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Everything posted by frank1538

  1. Now I've heard it all. They kill buffalo for their wings? Given all the pieces parts that I've been eating lately, I wouldn't be surprised. A quick side note. We were in an American grocery store last night, and I convinced Jingwen to buy some collards and mustard greens which she prepared with some pork parts (neck, I think ). She actually ate thsse "American" vegetables, remarking that they tasted good. All we need now is some black eyed peas, and I'll make a Southerner out of her yet.
  2. The kids have discovered Buffalo wings. We went to Taco Mac last night and I ordered the hottest wings on the menu. Jingwen actually ate several of them, but she refused to use her fingers to hold them - had to use a knife an fork. She thought they were good, but not hot enough. Question: Why are chicken wings more expensive than thighs and breasts? Is it because we're shopping at the Asian markets? I ask this because Jingwen only buys chicken wings when we go shopping for food. Seems to me that wings ought to be the cheapest part of the chicken.
  3. A new T-shirt: I survived window 7. Congratulations!!!!
  4. The K-1 chapter is now officially closed. Congratulations and best of luck to you two,
  5. While I'm waiting on certified copies of the marriage license, I thought I'd start prepping for the I-485, but I can't tell from the handwriting on the K-1 visa if Jingwen's A# starts with a "9" or a "g". I suspect that the A# is all numbers, but I thought I'd check with others. Is anyone aware of an A# starting with a letter rather than a number?
  6. So good to hear. Congratulations and best wishes to you both.
  7. Jingwen, the kids, and I have settled in and are enjoying life to the fullest. Time to share with our friends at CFL. I know Bobby and Robert come to Atlanta from time to time. Since I live in Atlanta, I wanted to extend an invitation to everybody to get together for a day/weekend at my humble abode, maybe for a good Southern/Chinese cookout. The house is small, but there is a gas grill and smoker in the backyard, and the weather is getting much better, so I thought this would be a chance for our wives to all get together and share stories while us men do what men do best - grill and shoot the bull over a cold one. So, I am throwing out the first weekend in May. Maybe Partrick and Li will be together by then. Maybe George and Ning will have resolved the post interview name check. Maybe Mick will be a daddy. Dates are flexible, but I wanted to start the ball rolling.
  8. It's a function of the hose size. I prefer the low urinals - need the extra room.
  9. Jingwen's daughter is 20, and she needed no additional documents relating to school. The forms for her were virtually identical to the K-1. The only thing relating to school that I can remember was her having to list the schools in one of the forms.
  10. I'm only guessing here, but if Li was already approved for her visa and the only thing lacking was the son's passport, then the issue of custody might never come up.
  11. What is a GZC? Patrick GZC = Gong Zheng Chu (notarial office)
  12. Three things popped out when I read your post. First, is there a difference between birth certificate and a notarial birth certificate? Can Li obtain a notarial birth certificate from the local notarial office without the father's involvment? If so, I think the notarial certificate can be used to obtain a Chinese passport (I believe Jingwen used notarial certificates to get her kids' passports). Second, can the "family registry" book be used to obtain a birth certificate or a passport? Third, does Li know anybody who deals with the adoption of Chinese children? Most adoption agencies somehow obtain birth certificates and passports for these children when they are adopted by foreign parents. Maybe your son's paperwork can find its way into the batch processing. I also ran across the following which might shed some light: I am Chinese and don't have a birth certificate. What can I do? Birth certificates are available in the form of notarial certificates (Chu Cheng Gong Zheng Shu or Shu Sheng Zheng Ming Shu) which can be obtained from one of China's Notarial Offices (Gong Zheng Chu) which are located in all large Chinese cities and in rural county seats. Individual living outside of China may obtain notarial certificates from the notarial office with jurisdiction over the county of previous residence. Chinese relatives or friends may request issuance of certificates on behalf of someone now living abroad. Relatives and friends should have specific written authorization from the interested party before they request certificates. Alternatively, persons in need of notarial documents may contact the PRC Embassy or Consulate nearest to their residence abroad and ask that the request be forwarded to the appropriate notarial office. Obtaining a notarial certificates through a PRC Embassy or Consulate can require considerable time, however. http://www.brijkapoor.com/faqs.htm
  13. Another success!!!!!!!! Congratulations and best wishes.
  14. They stapled the departure record portion of the I-94, but not the long part of the form that we filled out. If needs-be, I have the names of the officers that checked-us in, and I can always call ORD and see if I can track them down. I think that's all that's supposed to be stapled to the passport. Jingwen's passport didn't have the whole I-94 attached.
  15. Almost here. For some reason, I don't think that sleep will be the first thing on Jacob's mind.
  16. Wonderful news. Glad this phase is finally behind you. Now, get ready for the ride of your life.
  17. Good new/bad news, I guess. What a bummer. Congratulations to Li (and you) on getting passed the interview. Hopefully, the snafu with your son can be cleared quickly. I'm beginning to think that your process will go down in the annals as an example of how the government can f**k things up at every turn. Hang in there. It's almost over.
  18. This made me think a bit. Since CFL is a public forum, what are the chances that GZ could have checked us out? Anyone reading the posts on CFL should know that we have serious and real relationships with our wives and fiancees.
  19. The light at the end of the tunnel just got a little brighter. Good luck at the interview.
  20. Fantastic news. Love conquers all, even the mighty US government. Congratulations to you both. Frank and JIngwen
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