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Everything posted by frank1538

  1. If I recall, GZ only wants the most recent tax returns. If you are on extension for 2003, I would recommend taking a copy of the automatic extension form (IRS Form 4868) along with everything else just to show why the 2003 return hasn't been filed yet.
  2. Me thinks you be a government plant. Are you by chance the acting interim presiding assitant to the undersecretary's deputy assistant to the temporary director of assistants to the acting directors of interim acting secretaries of assistants acting as conditional temporary extension directors?
  3. This is how I read it. When you file the I-751, you "atomatically" get a one year extention for the removal of conditions. This keeps the petitioner "in status" and is supposed to allow CIS the time to process the I-751 petition. Apparently, the petitions aren't being processed within that one year period (surprise, surprise), so CIS now put in a mechanism to allow the petitioner to prove that he/she is still in status through another "extension". Sounds kinda bass ackwards to me. Rather than improving the I-751 processing, CIS is just giving another "in status" extension.
  4. You're getting close to that half century mark but don't worry, she'll keep you young forever. Happy birthday.
  5. She must be really looking forward to THAT trip. (Guess I'm in one of those moods this morning. Please forgive..........) http://www.planet-gif.com/gif-archiv_4/Girls/Bilder/girl_001.gif me thinks Dave's wife has a headache
  6. I know you were stressing about the exit permit. Glad it's all taken care of. Yes, it will be a grand Christmas for the family. Good luck to you in the future.
  7. Everybody has the right to be stupid, but some people abuse the privilege
  8. People wait in line in China??? Where??? Jerry I can't stand to wait in line long So I built a new machine It just measures up the distance and then eliminates the folks between -Stunt, Barenaked Ladies
  9. I'm pretty sure I still meet that. Does anyone know where to find out the exact figure for that 125% of poverty level rate? take a look at http://uscis.gov/graphics/howdoi/affsupp.htm#poverty. The numbers are good until Spring, 2004
  10. Great news. It'll be a piece of cake. Two questions though. When did you get/send the P3 and did you get a P4 or just the e-mail?
  11. Despite all of its problems, you gotta love this country.
  12. This is the same I've been told. It seems the non diplomatic packages are screened for security reasons. Kinda makes sense, I guess.
  13. 7- Chicken dish without chopped up small chicken bones 6- Fish dish without chopped up small fish bones Good Luck
  14. The long road has come to an end. Congratulations. A new journey awaits you, one I believe will be so much more rewarding. Best wishes to you both. Frank and Jingwen
  15. go to http://www.tigtag.com At the bottom, you can enter each of the Chinese characters for the name of the visa applicant, and the website will give you the telegraphic codes. It's always a good idea to double check this against a hard copy. I can't recall if CFL has a PDF on this, but I've got one if you need it. I think the Chinese standard telegraphic codes are sent in as part of the P3 paperwork - on the supplemental information form
  16. No, you do not. Except for the tax returns. dont' forget that cash and assets are only counted at 1/5.
  17. That's very cool... I may have to give that a try when we go to Atlanta.. I'll have to give you a call sometime, Frank, as Atlanta's only 2 hours away for me. Come on down. I think that buttered popcorn might even be a new experience for Jingwen and the kids.
  18. A very fast turnaround at NVC. Hope this bodes well for the future. Good luck with DHL.
  19. What a great idea. Atlanta has a six-plex drive-in (Starlite), with state of the art sound broadcast to your radio. Ok, I'm taking NYC off my list and adding the drive-in.
  20. Don't forget to take a deep breath I think you've got most of the stuff covered - from your end. I am a firm believer is overwhelming them with evidence, so I'd load up on the emails. Also make sure her stuff is current, particularly the police certificates, which are good for only a year. Good luck.
  21. After re reading this thread I came to the conclusion that it is a rather profound display of cultural differences. Not many countries dote on their pets as much as we do. The idea of eating one is abhorent to us. The pet industry in the USA is in the billions of dollars. Like Dave my dog has better health care than I do. He is my kid and I love him dearly. To Bings credit when my 15 year old Cocker spaniel died a year and a half ago she felt sorry for me and suggested I get another dog. Now she worries that Ralph wont like her. I worry she may find him a disgusting animal who licks his privates lol. Those of us who have been to Europe might add that dogs are allowed into more restaurants than children. Easier to train a dog than a kid, I guess. Further, I guess you don't get doggie bags - probably kiddie bags
  22. Move over little dog. Big ol' dog's movin' in.
  23. Just tell her the dog can speak: You: What's on top of the house? Dog: roof roof You: Where do I hit most of my golf balls? Dog: Ruff ruff
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