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Everything posted by SheLikesME?

  1. No little sister I never saw that... And I WOULD NOT advise you to go to that forum anymore... There are a lot of bad boys who hang out there... Justy look at the sullen smugness. Keep drifting back into modshipism eh? Well, politics are fine until you get bored with it. Been there, done that. When your ready to join the rest of us are are outside playing. So what? It took you till 60 to get over being 12? Well I grew up once. Didn't like it. But we did buy the best mpg car for the criteria my wife had. Got to keep Lil Rock green you know.
  2. He FINALLY raises his ugly head, but he won't comment. He does this. You got to draw him out. Lets give him: http://i37.tinypic.com/n4aatt.jpg After all he has her eyes in some of those posts. Oh and congrats on the condoooooossss.
  3. She expresses amazement in the interest of US Citizens. She says no one in China cares at all about Chinese government or politics, though she said there is some interest over there about ours. I wasn't with her when the DNC happened or we would have watched it. What amazed me was the fact she already knew who the former CEO of HP was who spoke at RNC and one of the lady Governors attending. She liked the strength of Palin's speech, and the speech by Cindy McCain. So the women in politics GREATLY peaked her interest and I am sure she would have loved to hear Hillary and Michelle speak. My wife really likes to see the women leaders and tells her daughter of the possibilities she has to achieve greatness this way.
  4. Oh boy. It is like pulling teeth I agree with Jim about attending with her, as you drag her complaining into the office . I help in the translation back and forth. She has it in her head to just let them rot out and then get implants. Her gums are bad, a few little cavities, one patch job on a chipped front tooth, and then a straitening job. But she says the large gaps will still show. But that is just when she rolls her lips to look in the mirror. Normally one does not see all the way to the gums with her when she talks or smiles. We went to an old Doc in Ft Worth who said she needed a deep cleaning. She has brushed better and uses a chemical mouthwash the doc gave us to fight the germs in her gums. 6 months later I got her into a dentist in N Lil Rock and tipped off the hygienist to do the deep cleaning this visit. She did with a sonic cleaner and boy what a difference. Wife said her teeth have never been so white. Now I did tell her that her teeth will hurt the next day. She believed me the next day, but was so happy with the clean job. She had just started drinking coffee so she stopped to help eleminate the smell and the stains. I got Lil-Ones teeth all fixed and the child now has no pain and no more colds, runny nose, constant cough and sore throat, or headaches. That is how bad her baby teeth were. Horrible cavities. So wife has seen the difference in daughter. I have to get her eyes checked and new glasses, now that the car is out of the way, and then I think I can get her into a Periodontist for surgery on one side of her mouth, then the other. Her biggest problem, as is mine, is the fear of pain, and the dang cost issue .
  5. My wife started out liking me because I was Christian and would say this to family and friends as if this meant something very good. She went to my church in Beijing, but was scared to go when I was gone or have discussions with the missionaries to learn what I believe in. Scared because of her older sisters bad experience with an exiled preacher from china now living in the USA who apparently is blamed for having some people kill themselves. Now that sister is Buddhist and tries to push this on all her family. This scared feeling my wife has of religions has caused some tension for her. I have tried to be very patient with her, however in America, even if you are completely against religion, there are certain moral expectations we have culturally and legally with our spouse. My wife needs some religious training just to get along better at work and socially in this country I feel. She recognizes this too. After all she is working in a very Southern city where Baptists rule and even their Governor ran for Pres this time. So, she has turned from getting mad at me if I go to church to going with me now. We went to a 4th of July flag raising breakfast at Pinnacle Mountain park my church had and she met a lady that she sees something in and feels something from her. It feels very good and she sees peace in this woman. A kind of peace she desires. So now this lady and her husband come over and visit her, with or without me there. Sometimes they bring others. She is always so overwhelmed by what she feels and just has a hard time understanding or believing the source. Anyway she has always referred to "The God" but other times she either says she does not believe in a God, or that we can simply study at home and apply the rules of living to our own life. Why go to church? She asks. But then here they come again and she wants to go to church. I leave all of this up to her, though I encourage some reading which she seldom does, and some basic learning if for no other reason than to understand our thinking better. The biggest thing that amazes her is the number of people going to church and smart people believing in my religion. She is very surprised that folks with a PhD would believe considering how she thinks it conflicts with science, but there a PhD grad is teaching the Gospel Essentials class. It has her puzzled and gives her pause. She now wants this man to come teach her at home. Frankly I am not sure she will accept this and be baptised a member. But knowing all I know about her tendencies and thinking it will help her in the USA, legally if nothing else.
  6. This thread, should be terminated. It has gone completely political. See Roger now has his other eye looking like Cindy. I protest in the name of all locked and deleted threads. This is too Political. Besides, I noticed her eyes, not Roggie.
  7. That semi-closed eye is sorta like Cindy. So what's with that?
  8. Oppps... I forgot... he was retreading or was that retiring? Ahh, so Houston is where he's been hanging out these days. I noticed you had an awful lot of pics if him lately Andrew. I will have to go to the water tank and watch him practice next trip, if he is still there.
  9. http://candleforlove.com/forums/index.php?...amp;hl=aviation I thought I had the cover scanned but can't find it. He made the cover of Aviation Week & Space Technology as Person of the year for 2007. Quite the high honor!!! http://www.aviationweek.com/aw/generic/sto.../aw010708p1.xml http://www.globalsecurity.org/wmd/library/congress/1999_r/cox/4ph178.jpg Ah, that aircraft carrier I thought I saw in Dalian that had me so concerned. Thanks to the OP for this thread. It caused me to find it. I did not know of a carrier based plane in the works then. Looks like I was right.http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=htt...en%26safe%3Doff http://i36.tinypic.com/w6yrms.jpg
  10. This little boy, on the left, will put it in orbit for the Space Station crew change and resupply. Basically one shuttle booster rocket. http://i35.tinypic.com/2yufwrc.jpg http://i35.tinypic.com/34sfr44.jpg http://i36.tinypic.com/ht8my9.jpg The big boy on the right will take her to the moon. Shuttle fuel tank and booster rockets with new engines strapped to the butt of the tank.
  11. Well lets don't leave the United States out yet. Comming soon to our local launch pads. Retro-Appolo = Orion: http://i38.tinypic.com/258x7ut.jpg http://i37.tinypic.com/2aka81w.jpg http://i37.tinypic.com/308l7ww.jpghttp://i36.tinypic.com/5bv34i.jpg
  12. I like for things to explode. Hmm, crazy thought, my wife does it all the time Geeze got what I wanted
  13. I saw some real slick looking train engines coming out of a plant in Dalian in an old shipping warehouse. I was impressed, as I was with a lot of things in Dlaian. But then I love heavy industry like that.
  14. I recall Americans this way too..well a long time ago.
  15. At one time a lot of American farmers were poor...
  16. Don't know if any of this helps. Just some idle thoughts. I find that if you do what you love then you make a success of your self and do well financially. A college degree may not be the way to go. BUT if they have no clue what they want then send them to school. We don't have enough GOOD craftsmen who can do a good job and it works. Also if your going to get into a trade BUY THE PROPER TOOLS. I called a plumber once who had NOTHING in his truck and used my tools. I din't pay him since he solved nothing. Just be the absolute BEST at what ever trade and get the training and certs needed to function. They can become city inspectors for small towns on the side or for full time. Court recording may go out due to technology. Programming is good even though so much is being offloaded ot India. Again we have lazy American students not getting the technology degrees so we have to outsorce and now it is cheaper. I always push folks to some engineering field since we lack so many engineers in the USA. My son wanted to quit plenty of times. He got frustrated with Mechanical Eng and transferred to Material Science Eng, which is where his interest had been all along. He always said he wanted to get down in the earth to the raw materials where it all starts. Engineering is an area where you do get good offers the higher you rank in your class. My son went to Virginia Tech in Blaksburg. Seems like it is the Texas A&M of that area and folks scratch each others backs on jobs. My son then went to Langly AFB to work for and get his Masters in Material Science at an agency that prallels NASA. He quit shortly after starting because Bell Helicopter here in TX made him a decent offer where he could live cheap with me for awhile. He regrets that he turned down a high paying offer with a $10grand signup bonus at Micron up in the DC area, not so far from Tidewater. B) Material Science gets into a lot of the things they use in electronics. EE degrees are good as well. I have no idea what the government (NAVY) hires in your area. Probably one must have served in military to get those jobs. My daughter taught high school science in Virginia Beech for a number of years. She was an Aggriculture student and it paid off teaching biology for years now. Anything scientific or engineering is my first push if someone doesn't know what they want to do but has the smarts and desire to go to school.
  17. I thought it was cute, what the Lil One wrote. Usually she is not negative, but the big issue was not being able to play that day and when she didn't have a desk in the room...WELL Wife's side of the story got rather bad as the week went along to make for a bad week. I'm glad she finally gave up on that phone since I bought her a new one on the trip and had it in hand. Seems my wife was ignoring mail from the school, so we didn't know about this registration every year here in Lil Rock. Bob, we did go meet the teacher and all the rest of the parents Friday after I got back in town. This is a strict old bird, so wife likes her, Lil One does not. I'll post another story over in Life together, which could be a cultural issue....
  18. While I was out of town: I corrected the English in an E-mail to her. This was the day that wifey had to leave work and drive to school to register lil-one. Her brand new mobile phone was stolen by some kid in the office. She had two brushes with trees and bushes in the car before returning to work where she left the lights on which ran the battery down and the car would not start later that day. So the T-BirdSC has a fresh scratched area on the rear bumper, but the wifes nerves and anger were greater. Later that week before a friend from chuch jumped her car off to get it home, she had to get a ride from a stranger to work because of the rain and the car still stranded. I just smiled about it all Welcome to America Hun. Now we may get a newer car but not totally new. She worries about scratching the thing up. We did test drive a Solaris yesterday. Anyway Lil-One just finished the email she started last Monday. I thought it was cute.
  19. Maybe she can regulate how much food is given to the cats (CO$T). Yes my wife bitched me out about that lake house I was fixing up to sell. Then she came and worked her ass off. Maybe the final solution is to eat the wife. You know I did regret some of that long post... or two, last night. But OK it is there. Now regarding who wears the pance/pants. She wants me to be a man and lead and make wise decisions to TAKE CARE OF HER and relieve her mental/emotional burden. She wants me to read her mind about everything and act accordingly. I am suppose to notice her every mood and understand why. A lot of that is impossible of course. I must keep my mind on work to make the $$. It gets crazy when she is being unreasonable. I am in Houston again. I got a hotel cheaper and in much better shape than the last visit when she was with me. When I told her I was trying better hotels, for next time she visits with me, near Chinatoown she exploded. She does not care to be near Chintown. You see I was suppose to understand that since the food was not as good last time, and her permanent didn't come out as good as she hoped, I AM SUPPOSE TO UNDERSTAND she does not want to hotel near that section of town next time. You can't win. Just love them. Heck I probably got her in this state by ignoring her for a week. Well that didn't work
  20. Yes and we all have to live with some changes in our lives because of this face thing and keeping up with the Jones. Maybe not real bad, but ahhhh...........sometimes.......... Oh and try to teach the concept of forgiveness other than that she is cute. Is she single? Anyone know of a good man for her?
  21. You know your right. My church has done nothing but take the high road with the PRC. They will not be govt controlled, so they have been very slow and cautious. 1st they were allowed to hold services for all foreigners only. It required the policing of the congregation and I heard of stories from people I know who saw PRC citizens escorted in tears out of the service. Our church policed themselves to keep PRC citizens out, or they would lose their permission to hold services for foreigners living there. 2nd, years later, they applied for a permanent building, which they were granted. It is a floor in an office building but looks every bit like a building here on the inside. DURING the negotiation for the permanent chapel they brought up the parallel congregation in Beijing of PRC citizens who want to be members but were practicing the religion underground on their own without official church sanctioning. The govt approved of those people becoming official members, as long as they meet in a separate congregation at a separate time with ONLY PRC citizens allowed to attend. I cannot go there, though my wife can. Both congregations use the new chapel. We are still not allowed to bring in missionaries or hand out bibles and books, but someone new can join that is a PRC-C if they are related to a member. Thus my wife could have joined over there if she wanted and being a wife she was allowed to go to either congregation. This all sounds complicated but because we kept our nose clean with the govt. we have been given privileges others have not, so far anyway. One of our beliefs is to obey the laws of the land of the country you are in. You don't go getting a holier than though attitude the Lee refers to. 3rd. For the Olympics the church published in every country the does and don'ts when going to Beijing. One of them was to not pass out literature of any kind or proselyte in any manner. They said they can attend the foreign congregation on Sunday, but warned the members to obey the law. I hope all have! Respecting the govt. is the only way to gain legitimate freedom in the future. IMO. It worked so far.
  22. I just wish thay would show more of the chinese competing. Balance the focus since it is the first time in China....
  23. PS: My wife's paycheck goes into a separate account I have access to. She never remembers her access codes so I do all her banking for her. I did this on purpose to help her relax with some cash in the bank. Also I pay for everything. THIS IS SERIOUS STUFF TOO!!!! Once she had a nice wad in there she began to ease up on her nervousness. Now one school/investment loan I took out for her we did pay it off, with her money, after I had paid half of it, just to get rid of the little interest it cost. She said of course but it kind of hurt her to let it go. But she knew she would earn it back quickly and now she has more in her account than she ever had before in her life. But now she lives in expensive America. Divorce word? Hey get used to it with all the mixed signals of her loving you at the same time. Again the practicality is such a high priority. She does not want to give up on her love she has for you. So do everything you can to ease her real problems in America with the practical side of life. What you and all your friends think is so unreasonable on her part is just not going to help you one bit unless your looking to divorce her and trying to save face to your friends. Like someone posted here, they peel the banana from the opposite end. Things ARE upside down. HAVE FUN, and I wish you the very best. Sorry I am blasting so much. I am preaching to myself as much as anything. The struggle isn't over. For me personally it took paying off the second house I sold and I am owner financing to really show her how serious I was with securing our future. That loan had the highest interest. Now saving to pay off and/or sell my beloved log house. She hates the country and the old style log house. This is as bad as buying a Korean made car........because.....the Korean cars are the taxi cabs in Beijing. This is a shame to her when her educated friends come visit, or for her to report to them what she owns or lives in. They expect better of her in America. Even her sister paid more for a Nissan in China than a Hyundai.
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