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Everything posted by frank1538

  1. Your timeline is close to many who are getting their P4s. Hopefully, yours will arrive very soon.
  2. More good news!!!!! Looks like February is shaping up tp be a good month for many. Congratulations.
  3. Wonder if Rob is getting any work done today We're praying for you Rob. Let us know. Anyone else from the P3 pits still waiting?
  4. Great news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm losing count here.
  5. Just got off the phone with DOS - February 3rd I can't believe it's really happening. Rob, you're next.
  6. Great news. Save a place in line for us B) Good luck.
  7. Dean, I can comment on Possibility #2 at least as it relates to the K-1. Jingwen has two children and, to my knowledge, no additional name check was done after NVC. I have been told on several occasions that GZ does a second name check if there is a discrepancy between the names shown on the petition docs and the name shown on the P3 docs. Don't know if this is true.
  8. All I've got to say is that the anticipation/suspense is killing us. Still waiting for the P4 and still hoping for a February interview.
  9. A great way to start the new year. Good luck for the remainder of the journey.
  10. While going to the Great Wall, we got into a conversation with our driver about this. He said that he remembered when he was in school, he had to fill out some forms, and one of the questions dealt with his ethnicity. He didn't know the answer, so he asked the teacher. The teacher said to put Han which he did. So, now he is Han for the rest of his life. A piece of unverified trivia. The Chinese flag's five stars were supposed to represent the five major ethnic groups - Han (the big star), Manchu, Mongolians, Tibetans and Uyghurs. I think revisionist history now gives the stars political significance, with the big star representing the CP.
  11. You know, now that you mention it, when I called DOS, the lady said that GZ had already sent me an email in response to my previous inquiry, and nothing had changed - translation: Why are you bothering me with a phone call. I know that we have we have all been waiting a long time, but these lasts few steps are murder.
  12. francine, when I read your post, I immediately called DOS to see if Jingwen's interview had been scheduled. Nothing.
  13. Wow, Carl . If ever there was a primer on this subject, this is it. Fantastic advice for one and all. Is there a Chapter 2?
  14. I share your concern, Frank. But, last year, didn't GZ claim that it was business as usual? If I remember, the consulate was open for business, including interviews, but personnel came to work on a voluntary basis. I was in Guangdong Province last October but didn't get any closer to Guangzhou than Hong Kong and Shenzhen while flying. Not that much panic, but a lot of masks. Maybe others who were in Guangzhou during the height of the epidemic could shed some light on how it went last year.
  15. This was bound to happen. I hope the track record is better this year.
  16. Same a little bit further east and south in Zhanjiang. Just finished chatting via webcam, and the windows are open. Fortunately, it'll only get to about 50 tonight in Zhanjiang, so it is not too bad, but Jingwen has no heat whatsoever, just layers of clothes. A little perspective. She thinks Atlanta is very cold with a low today of about 35 and a high of 60. I love winters in the South.
  17. Welcome to Candle. It's good to have some fresh meat Don't forget your longjohns
  18. Just finished a morning webcam chat with Jingwen while we opened presents together. Even the miles won't keep us apart on Christmas day. To the rest of my family on CFL, Jingwen and I wish you all the very best for the holidays. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
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