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Everything posted by frank1538

  1. The tracking number is 13 alpha-numeric characters. The first and last two characters are likely to be letters, with 9 numbers in between. If I remember from another post, you can also check with the concierge at the White Swan to verify delivery to the consulate.
  2. Happy Thanksgiving everyone. A personal side note to Jingwen: Wish you were here to celebrate. This will be our last Thanksgiving apart. ÎÒ°®ÄãºÜ¶à¡£ ÎÒÃǽ«»áÊǺܿìÒ»Æð£¬ÐÄ°®µÄÀÏÆÅ¡£
  3. 201(b ) of the Immigration Act lists a category of aliens who are not subject to numerical limitations. If this is what you're referring to, here's the link: http://uscis.gov/lpBin/lpext.dll/inserts/s....htm#slb-act201
  4. Soon you'll be saying it was a "piece of cake". You're almost there.
  5. The circle of life continues. Congratulations to you both on the birth of your daughter.
  6. When GZ asked me to send Jingwen's address in Chinese, I faxed it, but apparently that did no good. When I inquired again, they said to e-mail it. Despite the fact that the e-mail form says to use only pinyan, I used the form to give them the address is Chinese. Apparently, the "pinyan only" caution does not apply to the information in the message box, and they acknowledged receipt of the e-mail and confirmed the re-send in two days.
  7. Don't hold me to it, but a knowledge service specialist would be one whose responsibilities include the gathering of information on a particular business or segment. For example, if you wanted to know more about Bank of China, this individual would gather the information that's out there, digest and assemble it and produce a report for your use. You might think of it as quasi industrial espionage, but the data is from public sources.
  8. A number of people have asked about job opportunities in China. Here is a webbsite from my firm, which is predominately accounting, finance and business consulting oriented. I make no representations concerning these opportunities, nor am I in a position to "grease the wheels", but I thought some of you and your spouses might be interested. http://www.ey.com/global/content.nsf/China...b_Opportunities
  9. And then there were four, three, two, one, none... Good to hear, Bobby. The numbers dwindle. Rob, you're next.
  10. F-gg, that's great news. Glad to hear that the end is near. Best of luck to you both. The pit crew loses another.
  11. A friend of mine made a suggestion about the tap water. He said if you rinse your mouth with tap water after brushing your teeth, the small amounts of water that enter your system will allow your internal bacteria to adjust. He thought you could then drink the water after about a week or so. It never bothered me to rinse with tap water, but then again, I never craved or drank a tall glass of tap water either. Gut-lock, aka Immodium AD, was never more than a pocket away from my mouth - just in case. I wonder, though, if water used for tea is really boiled. I drank a lot of tea, and Jingwen rinsed everything at the restuarants with tea.
  12. if I remember, the 2-4 number is 011 86 20 8399 2000
  13. Since it appears that you are filing for a CR-1, I presume that you filed with the consulate. If so, it is unlikely that you can track the status on-line. With the exception of a few embassies, on-line status checks are generally only available for filings with CIS. If you are also filing for a K-3, you can check that status if you have the number which you can get off the NOA1. Otherwise, I am not aware of any on-line status checks for CR-1.
  14. Rock 'n Roll!!!!! It's always good to hear good news. Congratulations.
  15. I don't think this is a dumb question. If GZ has acknowledged receipt of the paperwork from NVC or has claimed that it sent out the P3, why not go ahead and submit the various forms. When Jingwen had not received her P3, despite GZ's saying they had sent it, I wondered if we should just go ahead and file the P3 paperwork. Fortunately, while we were discussing this, Jingwen finally received her P3. Based on the forms, the only difference I saw was that the DS-230 is printed on both sides. Other than that, I did not see a whole lot of difference between the actual P3 forms and those that can be downloaded. What would be the downside if you went ahead and filed?
  16. Rob, a number of us encountered the same problem at the TSC. Despite their claims that petitions were processed in order, the advocacy group discovered two things. First, some petitions were assigned to workers who, shall we say, were a bit slow, and these petitions were processed "out of sequence". Also, we found that a number of petitions were misplaced or lost, and it took almost an act of Congress to get the TSC to acknowledge this and correct the problem. I had one buddy whose petition was lost, and it took an extra three months for TSC to locate it.
  17. You did it!!! You did it!!! You did it!!! You did it!!! You did it!!! You did it!!! Congratulations to you both. Frank and Jingwen
  18. Well, we finally got the address thing fixed to GZ's satisfaction, and Jingwen received the P3 today. I am glad this phase is finished. Now, on to P4 and the interview. I guess I am officially out of the pits. Hope you guys will be following soon. Just for the record, the GUZ# is the same as NVC's, the P3 was sent EMS and was addressed in Chinese.
  19. Jerry, I can't quite make out what each of these columns is. I see P2. What's NVC1/4? And is the 3rd column P3 or are these all people waiting for P3? Rob, I read the columns as: 001 ID.....P2 Date.....Date Sent by NVC.....P3 Date
  20. Date shipped: 8/29/03 DHL tracking number: 9447988911 Date of delivery: 10/10/03 Date P3 received (sent 11/3/03, re-sent 11/18/03, received ??? ) CFL name: frank1538 Visa: K-1/K-2
  21. Today, I received an email from GZ saying that they re-sent the P3. Jingwen hasn't received it yet. Check's in the mail
  22. side note to Yuhui - Inlaws are like fresh fish - good for about three days.
  23. This is an except from the Inspector's Field Manual: In the case of a following-to-join K-2 child, lift the sealed envelope furnished the child by the American consul, affix the medical report contained therein with the admission stamp showing the K-2 classification and the date until admitted. Ascertain the name and address of the K-1 alien parent to whom the child is destined, and the date on which such K-1 parent was admitted to the U.S. to the best of the child's knowledge. Prepare a memorandum which includes this information and forward it, together with the lifted report of the K-2 child's medical examination (and any other papers contained in the sealed envelope) to the files control office having jurisdiction over the child's destination. Delayed arrivals. With the concurrence of the Service, the Department of State has authorized consular officers to issue K-2 visas to the following-to-join children of a K-1 alien up to 1 year after the issuance of the K-1 visa to the principal alien. Issuance of the K-2 visa within that period (and admission as a K-2 nonimmigrant during the validity of that visa, if otherwise admissible) is authorized, even though the K-1 principal may have already married the U.S. citizen petitioner and acquired lawful permanent residence under section 214(d) of the Act. All this suggests to me that the child will also receive a "mysterious brown envelope" that will be given to the BCIS agent at the POE. Presumably, the procedures for entry for a following-to-join child would be about the same as for a child accompanying the parent. But, I'm with the majority on this one. Have the child accompany the parent and give BCIS only one chance to screw things up.
  24. Sorry, probably hit a little too close to home. Little known fact - Murphy (Murphy's Law) worked for the government.
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