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Everything posted by frank1538

  1. What a pisser. Look at it this way. They threw several roadblocks at you expecting you to give up. You gave them everything they wanted - surprised the hell out of them. Now, they have to process everything that they didn't expect to have to process. Have you learned the Chinese equivalent of the f word?
  2. Tough question. Over the years, gifts have included cosmetics and perfume, after shave lotion, cologne, jewelry, cigarettes, liquor, candy, maps of the US, money, OTC supplements like shark liver oil and vitamin E oils, even a meat cleaver and Rogaine (for Jingwen's balding brother). Most of the items that I brought or sent were either unavailable where Jingwen's family lives or were darn expensive. Surprisingly, Oil of Olay, which is a cheaper line in the US, is quite expensive in Zhanjiang and was a real hit.
  3. Man, you can't do this to us. Since you said it was funny, I'll assume it has nothing to do with the visa process. Let's see: passport, tickets, underwear, money, credit cards, phone numbers. The list is endless. Come on, this is beginning to sound like those old cliffhanger movie serials. We know it will work out somehow, but we've got to wait. Bring on episode 2.
  4. You seem to be moving along at a good clip. Hope it continues. Here's a link that will point you to the P3 contents. Good luck. http://candleforlove.com/forums/index....0381cf74a322e72
  5. Ding! Ding! Ding! I think I hear bells going off. Only you can decide how sincere the woman is, and I know how difficult it is to gauge this long distance, but trust is key here. I sense that you do not fully trust her as of this point. A trip to China may give you a better sense, but, after only one trip, you are likely to be more bewildered than educated. You will need to meet her in person in any event if you want to go for a K-1 visa. I don't like putting people to the test, but an on-line inquiry under another name might not be a bad idea Has she de-activated her profile yet? If not, you've got to wonder. Also, you might tell her that it will be at least a year before she could ever get a visa and see what her reaction is. If you are like most of us, we may be rich by Chinese standards, but not so by American standards. What do you think would be her reaction if you told her that you are considering moving to China rather than having her come to the US? My wife would have preferred to stay in China. Carl (warpbored) will tell you, and I will confirm that on-line chatting with a webcam is a very good way to bridge the gaps in a long distance relationship. If she doesn't have a computer, maybe a friend does or maybe an internet cafe would work. Many people will tell you that some Chinese women view marriage a bit differently than we do in the West. Marriage may be viewed as a partnership that is mutually beneficial to both partners. Love will come later. With her saying "I love you" so soon makes me think that either she is trying to break this stereotype (unlikely) or is trying to say things that she thinks you want to hear. Just remember that you are not her meal ticket out of China.
  6. Wonderful news, Jeff. Perseverance really does pay off. Welcome to America, Sarah.
  7. I had also read that part of the reason for the changes to the current version of the I-134 was to give it more teeth.
  8. Confusion is an understatement. Here are a couple of proposed responses: 1. Geez guys, this is my wife. Of course I intend to support her. 2. Get real, will 'ya. What do you think? 3. How I support my wife is none of you GD business. 4. Listen, I make more money than you, so get off my case. 5. You betcha. Actually, I have no idea how to respond, but a careful reading of the form (usually unwise when dealing with the government) seems to indicate that the government wants to know if you will make specific contributions. While this might make sense if you a sponsoring a student, for example, it seems to me that your contributions would be non specific, so you would mark the box "do not intend". Take this for what's it worth. Maybe others have better information. Sorry.
  9. The visa, itself, is good for 180 days from issuance. This means that she must enter the US within this timeframe. After entry, you and she have 90 days to get married.
  10. Here's the irony. The websites say that if you filed an application 30 days prior to the processing date shown on the websites, you should call. But, if you are earlier than 30 days and try to call, they will tell you that you'll have to wait until the processing times are updated. Since they get updated once a month, you'll end up waiting as much as 59 days before USCIS will do anything about it - I mean talk to you about doing something about it. Whether they actually will do something is problematic.
  11. http://dribbleglass.com/subpages/billboards72a.htm
  12. Welcome Scott. Meet her first, then think about a lawyer. With a wealth of info on CFL, you can handle the process yourself. If you want to prepare for the visa process, bring some blank forms with you (I-129F, G-325, etc.). If all goes according to plan, you can have her sign several copies of the forms and proceed from there. One piece of advice. Don't get caught up in the thrill of it all. Let your heart lead, but don't leave your brain behind. Best of luck.
  13. I'm with Don on this. Don't get too worked up over the I-134. The VO didn't even bother to look at my I-134. The instructions that cosmiclobster shows are essentially the same as for the prior version. The operative words are "as appropriate". What I think this means is that, if you are not self employed and you are using only income to satisfy the thresholds, you would get the letter from the employer (category B ). If you are having to use assets to satisfy the requirements, you would look the category A or D as appropriate..
  14. G Man here. Geeeez guys, I can't stay away from this board for a day without getting my good rep dragged through the mud. Yes, I have exceeded 1,000 posts. Yes, the FBI did pay me a visit. No, I did not serve any time. Yes, the FBI was very cordial. No, I do not drive a black Crown Vic. Yes, Jingwen's documents were updated. No, she is not G Woman (don't go there, Trigg). Yes, I drink Scotch. No, my head no longer aches.
  15. I knew Jerry when he was Mayor of Cincinnatti - actually a nice guy, but not too smart - ruined his chances for a local political career when a credit card receipt for a hooker hit the news. A credit card receipt? Geeeez.
  16. I'm sorry, Trigg. I'm laughing so hard over what has to be one of the most frustrating aspects of living in America - dealing with the federal government - not at the problem but at your post. I dunno.
  17. I am sitting here, having just gotten off the phone with USCIS on two of the three applications for Jingwen, laughing at the logic that was just imparted to me by a very nice lady. Jingwen had filed for Advance Parole with the Atlanta District and had also filed for AOS and EAD with Atlanta. All three receipts notices show an MSC number. Ok, now pay attention. I call to get status updates on the AP and AOS and gave the lady the MSC numbers. She took the AP number first and gave me a processing date of 4/23/04. But, I said I filed with Atlanta, and Atlanta shows a processing date of 7/15/04. She said that Atlanta has sent applications to NBC to help with the workload and that the MSC number was proof that the application went there. Fine, I said, but Atlanta is showing a processing date of 7/15/04. You are going to tell me that Atlanta needed help so it sent the application to NBC which is taking longer than Atlanta? Yes she said. And, you're going to tell me that Atlanta is still processing APs and is processing APs faster than NBC? Yes. Why did Atlanta send AP applications to NBC if it is still processing them and is processing them faster? Don't know. Ok, so now I fully understand about AP. If you have an MSC number, Atlanta got rid of your application and sent it to NBC so NBC can process it slower than Atlanta which has decided to keep some of the applications so that it can process them faster than the older ones it kicked to NBC. Makes perfect sense to me. Now, on to the AOS. Madam, the I-485 receipt has an MSC number too. So, I guess, like AP, it was kicked to NBC as well. No, just because it has an MSC number doesn't necessarily mean that NBC is processing the application. But, you just said that an MSC number means that NBC is processing the application. Well, yes, but the processing time link on the website doesn't show any processing times for I-485's, so that means that Atlanta is handling the processing. Ok, so now I fully understand about AOS. If you have an MSC number, Atlanta has not gotten rid of your application to allow NBC to help alleviate the 2 1/2 year backlog of I-485s in Atlanta. Rather, Atlanta has decided to keep these applications despite the fact that an MSC number was assigned. Instead, Atlanta sends NBC the AP applications that Atlanta currently processes faster than NBC. Any questions? I have one: Who's on first?
  18. December 5, 2001 is the latest date from USCIS's website for AOS processing.
  19. Most of Jingwen's "one year" documents were approaching 6 months old, so she went ahead and got updated docs. It was a painless process for her, and the cost was minor. My thinking was it was better to be safe than sorry.
  20. Man, what have you done? You've now opened the Pandora's box, and nothing will ever be sacred again. is very open about things that we Americans would not normally talk about. Apparently, so is Trigg's wife, Fang Ling. So, if you're too embarrassed to ask Trigg about his financial condition, his eating habits, his fishning techniques, his driving skills, his underwear size, his other sizes, or anything, and I do mean ANYTHING, just ask Jingwen. She knows it all. Same for me - just ask Fang Ling. Other sizes??? Other sizes????? Me thinks Jingwen knows too much---gheeeeezz, so much for macho bragging--gheeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz So, I guess I'll have to tell Jingwen that "small, medium, large, and Trigg" are not the standard sizes in the US.
  21. Wow Paul. Less than a month at NVC. Things are really starting to move. Do a search here and you'll learn the drill on tracking the DHL shipment to GZ. It'll give you something to do for the next month or so. Best of luck.
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