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Everything posted by frank1538

  1. This could be a real problem. Which date is the correct date? Is it possible that both dates are correct but one is based on a different calendar (lunar v. solar) or based on the differences in how some Chinese determine birth dates. Just curious how the passport ended up with a different birth date. If it turns out that both dates are correct but measured differently, my gut tells me that it might be easier to get the notarial birth certificate conformed with language that references both dates. Also, my sense is that it might be easier to deal with the notarial office, both in terms of time and money, than with the passport office. Jingwen's daughter had a similar problem with her birth certificate. The English translation of her name did not match her passport. It turned out that the notarial office was translating based on the local pronunciation of the Chinese name rather than using true pinyan. Believe me, it was a lot easier to get the notarial office to re-issue the birth certificate than to try to get her a new passport.
  2. Ah, fresh fish. Welcome Jarrod. Good luck during what will surely be an interesting and sometimes frustrating journey to K-3 heaven. (I say K-3 because I notice that you're filing an I-130).
  3. I agree with cosmic on this. Although you only need to prove financial resources and an employment letter will do this, I strongly recommend that you make the tax returns or transcripts available as well. I would rather report back to CFL that the VO didn't bother to look at the information than to report that my fiancee got a blue slip. Incidentally, the VO didn't even bother to look at my I-134 and tax returns, but Jingwen had them just in case.
  4. I stand in awe of those of you who have quoted some of the classics. I guess my preference for poems from Ireland, as in Limerick, just won't make the grade here.
  5. I can't speak to K-3/K-4, but I completed only one I-134 for K-1/K-2, listing the two children as well as Jingwen where indicated on the form.
  6. Ah, this explains the full bags of Cheetos littering the highways.
  7. I have also had some involvement with children over the ages of 18. Unfortunately, it does seem that the US does distinguish between step, adopted, and natural children. While my situation was K-2 for Jingwen's children who were over the age of 18, this is what I think is going on. Despite the assumption that an I-130 might not needed for the child (don't know if this is correct), I think GZ is saying "no" based on one of two reasons. First, putting aside the adoption issues, I think GZ might be saying that the I-130 has be to filed before the step child (the US citizen's step-child) reaches 18. If so, then the K-4 can be issued if applied for before the child turns 21. In your case, the child was over 18 at the time the I-130 was filed, so they won't grant the K-4. Second, there may be something related to the adoption, but I don't know. If GZ is correct, it seems that the course of action may be to get legal permanent resident status for the mother and have her apply for the child to come to the US. This is certaintly a situation where consulation with a good and experienced attorney should be considered. Maybe Owen will pop in and offer some additional insights.
  8. Welcome to America Sarah. May you and Jeff have a wonderful and happy life together.
  9. "You can get anything you want at Alice's restaurant."
  10. It'll be a while before you'll need tax information - might want to wait a bit. You'll have plenty of time later. Jingwen, my wife, obtained all of the documents early on in the process, but she had to get an updated police certificate. Her "single certificate" was actually her divorce decree which stated that she had not registered a marriage since her divorce. Make sure she gets several copies of these documents with English translations from the notarial office. You may need them when she arrives in the US.
  11. Just remember, though, that GZ processes K-1 visas as immigrant visas.
  12. You pee and brush your teeth....BEFORE you get out of bed??? So, a lawyer happened to be at a legal convention at the same place where a medical convention was. During a break, the lawyer went to the restroom and stood at the urinal. Next to him was another gentleman. "Here for the legal convention"? "No, the medical convention." Both finished their business about the same time, and the doctor went to the sink to wash his hands. The lawyer started heading out the door. "You know", said the doctor, "when I went to med school I was taught to wash my hands after I piss." "You know", said the lawyer, "when I went to law school I was taught not to piss on my hands."
  13. I'm beginning to think that author of "Catch 22" must have just finished an ordeal with visas, work authorizations, adjustment of status, SS cards, drivers licenses, and on and on and on. A quick side note. Jingwen and the kids just got their SS cards - needed them for a variety of reasons, one of which was Georgia's requirement that they present them to get drivers licenses. KK, my ever so inquisitive daughter, asked why we had to take these cards to the DMV when the information that came with the cards said not to carry them on your person.
  14. You betcha'. Dave, I suspect that you and I are not alone on this one.
  15. Having racked up many thousands of useless miles on Delta/China Southern, I'd have to agree that the partnership is not that good. I've also used United and since it flys directly to China (unlike Delta), I haven't had any problems with getting credit for the miles.
  16. Jingwen's K-2 kids were 18 and 20 and had their own passports, so I had to pay their visa fees as well. I think the rule of thumb is that, if a visa will be given, pay the fee. Don't know if age is a factor.
  17. A couple of questions if I may. What paper are you referring to? It's been a while since I took a hard look at the I-134, but I don't recall adjusted gross income coming into play. I believe that even the I-184 only looks to unadjusted income. Even if adjusted gross income is to be used, did you check with your tax return preparer to determine if he/she was taking deductions from income as opposed to adjustments to income. Most business expenses are deductions from income and do not effect adjusted gross income.
  18. One small step for SSA, one giant leap for K-1/K-2. Jingwen and the kids received their SS cards today. Took less than the 45 day time estimate for USCIS to verify the EAD so SSA could issue the cards. Of course, they're marked "valid for work only with DHS employment authorization." Now I have no excuses about getting learners/drivers licenses. God help me. But, on the other hand, "...it's time to go to work my children and support your old man."
  19. All right, calm down, then pinch yourself. Do you feel anything? If yes, call your wife. If not, wake up and then call your wife. Congratuations and best of luck.
  20. John, I think there are many variables at play here. In answer to your last question, you do not need an SSN to file for AOS. As far as having to wait 3 months to get a card, I have never heard of this as it directly relates to the card. But, let me share my experience. We applied for EADs but since we did not receive them within 90 days, we applied for and got temporary EADs (one day service) which we then used to apply for SS cards. The Atlanta office of SSA then gave us a form letter stating that it would take at least another 45 days for them to verify the EADs with USCIS before they could issue the SS cards. It may be possible that your friend is in a siimilar situation, having to wait for an EAD or EAD verification.
  21. Jingwen and I encountered a similar problem. Others were getting P3s, but Jingwen did not, After a couple of e-mails to GZ, I discovered that, for whatever reason, the consulate did not have her address in Chinese. Finally got the address thing fixed, but it set her back a few weeks. PS. When I would send an e-mail to GZ, I never used one of the canned subject matter headings. I always used "other". This seemed to get more attention, and GZ was responsive to all of my e-mails.
  22. A hearty congratulations to you both. Best of luck to you two.
  23. It's been a long time coming, but it's finally here. Congratulations and best of luck at the interview.
  24. If your business is large enough, D&B is a good source. Remember though, the requirement is EITHER a commercial rating report OR your income tax returns. So, if you don't have a D&B or similar report on your business, I would think the income tax returns would suffice.
  25. Ah, a ray of sunshine in a sky of darkening clouds. Congratulations Darrell. Time to bring your lady home. Have a safe trip and best of luck.
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