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Everything posted by frank1538

  1. Man, we're on a roll. This is great news. Must have been on your Christmas wish list. Only one more step to go.
  2. This may sound strange, but it's possible the one's limited English language proficiency will constitute a "disability" under the various disability acts, one of which requires public schools to make available to all eligible children with disabilities a free appropriate public education. You might want to check it out.
  3. Joe, just curious. Has your fiancee actually received her P3? Jingwen hasn't received hers yet, but it was also mailed to her on 11/3. I'm going to give it another day or so and then start making inquiries.
  4. The email I received from GZ telling me the P3 was mailed used the same GUZ# as NVC. Jingwen hasn't physically received the P3, so I don't know if it contains a different GUZ #.
  5. Excellent news!!!!!!!! Keep those cards and letters coming.
  6. When I asked Jingwen to gather the official documents on her divorce, one of the documents she obtained was a sole custody document for the kids. This was in addition to her divorce decree. I don't know if this document was unique to her province or city.
  7. Frank, return address for the P3 is the Consulate, if your Jingwen send it via EMS, then the White Swan Hotel will sign it on behalf of the Consulate. So if you want to make sure if the returned P3 forms arrived at the Consulate, just check it with the White Swan Hotel. You can also send email to the White Swan Hotel ask for when the Consulate received your P3, the address is: concierge@whiteswanhotel.com or call at 020-81886968 Of course hand deliver the paperwork directly to the consulate is the best way. Good Luck! thanks so much for clarifying this. now it makes sense.
  8. Dave, I have a feeling that today will be a good day. Keep us posted.
  9. wolf, I've heard this a couple of times but am still a little confused. Are you saying that the return address for the P3 packet is the White Swan and not the consulate? Also wondering if Jingwen could hand deliver the paperwork directly to the consulate.
  10. Different generations, same result. My parents spoke fluent Italian, Spanish, and French but would speak to the kids only in English. This was the time of the great Americanization of the immigrant, I guess. What a missed opportunity for us all. If there is a chance to teach multiple languages to the kids, do it, do it, do it.
  11. The finish line is in sight!!!!!!!! Sounds like the makings for a great holiday season.
  12. Most excellent!!! The progress may be slow, but it's progress nonetheless.
  13. Just received this email from GZ: We have received Ms. ******'s petition from the National Visa Center. On November 3, 2003, we mailed her instructions and forms for her fiancee visa interview. Please ask her to complete and return the forms to us ASAP. We will continue processing her case once the forms are received. Immigrant Visa Unit Another small step.!!!!!! It looks like the P3s are going out.
  14. Thanks, Don. I hadn't checked for GZ/BCIS updates on this issue for a few months. Now, I'm only 75% confused rather than 100% confused. I'll keep digging.
  15. I sympathise with you, Owen. I am facing a similar situation. Jingwen's daughter will turn 21 next December ('04) and is scared stiff that she will be left behind. Apparently, she has heard stories about children not being granted visas because of age. I assure her that this will not happen, but I actually have doubts about this. A lawyer friend thought GZ might actually decline to issue her a K-2 visa because of her age. I assume that she will have turned 20 by the time GZ finally gets around to the interview. Even if she does get her K-2, I know that she has to be fully adjusted before her 21st birthday. Each day that passes makes it that much more difficult to be optimistic about this. I try not to think about what would happen if she could not be adjusted by then. Like your daughter, KK is expected to live with her mother, and the thought of separation has weighed heavily on me. I see KK as my daughter too and to be separated from one's family is a real immigration tragedy. You are right. In this country, it would likely not be as big a deal to be separated from the family. In China, family is the center of one's life and culture. Even more tragic is that KK, despite her age, is still psychologically immature and dependent on her mom for just about everything. I've never seen KK buy or do anything without her mom's blessing. To be without her mom would be a very difficult situation for her. Please convey my best wishes to your daughter and please tell her that her dad is doing everything that he can to reunite the family.
  16. what type of visa are you applying for? If you reside in China and are filing directly with the consulate, you just bypassed P1 and P2, you lucky dog.
  17. It's kinda hard to send in original tax returns since these are the ones that were sent to IRS. She might be referring to a signed copy, basically your file copy.
  18. Technically, it is the signature that is vouched or notarized, not the document itself. All the notary is attesting to is that the person who signs the document is the person signing the document. Certified copies are another matter. Here, the certifier is vouching that the document is a true and correct copy of the original.
  19. I would send an original, completed I-134 to her and if you will be there, bring along a duplicate original just in case. Include supporting documentation (three years of tax returns, etc.). Incidentally, I am also sending/taking the I-864 just as a precautionary measure. For some reason, I didn't think it was included in the P4 since it has to come from you, as the petitioner.
  20. Welcome, Li. With all the P3's expected to go out at the same time, maybe you'll be in Guangzhou at the same time as some of your new CFL friends.
  21. The more I think about this, the more I think that they were checking me out. Asking the questions about Jingwen and the kids may have been an attempt to determine if I really knew them. One question they did ask was how often I had been to China. I did notice that they were looking around the office quite a bit - they surely saw all the photos of Jingwen and the kids. One side note. I guess they do travel in pairs, and these two presented both sides of the FBI. One guy was wearing his PR clothes(sport coat and tie), but the other guy had on black SWAT fatigue pants with bulging pockets - the image of a no nonsense FBI. Maybe he was trying to intimidate me. Who knows. I now put this little episode behind and hope that nothing comes of it.
  22. I'll eat my hat the day that Beijing lets the yuan float against the dollar. My take on this is that this is pure posturing by the administration. Me thinks the government speaketh with forked tongue. Let the yuan float (good domestic politics), but, by the way, China is in compliance with US laws on currency manipulation (good foregin diplomacy). Let's see, if the cost of Chinese goods increases significantly, I'm sure all the "lost" jobs will come back to the US, Yeh, via India, Mexico, Pakistan, and a host of other countries. Don't bet the ranch, Dubya.
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