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Everything posted by SheLikesME?

  1. Good luck Ken. I read that after a reversal they may want to collect and concentrate the stuff to up the odds. It is a bit more than a normal method of conception but at least it is yours. Wife had me get tested and seems I need to see a urologist now. I have been doing some reading.
  2. And I was going to send you a PM to see if your still breathing. Good to see you back. Now on to the subject:
  3. It's all that global warming you CA guys and Gore gave us. Now even Texas freezes. So where did Yall hide all the heat?????? Sure the South Pole will be IN THE SOUTH soon.
  4. Well to change the subject a little...and discuss poor ol Dennis' delima...although I think he can handle it all just fine, no biggie here for him. You remember Trigg and the Christmas present, do or don't? Now think about poor ol Adam. Eve is about to get kicked out. They didn't have any kids at this point, after all they were innocent running around naked and didn't know it. So now Adam will lose his woman. So what does he do, disobey God or follow his wife? Why do they drag us through hell to give us a little bit of heaven? Why do we have the strong urge to take care of them regardless? Women will ALWAYS put a man in an impossible situation one time or another. (and no I am not thinking about anything about my own situation ) Poor things. Poor Dennis.
  5. Well I sent you a blow off steam PM. Disregard it if you want. But this is one of those land mines I would set my foot down about and let it blow up. Ol David Z and I have sort of discussed this before. I love his insight, but... Well put me on the side with Randy W and the others who think Al needs the truth. I would want it. Eventually he will be confronted with this and have to decide. He might react badly when he gets there, when otherwise he might really like her, if he knew he was going to meet the real deal. Just because she may look good is not good enough. So I would let Al get over Jin and deal with it now. Look your wife is good people. So if the whole family is good, then things ought to work out with the truth. I know a man in a high position in an Aerospace company who wrote a lady in another country and they planned to marrry. The lady decided against it before she came to America. She wrote and told him this. Guess what? her younger sister, who read everything between them said she liked him and she would marry him if he liked her. It worked out. I met them at a company dance one night. they were great together. But it was all honest and up front. I would want to know if I were Al. I would want to know whether smoothed over by the ladies or blunt and ugly. I can deal with truth even if it is ugly. Have had to do it most of my life. Good luck Dennis.
  6. Drinking tap water is fine here in the USA, but organic or not, it's still advisable to wash all veggies before eating. Even if they were free of dirt and pesticides, who's to say that a little kid didn't sneeze on them 5 minutes before you bought them, or 50 people haven't handled them, dropped them, etc. Washing is good. yeah like a bird maybe flew over...
  7. I don't know why I like Rogie. I like at least one of his political stands about China!!! So there IS something good in him. The rest is all horse raddish. Maybe 'cause hes weird? Maybe because I liked his wife in his rabbit movie ... I think weird will do.
  8. I would call her Lusheng too but it aint her name. I found the word "wife" to be useful too.
  9. THE IMPOSSIBLE but her goes anyway... Half right. I stay OUT of the freaking kitchen when she is in there, and I run her off and don't allow her to even look my way when I either cook or wash the dishes. Leave him alone. Well at least have him clean up after you eat. Heck if I let guests know how she washes dishes they would all lose their appetites. just kidding but it does not look sanitary from the way most of us were trained. It all boils down to this, he never got sick from HIS way of doing it and I bet you didn't either. He never got sick from eating your food off of your dishes regardless of how you clean them, right? So just realize your both right and live happily ever after. Just quit looking at what he is doing. Leave him alone when he is cooking or cleaning.
  10. Ahhhhh, she is OK and was right all along. Oh well, now on to the teeth......
  11. Well the cost of NASA vs the new technology that comes from it is a pretty good rate of return on the R&D dollar. We don't have much industry doing it if not for govt dollars for civil or military applications. I too don't like their goals (boring!!!!!!) since the Appollo but our world is diferent from all their miniturization at NASA. Nano tech is just getting its wings, so look out. What I really hated to see cancelled was the super collider. Science is changing at an explosive rate. I might be a little more prone to putting bigger and better instruments up there to learn than keeping people in space, but that may have a benefit with our new Orion. The shuttle was going to be too expensive and too fragile from the beginning. We just did not push the envelope when the decision was made to use the cheapest way. Now the cheapest way is the retro-apollo of the Orion. It will use the shuttles boosters and tank, so that saves $$ development and tooling cost.
  12. Lets see there is this lump that I discovered and it has taken over a year to get the x-ray and sonic scan? After relentless explanations, articles and down right nagging and cancelled apointments I and the doctors gave up. We are finally going Wednesday at her request. Stubborn is tha main word here even though she swears all women have these and no big deal, so she REFUSED to do what I and the doctors told her she must do. After these tests then off to the specialist. Also after over a year we got wifes cavities filled and will be getting the wisdom teeth out of the way and things cleaned up with the gums and straitening. Probably gum sergury not necessary now with the better maintenance while shes been here. Since our 8 year old could not be so stubborn and stupid about health, I got her ears cleared up and all her teeth fixed and amazingly all the colds and flue and headaches went away that she lived with daily for a long time or at least a couple of years that I know of. Her baby teeth were rotting away and a lot of infection in there which caused the hearing loss and other problems. This is no way to grow up. You have to fix baby teeth too which goes against what the Chinese dentist told them. Momma agreed with all I did there. Sorry ladies from China, but you really should trust the hubby and go to the doctor and if you don't like what is said then go to 2 more until you get enough opinions and then do the right thing. PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!! Yes we care about our spouse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. I like all the advice I was reading but did think of some of the same things as David Z. You just don't know unless you can get this woman away from the translators influence and see her for what she is. Now if your going to pursue a girl in America, GET OUT OF THAT COLD EXPENSIVE .......... just move to Houston!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. I will sound in here because of Dennis and Idave............I will bash my own mother or daughter if they act spoiled, BUT I ALSO BASH MYSELF. Lets face it, even when I am working the hardest and conserving the most, I just don't come close to my wifeand daughters ingrained ways of saving and working hard. So I am a spoiled American Man, but I dang sure had had-it with spoiled American women. Does that help???? And on another note. I noticed one talking about a Chinese gf in Canada that did not work out due to temper and your not rich enough. I can see that, and yeah a guy ought to go for what he likes..........NEXT!!!!!!! Hey just kidding. But I'm still a spoiled American Man, but at least I bought the cow instead of just drinking the milk.
  15. I hope that at least one of our mods( )doesn't criticize this important part of China's ancient and not so ancient........ http://www.metacafe.com/watch/1531424/anci...nce_extraction/ For the Chinese Astronaut: http://www.china.org.cn/english/features/fly/145170.htm
  16. At least there is no foreboden mattress.
  17. I corrected your sentence for you Dougie... http://www.nobodyasked.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/nosetogrindstone.jpg This girl should leave it alone. Looks fine. I knew a girl in HS that was several times bigger.........like mine. We should have got together http://i38.tinypic.com/2d8q8f9.jpg My hump was bigger. I miss it. Doc had to straiten me out though so I could breath. Just wish I had a little hump left though
  18. And the doc had me asleep before I could save the big hump on my nose.
  19. hmmm.... My mother and father have twin beds pushed together to make one large bed. They have been married for 67 years. Still, western logic don't mean squat if your spouse is into and believes things feng shui. http://i38.tinypic.com/15y7pqf.gif Well maybe you can tear down the wall between your rooms I kinda have 375 miles between us.
  20. Good story and I will pitch in on the English part. My wife speaks it but she has no ear for it and others seldom understand her pronunciation at work. I started another thread about this earlier. It affects your life. As bad as Indians are at English a lot of folks can deal with them. My wifes future opportunities are limited by her spoken and written English even though she managed as well in China. Don't forget word arrangement either, and the ever famous "he", "she" spoken problem. I still get lost if she has a male and female in her story.
  21. Private ownership is good. Health care is good. Infrastructure building is better than out right welfare. Bu then I am
  22. My father in law is kind of rough too. Even the Mom never gave the kids a hug or said any words that way. I think this is dificult for my wife now as I see her treating others quite different than me and her daughter. After being around her father I can see wifey acting like him and I remind her of this, whether I should or not. She does not like her father, so I hope she will try to not be like him within the family and make us feel about her like she feels about him.
  23. Maybe I am misunderstanding the context but I think it comes from desire and work as well as a free gift. Seek and Ye shall find. KNock and it shall be opened to you. Study, prayer, action in the sense of obediance and self discipline, & etc. Then answers come by various means. However, sometimes without asking it is given as in WHAM, unexpected. But maybe you were responding to meditation. I ponder as I go about things, but don't just sit and meditate, or do I in the car?
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