having people tell her the meaning of words even if they have to translate in Chinese. Several of the 'old timers' (those with their SO's in the states) have been looking for new ways to help their Wives learn English. This looks like a great opportunity to not only teach them English without needing to drive them someplace or spend money but also to get them involved in Candle and in meeting other Chinese. whatch'all think??
  14. Ya know, you may finnaly have a good idea. A forum for the chinese wives to talk to other chinese wives and learn more english skills-especcialy writing. My wife doesn't do pin yin so she can't post in the Chinese forum. She wanted to talk/write to others in English because she says it is the only way she can learn to spell and write---not sure why she can't learn from me. And, in an all chinese forum using English--she wouldn't be in the G-pop and I'd be much safer DON--whatcha think--new forum for Chinese So's to learn more english??---mops be us?? Maybe a bi-linual moderator/teacher. Hmmmmm, kinda opens up many ideas in the area of on site ESl doesn't it???
  15. Oh Gheeeeez, my image may indeed get tanrished very soon!!!!! 142424[/snapback] Don't worry. Your beloved wife just described 20% of the US male population, 50% of the European male population, and 90% of the Chinese male population. We're in good company. 142431[/snapback] are you sayin that 20% of the male population of the Us si afraid of Jingwen?? huh frunk, is that what you just said???
  16. Me thinks it will be quick--she has been here almost a year and a half now!!
  17. Now you see who I learned spelling from!!!!!
  18. Oh Gheeeeez, my image may indeed get tanrished very soon!!!!!
  19. you heard him. Everyone goes to Frank's house this weekend!!!!
  20. Hello my beautiful charming wife!! yes, you cna learn english here--but not from me!! Gheeeez, i'm in trouble again!! Wifey on computer ustairs means Trigg can turn off computer downstairs!!!!!!!
  21. Seeriously Hank, if given the oportunity to meet with other couples in the same situation--DO SO. it is always very enlightening and insightfull. Thats why these get togethers are so important to everyone. I used to think my wife was a little 'crazy' but after having met with several of our CFL brethren i have decide she is a normal Chinese woman and that all the american men here are the crazy ones!
  22. Maybe they looked int their GZ version of their Triggtionary and found the word _efficient????????? sure hope so--this sounds liek they are beinf firced to make an effort. Maybe the great gz god is finally aware of the problems they have had--enough people have writtenletters and contacted their reps--perhaps it really does help--we shall see!
  23. Well then maybe culture and language. Seeing the importance of meeting others in the same situation has to do with the entire process, in my opinion it's important and pertenant stuff--Where do you think it shoub be??
  24. I'm not sure how this got in the PC but I put it back in the General visa forum-- my guess is it will be back soon enough!
  25. Hey Chuck, maybe you can PM Jeikun-he has jsut been through all this and is soemwhere near Roanoke VA. I think that is closer than Nashville-maybe cheaper too???
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