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Everything posted by frank1538

  1. This is what I did. I sent in a full set of documents for Jingwen (K-1). For each pf the children (K-2): I sent in: 1. Form FC-029, signed by the child (both are over 18) stating that all of his or her copies are exact copies. 2. The I-485, signed, with ADIT photos attached. 3. The G-325A (in quadruplicate), signed by the child. 4. Copy of the I-797, Notice of Approval for the original I-129F for the mother. 5. Copy of the passport's main page, copy of the K-2 visa, and a copy of the I-94. 6. Copy of the notarial birth certificate (Chinese and certified English translation). 7. Copy of the mother's marriage certificate. 8. Sealed envelope from the Civil Surgeon. 9. A second FC-029, signed by me, stating that my copies are exact copies. 10. Copy of the signed and notarized I-864. 11. Employment verification and copies of payroll statements for the prior three months. 12. Copies of federal income tax returns for the prior three years.
  2. We encountered the same problem. It turned out that GZ did not have a record of Jingwen's address in Chinese characters. After several emails and faxes with the correct Chinese address, they confirmed that they had re-sent the P3, and Jingwen received the package several days later. GZ uses EMS, so the packages sent to major cities should arrive within 3-5 days. If yours was sent on 4/16, chances are: 1) it was lost in transit, 2) it is sitting at the PO waiting for someone to call them, or 3) it was returned to GZ as undelivered. I would certainly follow up. Maybe your fiancee can go to the consulate and pick up the package (call first). Also, maybe GZ can give you the tracking number. Then you can go to http://www.ems.com.cn/ems3/index2.htm and see where the package is.
  3. Okay, thanks everybody, but the congrats need to go to Trigg. I absconded with his and Fang Ling's daughter when I left his highness' palace last week. Apparently, his daughter, Wang Fang, had conspired with KK, my daughter, to come to Atlanta for a while. The problem is this, though. Trigg won't pay the ransom, so I guess I now have a fourteen addition to the household. For how long depends on whether Trigg believes what I've been telling him about his daughter - frizzed orange hair, numerous tattoos, lots of body piercing, black fingernail polish and lipstick, combat boots, etc. Beginning to get the picture Trigg? Better come get her before she starts speaking with a valley girl cadence.
  4. What? You saw a line? Something is amiss here. I don't know how much of an impact the non appointees will have, but my sense is that those with appointments are queued separately from those without. Jingwen arrived at about 7:30, give or take, and flashing my passport got the attention of the guard which got us to the front of the masses so he could let her inside the gates and stand in the appointment line. She went in with the second wave and was out relatively quickly.
  5. I was wondering why my car was listing to one side until I realized that the cooler of fish that Trigg gave me was a little heavier than normal. And, to close the loop, how could anyone forget ChinaGirl?
  6. What?!!!!!!!!!! Are you crazy? Are you going to buy clothes for your girlfriend before she has had a chance to see them and everything else in the store? Tell her that American sizes will not fit her lovely body, back away slowly, keep your eyes focused on the ground, and try not to startle her. Remember, your life is in jeopardy here. You're a very brave man.
  7. First, it is never a good idea to falsify information on any application or petition. If found out, it is cause for outright denial, possible deportation, and even prosecution. I offer no odds on whether any of this would come to pass, but I think it is always better to be honest with the responses. Second, I have found so much misinformation coming from the “consultants” such that I put little stock in what any of them have to say. Rumors have a way of becoming gospel in China. If someone got denied for one reason but had disclosed military service, it is entirely possible that somebody could have concluded that military service was a no-no. There are several threads dealing with membership in the Communist Party. You might want to do a search and see what others have said about this potentially more troublesome area.
  8. Take a look at this thread http://candleforlove.com/forums/index....74f1576f3ab7dea
  9. Good to hear. Best of luck at the interview.
  10. Wondeful news, resp. Take a deep breath. You're almost there. Best of luck to you two.
  11. Congratulations. It looks like the wheels are starting to grind again. Best of luck.
  12. Shame on you!!!! Anyone who is anybody knows that Wolf Pack refers to one and only one fine Southern institution - NC State.
  13. In typical government fashion, Georgia has a rule requiring a social security number in order to get a driver's license. But here's the government part. You can supply an SSAL676 form from Social Security in lieu of a number. Turns out that the SSAL676 is the form Social Security sends out saying that a person is not entitled to a number. So, if you are entitled to a number, you can't get a driver's license without it. If you are not entitled to a number, you can get the license.
  14. First, welcome to Candle. I am not aware of a foreign language version of the DS-230, and I would hazard a guess that most of us helped our fiances/fiancees/spouses complete the form. As for me, Jingwen, my wife, had a friend initially help with the translations and then she and I discussed/corrected her answers via webcam before she sent them to GZ. How are your foreign language skills? Can you translate the questions for your husband? Also, depending on where your husband lives, there are a number of places in China, particularly in Guangzhou, that will assist with the preparation of the forms, but please be leery of these services - sometimes you don't really get what you pay for, and the time lost in having to correct the mistakes can be heart-wrenching. There are also a number of people on this board whose English/Chinese language skills are quite good. Maybe they can offer some additional guidance.
  15. Welcome to the fold. CFL will help you maintain your sanity during what many believe to be an insane process.
  16. Wow!! There is an end to the madness after all. Wonderful news.
  17. First, Red Sox baseball has it own rules about winning and eventually losing, but that's another subject, best left for the Rompus Room. George Carlin contrasted football with baseball best: http://www.emory.edu/EDUCATION/mfp/carlin.html
  18. Welcome to CFL. Six months? You're an old timer. Maybe you can teach us a few things.
  19. OK Frank, we have just finished planting the graden and have several watermelon plants. I'll tell Fang Ling and she will stuff all the fish she is going to give Jingwen with melon seeds. Not as weird as it sounds. There's a great recipe for trout where you grind up walnuts with pepper and stuff the fish. I might want to try it with yellow croaker (Jingwen's favorite fish) and melon seeds. Who knows? I've had weirder things. Which reminds me. During dinner one night Jingwen informed me that I ate dog while in Zhanjiang. What? Never. Yes, yes yes. When? At mama's house. Are you sure? Yes. Lost my appetite and drank scotch for dessert.
  20. What? An interview scheduled? OMG. Pinch yourself. I can't believe it. This is absolutely fantastic news. Congratulations. You've endured one of the biggest SNAFUs in K-1 visa history. Other than the black holers, I think you may have the record. Best of luck to you and Irina. What's been her reaction?
  21. They probably used REJECTED so you would have to pay the higher fee when you re-submitted the EAD.
  22. Made the big mistake today of showing Jingwen how to print pictures. We now have more photos than wall space. Someting about the Asian perspective on pictures that I can't seem to understand. With the digital camera, Jingwen would take or pose for a picture then use the batteries up looking at the view screen and trying to decide whether to keep the pic or not. With the printing, it's call up the pic, resize it, print it, accept or reject it, crop it, print it, accept it or reject it, recolor it, print it, accept or reject it, etc., etc., etc. I have now gone through two color cartridges, and a variety of paper types and weights. Let's see, if my math is correct, each picture has cost me about $13.27. Actually, it's been lots of fun.
  23. When you buy the watermelons, please send Jingwen the seeds. She can't seem to get enough of them to eat.
  24. Welcome, Cosmiclobster. Okay, I'll bite - gotta give us the scoop on the name.
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