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Everything posted by Trigg

  1. Well Scott, i realy don't want first hand knowledge and doubt that anyone with first hand knowledge could answer. It's a great question and I think the key is the two year thing. My wife recently gothas her two year green card green card and I'm not sure she could stay in the US if somethinghappened to me before she gets her ten year! I hope one of you braniacs out there can answer-
  2. I have had good luck changing my return flight when booking a roundtrip ticket. when my darlin came to the US she was able to get the tickets sunstantially cheaper in china than I could book them on the internet. Sooo, if you can book a roundtrip and chnage flights to match what she can get in china??????????
  3. I will be coming, Joanna will be in China still. oh well... what dreams are made of I guess. you can be dan's date. That may help keep him away from our wives!!
  4. Wahoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! B)
  5. and no one tries harder than you ! Wrongo friend. My spelling comes naturally--I never even had to study! brilliantly put ! only a true master can udder such words... True story-or should i start "you ain't gonna belive this sh..." Anyway, Trigg is my real name. in the eight grade on of my teachers said she wouldn't let me use it any more because she thought it was a gang thing (lived in chicago's southside. So i had to bring my birth certificate to school and she was correct. I could no longer sign my name Trig, from then on I had to spell it with two G's just like it is supposed to be spelled. so, half way through grade eight I learned to spell my name correctly. Who would have predicted I would have grown to be the champion speller i am today??
  6. and no one tries harder than you ! Wrongo friend. My spelling comes naturally--I never even had to study!
  7. that's cuzz no one is trying hard enough. Jim, you oughta have you hiney kicked for the thread title but once again congradulations
  8. 5 months is their standard line of bull. When we were in the process a year and a half ago they said five months and it was less than two. It's a bit longer now but likley closer to three months than five--but then again that may just be my standard line of bull??? Dig your heals in, kick back with a gooed book and a big sack of cheetos, it'll be over soon.
  9. Andrew, you have been F#@%*#d over. It looks like you hurt her feelings when you showed her you knew more about what is required than she did. Get the translations corrected-a local college with chinese students and a notary may be the place. Do you have to go back or just mail it in?? Mailing things in is just a formality but it is usual for the same Immigration officer to handle the case so be sure the changes requested are made. As usual inconsistency rules supreme within the UCIS. It is not because they don't have rules and guidlines. Rather it is becasue the immigration officers are allowed to make there own rules as they see fit. This was confirmed to me by a supervisor at UCIS who stated 'the IO may, at their descretion, ask for any evidence presented in any manor they chose and may waive any requirements or add to any requirements they wish'. Good luck, sounds like a minor snag that will resolve with minor paperwork and let you enjoy being free from them even more when you are done.
  10. WAHHHOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SOooooooooooo, what took so long?? Congrats and welcome to our world!
  11. Sqeakster, after all this, would you recommend others to do the IR1 thing??
  12. Everyone has problems with civil surgeons. No two ever tell you the same thing--it is no suprise they are afiliated with UCIS!
  13. Gee Darrell we have been talking about this for a month and a half or more. Call in sick pack up the wife and fly on out. It will be the event of the year. Besides we would love to have you. Wish I could, I am still trying to plan and afford a honeymoon after 9 months of marrage, soon she will give up hope an go on one without me. Well then send her on her honeymoon and come on up tp Portland!!! It's gonna be AWSOME DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Wahhhh you only get the full wahhhhoooooooooooooo after she get the visa!! Sound slike it almost a done deal!! Oh, OK then here is the rest of it Hoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!
  15. Ive got the English to mandarin set but I haven't used. Lent it to one of the Oregon guys-wonder if he ever used it. I also have the one that teaches English to my wife--full set. Pricey as hell but she likes it.
  16. Wahooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now you best get ta gettin'--there cleanin' to do and be sure to clean out your internet files and destroy all evidence!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Only one way to find out but it'll be the fleece thong or nothin'
  18. For a couple of bucks i'll wear my best dress and tell her i'm from Nanning.
  19. Ahhh, now there is a man with a plan. Donkeys are OK but they remind me too much of my ex wife--Noisy and stubborn as a mule. Oooooooooo I thimk i made a pun!?!?!?
  20. My mop slappin' woman does an hour of Tai Qi every morning. She will be avalable for lessons-as i am available to give spelling lessonsese Hmmmm if anyone brings a camcorder I think a video of Fang Ling doing Tai Qi with the waterfall in the background would be exceptionally cool. And get a clip of her mop-slapping Trigg. Yea, we call that evidence. Problem is she is always nice when some one is watchin'. but she really does mop slap me--really she does-really!!
  21. Don, your words connote that I may have uh, lets say exaggerated. surely you don't think this is the case. Do you?
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