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Everything posted by SheLikesME?

  1. OK I am joking here, but in reality eating the cats would seem better in her eyes than keeping them I bet. Crazy stuff, but that is what we married. YES, like you, I told my wife of things that were the most important to me before we met. I discussed those things many times. Did it matter on her arrival? NO, not until debt free and the cash in the bank. THEN I am allowed to enjoy what I like. I have set my foot down on a few land mines since with her. It is a real negotiation and love is set aside somewhat until her goals are met first, because her goals protect and secure the future for family survival. Your not going to change her much on some points! It is too deep ingrained.
  2. And this can cause her to really question your love for her if she feels you are too illogical with things you want to keep in your life that cost. Illogical because it makes NO SENSE to her why any luxury like a cat is kept. Day after day she more and more sees the cats as her enemy and taking away her life possibly. A threat to the family, and lets don't forget the annoying dirt issue. Until she has been in the states for maybe a couple of years she just may not be able to comprehend keeping cats as anything but very selfish nd uncaring to her and beyond comprehension why you would be so reckless in your own personal life. Our ladies seem to look at and decide on marriage in practical terms over love, even though love is usually present. She is trained to shut that down if needed for the practical life struggle. So neither can the love of a pet be comprehended by the wife over the practical things in life. 1st one should have a house paid for. 2nd that $20K in the bank is more like $200K with mine and a few others I have read about here. Only then can the lady take a breather, that or after she has been here over a year and she can see that those goals are steadily being worked at with an end in sight. Finally my wife has relaxed somewhat now that she sees goals met and the others well on their way. Thia is all serious business with our ladies I'm afraid. Very serious stuff. I thought my wife would understand things that seem normal to me and all I know - WRONG! If I wanted to write up some things and blast my wife here in CFL, like we have seen in some divorce cases, I could. And I'm not talking any deep bad problem that is a slam dunk for divorce. I am talking emotional bonds I have had that I never thought would be that big of a deal to her. But as so many of us know it will take awhile for her to accept emotional bonds on anything or person beyond her and those in her immediate family, which includes your well being. Every expense is a threat to her nest. Heck I didn't even elaborate on the dirt issue that goes from the bedroom to the kitchen. Drove me nuts at first some of the stupid things, and yet others like leaving food out just seemd crazy to me. Now she puts everything in the fridge or covers it to keep nats away or keep it from spoiling here in the South. Ah and then finally she is seeing the cost of looking for the lowest cost item, is costing too much........... Have fun......sorry I wrote so much.....
  3. Ah, but nothing was spared for her coming out party. Kind of like what a lot of our seet honeys did for us on our first trip over, no matter how long thay worked for what it cost.
  4. Wifey sister got one of these. http://www.nissan-sylphy.com.cn/cool/ To change the subject. I like the full figure of the models posted. Normal I think.
  5. Oh come now. Man-Up and eat the cats. It will not only get rid of a dirty animal (her ingrained deep what she is) and the expense of feeding, but it will save the cost of a meal. Geeze you people PS: eating the cats puts them to good use. This way you are not turning them out in the cold. In fact your turning them in to the wormth of your belly. You are blessing them by letting them be useful to mankind. Yummy PSS: Yes your Wife will LOVE YOU for making meals of the cats. I would imagine she will fix it up very tasty and think you are a wise and good provider. Also the sacrifice you made for the future and the fmaily. AMafan is right on below. Hey I'm a cat lover over dogs. I kept one cat from my divorce back in 2005. My Mom could not stand the thing in the house when she moved in here before I met and married my Chinese wifey. So upon arrival wifey was OK with the cat outside, so we just ate Mom.
  6. Cool. OK the OP wants stories: My wife had a masters as well and while waiting on the CR-1/2 she got her E-MBA through UTA. The professors flew to China to teach the classes. So this gave her an American diploma to go with her Chinese ones. The diploma does not mention classes in China! I married a lady fluent in English on purpose, or rather I would only communicate with ladies that knew English on purpose. She was a Project Manager / Software Engineer, with programmers working for her at times for a high tech company in Beijing. On my side I have 8 states I travel in to do my job. So I am away from my house 50% at least. Her first visit to the USA on K-3 visa made her realize she had a language problem. She does not have the "ear" for English in daily life in America. She realized that her dream of being in management in the USA was impossible. She returned to China to finish MBA and get the CR-1 & 2. 2nd trip to America she studied more computer languages to be useful as a software engineer again, and interviewed over the phone with countless head hunters due to resume we worked up for Monster.com. I advise all spouses to help/edit their resume. Some interviews were direct with companies too. She had a paid flight/hotel/food trip to San Jose, CA from TX for an in person interview for a management job in her field for a new office in Austin, TX. We never heard back. She was about to decide to waitress tables at an American restaurant like Applebees. She still feels she should do this in life for that kind of experience. We lowered her expectations on pay as a contract programmer, and since I travel for a living, decided to open it to anywhere in the USA within reason. No sooner did we agree and the phone rang from a head hunter who talked slow and sure and LISTENED! It was for a job in Little Rock, AR doing exactly the computer languages she knew the best. I drove her there. It is in my territory too. The technology interview went very well, and then the boss interview was good because he talked slow with good pronunciation and LISTENED as well. She landed the job as a contract engineer through an Ohio based contract company. Arkansas is one of my states I travel in, so it worked out for us. I got her an apartment less than a mile away from work and a grocery store down the street. The school bus picks up Lil One for school. She passed her driving test in TX shortly thereafter and I left her an old car of mine to see how her driving goes. I spend more time in Lil Rock than I should After she has been there a year in October we hope to begin looking for her a job in Texas. Also ready for a new car and a new house back in the Dallas area. Understanding spoken American English was the number one problem. A good head hunter STRONGLY advised her to NOT have Chinese friends or roommates, and to buy a TV and watch it every day just for English practice and develop the ear for understanding others.
  7. My wife keeps wearing shoulder-less cloths in the summer and no hat since she got here. I have talked to her about this because in China she took care of her skin, which is better than most babies or teenagers. Now she sees a little trouble on her neck and so finally wears some of my long sleeve shirts to ride the bicycle to work. I also bought her a larger hat than her other large hats. More sunlight is coming through in the US than in Beijing. No pollution to block it I guess. Umbrella is for the rain and she is like every other woman I ever met in my life, no matter how short the walk is.
  8. Well all I can say is that I have also told others this is their coming out party Bob. Mexican girl turns 15 has her party and now she can date. I played volley ball a bit in sports and love it, but not the mens beach ball. I just turned it off yesterday. I keep waiting for the standard track and field events. I guess thier coming. I hope!!! Running, and jumping and pole vaulting. Where is that stuff? Probably need some CFL guys to do the pole vaults for them.
  9. life - Women are taller and have bigger breasts In a plaudable effort to find real news with a human touch, the Shanghai Daily focuses on the curves of women. There is good news, sources from the Beijing College of Clothing Technology say, as Chinese women have grown on average 0.5 cm taller, while their chests even have improved a full centimeter! In stead of waiting for another ten years for more improvements, the article suggests moving north might safe time. I bet this gets moved, but oh well. It was in China Daily.
  10. Considering my own bonehead sense of humor, which I have been disciplined about lately in the name of all mothers and sisters , I would have to go along with these folks opinion. ...though I would not have done it ever due to my love and respect for Chinese!!! Its a bunch of guys getting together. We all act... well some of us do...12 years old sometimes I guess most of us are direct like wearing a Redskins get-up to a Cowboy game in Dallas. Almost a fight. I have no idea what they were thinking, or what the Chinese think. But then I havent searched either. I bet I get told in this thread soon enough though.
  11. Back when Reagan outspent the Soviet Union into bankruptcy on military hardware the US thought it was great... Now we are broke and the INSANE amount of $$$ continuing to be spent on the military goes on and on... Oh ROG!!!!!! It got results! Coca Cola made millions in Germany after the wall came down, no??? Now for the sermon Regarding the equipment under Reagan and since... I for one feel safer knowing what I know the money is spent for and just how good some of that equipment is. I will never forget the reaction that a team of highly paid experts/consultants were taken in to McDonald/Douglas by myself and others in St Louis back when F-15, F-18, and a few other things were being built there to talk to some mucky-mucks. They were shown a lot and it was explained to them how important my business was to them and what they needed from us to better assist them. They got to see the capability of the equipment and what threats that equipment can defeat. They saw how MacDac managed their own business as well. One commented in the limo ride away was how impressive it all was and that it almost makes her want to become a Republican. I was surprised at her words and the deep realization she came to. In other words, it isn't frivolous spending. It is for better technology. Most of which winds up in your daily life a few years later as a result of the R&D you could call the military industry and NASA. Over the years I got worried, like not spending to make equipment for sand in the 80s before the first gulf war, and later not spending money on gorilla training of our own forces and the equipment they need, and more espionage. And I have been totally worried for years about no military along our borders and jets not armed and on alert on our soil. 911 changed the latter, now where are the basses? What is done with the equipment, and good training, is another matter and political. Unfortunately I fear some needed training is or has got the ax due to our dependence on good equipment in some military areas, and budget cuts.
  12. Never been there, but I did drink tap water in Beijing my last 2 visits. Never a problem. http://beijingnotebook.blogspot.com/2007/0...king-water.html
  13. Well she called her brother to see if he started the ball rolling. Seems his 2 month stay, incase there are electrical problems in BZ for Olympics, is at an Army camp. He cannot leave he said, but wife wants him to do somehting on the weekend. He said he will. We go to the Houston consulate tomorow to get the power of attn for him. I don't care. I just don't. But I am doing all I can to help. And we are staying in a Holiday Inn express tonight
  14. It depends on the district. Houses in the Chaoyang District are still hot and prices are not dropping at all. It is in what I call the University district or area.
  15. Wife was telling me today that no homes are selling. Everyone believes the prices will fall after the Olympics so they are holding on to their cash. Her place supposedly went up from $70 to $100K US in value in just a year. Her brother will be in Beijing, sent there by his company, for 2 months to help and make sure the electricity stays on during the games. Most of my wifes family works for one electric supply company or another. I find this fascinating how much attention the govt is giving to ensure everything will run smoothly. Anyway brother is available to try to handle the sale of her house, if it happens. I still wonder about her plans for the cash once sold. So far her track record on investments is loosing everything. Thus I would like for her to get it tied up in a house over here or not sell the place at all. But she doesn't want renters to destroy her house. PS: It is so hard to resist posting something indecent in Rogies Kigdumb to get it moved to the TC.
  16. Even your confidence in the American People CANNOT overcome the tremendous HOLE that our leaders... have dug for us... and they keep right on shoveling as if there was no problem... I'm sorry to have to be the one to tell you this Jim...but... AMERICA IS TOAST... And even Tricky Dick couldn't save us now... Hmmm ... shall we bet a cheese on it? Okay done...ONE GRILLED CHEESE COMING RIGHT UP... Ah Hah, so you admit defeat? Well Rog...........run for President. We never had a cheese head for Pres have we? But be ware. The media will find that Den Mother!!!
  17. So Ken, Beware If you ever get a gut feel or something doesn't ring true, check it out by any means possible. You have the right. Probably on everyones own personal case things are Ok, but you never really know, it can be surprising.
  18. Your situation sounds better than your first post. I too like all the ideas. I wish my problems were as simple as yours like someone else stated. I cooked when she first arrived and until we got more food in the house of her choosing, which was the cheapest on sale. My wife is a good cook and always does a variety. Now she is settled in. I made a deal that I will clean and she cook. This way I got to observe. Finally I broke out and began cooking what I like to cook and it surprised her and she likes it. She seems to have forgotten those first few days of arrival when she disliked everything. Her and daughter love to bake cakes now and experiment with ideas. She hates the stuff in the box as it has too much sugar. Back to your problem. There are some pretty bland boring meals, watery tasteless rice, or that clumped up glue-rice #$%^. I just eat it and conform like I know she has. I prefer her noodles over rice dishes. She made a mistake on the rice and it came out the American way. She saw I liked it. So sometimes we get it that way. I like her egg-tomato dish and cooked onoins with a little meat dish. I never ate onions before. Overall, even though she works, she loves to cook while I do something else. She loves to DO for me. Too many times she cooks a Chinese dish I said I liked in the past while her and lil one eat something spicy or that water rice. Wish you the best.
  19. Me thunks Rogies Den Mother smoked....
  20. Great start and I am glad to hear it. We know you have been concerned. Hope the 3 of you just work out everything and never give up. Looks like your trying to have fun with them. Cool.
  21. From what I have observed and learned I would say this is generally correct. I have posted some things from time to time. Also my son corresponded with the ladies, his age, over there and yes a significant difference in ... things. sick joke: Heck if they will sleep with us they will sleep with anybody, right?
  22. Looks like the swimming pool behind my wifes apt. I am moving her this month. Someone said sewage turns it green. Yeah all the water volley ball players drinking beer all day in our case.
  23. Didn't they write a song about her? "Algie" ?
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