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Everything posted by Trigg

  1. They can do that stuff without the I-230 pt II and the I-169-I think those are the forms they say they haven't recieved==Right (maybe more-it's been a while)??? if you have proof--eg tracking number etc that they recieved them maube an email to them showing this and rhen resending the info to them might get you a spot in line--maybe!!!
  2. Hey Carl, Triggobonics---has a nice ring. did you get my PM about abbreviations??? oooops off topic---sorry
  3. I have already volunteered to be the CFL spelling and grammar coach---gheeeeez, guys-get with the progam allllready!!!!!!!!
  4. WAHHOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111
  5. in the past the consensus has been that pre-wedding photos may confuse the VO and lesson the chances for a K1 visa.
  6. =oward the end of the list of forums you will see "information and tutorials' don has a list of acronyms there (LOA)
  7. Trigg, can you spell "redundant"? B) 133391[/snapback] Uh, nope sure can't!!!
  8. Bill, don't let dan influence you. He owns stock in a dictionary company and thinks everyone should own one. if you have eny questions about proper gammer and or speling---jsu ask me. i'm our resedent spilling ecxpurt-honest iam!!
  9. Mr. bill is our newest member. We have spoken on the phone several times as his wife and Fang ling are friends from the same city in china. Bill is a good guy and will be a nice addition to CFL---If he ever slows down from working so much!!! Welcome Bill, glad to see you found the place. Trigg
  10. Perhaps this should be added to the interview recommendations. We should be able to determin the weight requirement for a passing invterview. I'm sure it will be found that 8.5 pounds is the magic number. 133148[/snapback] Arrrrg, everyone knows that they weigh in kilograms---through back from their druggy days!!
  11. Uh, Dan. 100% of poverty level doesn't really mean that you have to be 100% poor. you could only be half poor like me and still get a visa---that way you can become 100% pooor. It's a mathematical equation half poor plus 125% pooor devided by a visa and the cost of a plane ticket=one third poor-added wtiht one third rich makes you two thirds eligible---the other 50% is not relative to GZ. now do you get it????
  12. If you bring all the extra stuff-they will never ask for it. if you don't bring it--they will without doubt want to see it. no one knows for sure how they know--but they indeed do. Reading all the fancy numbered regs is usualy a huge waste of time as the GZ folks either haven't read them or have been trained to ignore them and make it up as they go---the kitchen sink method is the preffered method. I think there may be hidden scales when your SO walks into the interview--yea, THATS THE TICKET ALRIGHTY-THEY WEIGH THE STUFF TO SEE IF YOU BROUGHT ENOUGH--YEA, THAT'S THE TICKET-WEIGH IT!
  13. heed Franks words for he is wise in such matters. I have a question though. why do you have a picture of bait for your avatar???? Are you a fisherman too??
  14. Yea but they don't get it now. when i filed the I-129f it was $110--0 kids or ten-didn't matter. when you go for the interview you will have to pay for her and each dependant--same with the physical and of course you will pay for each one when you do AOS etc....
  15. when we got the SSN we simply had to bring in her marriage cert and passport. They automatically changed her surrname to match mine.--Marriage cert had her maiden name and her married name. Ken, you are being screwed with. therre is nothing in changing here maiden name to married name. As is often the case-go to a different SSA office and they will do it for you. ALSO, BIRTH CERT AND PASSPORT ARE ALL THE ssa REGS REQUIRE---2 FORMS OF id BUT THEY DON'T BOTH NEED TO HAVE A PIC. iF THEY INSIST OFFER VISA AS ONE ID AND PASSPORT AS THE OTHER. (Arg, damned caps lock)!
  16. No additional fee when filing the I-129f , just include his name etc on the form children of a K1 are automatically included (as K2).but when you get to the P3 part etc... then there is a fee and additional paperwork and physical etc.. for her dependents.
  17. It really isn't that big of a deal. i called UCIS and they said anything that proves blah blah blah----checking account is good---bring a void check or statement. Even if you are living with parents mail for him coming to that address would be goood too. they realy don't ask for much and if you have all the financial stuff etc.. it isn't a big deal---mostly a formality!
  18. Truth being what it is , i think i'll tell it--for a change-She just won't let me play on the computer as much anymore and when she does, she looks over my shoulder and corrects my grammer and spelling---KINDA!!
  19. Yes they did carl. what?!?!??!?! haven't you read this finish to the portland thread in the LL??? I also caught her stealing cherries too!!
  20. Thats the where--the question was how?????????? HEY DON!!!!!!!! Will the newest latest bestest version of CFL have a place to post pics??? I really really really want to post the one of you and the park ranger!!!!!
  21. With a push pin and corkboard... whats up the the guys from TN? cant do anything but light fuses for fishing? Fuses??? Ya'll always do it the hard way---just pull the pin and drop it into the water- disclaimer==check water level beforehand!!
  22. hmmmm, dan, an obvious atempt at plagerizing my wahooo!!! Here is the original WAAAAHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!! Congrats man !!!!!!!!
  23. I have a truckload of Oregon pics I loaded into my computer--so how do i post them?? Oh, Carl, she deleted the pics of her stealing your strawberries---Isn't it ilegal to destroy felony evidence????
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