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Everything posted by SheLikesME?

  1. Dougie you are in some kind of fantasy land if you imagine you could OUTNEEDLE moi... OK then lets go needle the natives. Of course our ladies ..............never mind.
  2. Bot no worry. I will probably never retire.
  3. I mean I wouldn't have anything else to do but needle and bother someone.
  4. Really?! Cool, wifey likes computers and I like heavy industry. Wish I could be in there building trains or ships. Chengdu is nice too. Been there a couple of times in winter. I guess by the time I got there the citizens of Xian and Beijing had me so used to a permanant shake that I didn't care anymore. numb, or that new overcoat I bought in 02 sure did the job. Roger you have my interest peaked a little about this Hainan. Maybe I wil look into it, but I think I will become bored if just a paradise. At least in Dalian I could watch ships or trains get built. Doug you know if Roger lives there then it has to be boring. Hey I didn't say it. But if the two of us were there, I could drive him and the neighborhood would go down in value just because I am there, I'm sure.
  5. Really?! Cool, wifey likes computers and I like heavy industry. Wish I could be in there building trains or ships. Chengdu is nice too. Been there a couple of times in winter. I guess by the time I got there the citizens of Xian and Beijing had me so used to a permanant shake that I didn't care anymore. numb, or that new overcoat I bought in 02 sure did the job. Roger you have my interest peaked a little about this Hainan. Maybe I wil look into it, but I think I will become bored if just a paradise. At least in Dalian I could watch ships or trains get built.
  6. hhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...where is that other post of mine about BEING IN CHARGE... but, although I was surprised to find this out, Texans are allowed on Hainan... But before you put your money down in Dalian I recommend you check out the winter weather... This coming week the Dalian highs will range from 41-32 and the lows 24-15... B) might I point out that this is not much of an improvement over Wisconsin... In Qionghai, Hainan the highs will be from 77-67 and the lows from 66-57... Well no doubt I had been to Dalian before meeting my wife. Later spent the honeymoon there. Both times winter. I like it and got to see what it was all about. I like the industry as well as the water, so I was a bit excited to hear my wife loves it there and maybe wanted to buy a place near the water. I like the excitment of being near Korea and possibly some war breaking out . But that is just me. Of course I also like the SOUTH. I just havn't spent much time there, in China. But on the topic of your question... well it is interesting that you post this. I'm getting tired of the land mines.
  7. They are green. I know. My wife fed me the same stuff....
  8. So Roger, I want to ask if you care to have neighbors from TX. But I immagine my northern gal still wants to retire to Dalian. At least it is by the water though. Nice avatar.
  9. You just keep cleaning that water Roger Just kidding Rog!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. father in law is scheduled for B2 interview 12-26. I asked wife about travel health insurance. She says he never goes to the doctor anyway and would just go home if he gets sick. I wonder about accidents, but she wants to save the money and trust her instincts. But I wonder this same thing. I forget where to look and how much the cost is.
  11. Weiyan I recently found out is pronounced more like We-Yen. Heck she taught me We-Yan. Oh well I always call her Weiyan however it comes out. She had an American name when learning english but decided not to use it and I forgot what it was. During the MBA she decided to come up with an American name and chose Serena. I liked it and still do. BUT, since most documents and things require the real name she seldom actually uses Serena. I think her badge at work says Serena, and probably her plaque at the cubical says that. I will ask.
  12. She is and I found the most Americanized woman in Beijing I think. Sometimes I have regretted this, but for the most part I appreciate her. Her mind is so focused on helping me and seeing that I do the right things.... For her she can drive herself crazy over this. I think we came to a very good agreement last night. Don't care to get specific at this time. Thanks for your comments. DAVE and Dave, maybe I will try reading the book and find it in Chinese. Hmm, wonder if too late for a New Years present - to find in Chinese that is?
  13. Are you guys referring to the spur under the heel or under the back of the foot? I have been reading on the net about this. Mine is a large bulge at the top of the heel on the back. I can't just flip on a shoe anymore. The back of the shoe will fold in when it hits the bulge it is so large. I kind of fear this has become so chronic I may not have a choice, which is what the doctor said. Lately my left ankle has a big knot comming up and is bothering me a lot. I few knuckles are similar. I am beginning to think it is all calcium related as all of these things started about the same time. I guess I need to find a way to stop all the spurs, but I have doubts I can deal with the heel and ankle without surgery. I decided to go to the doc tomorrow and talk about the whole thing. Maybe a different specialist or maybe a chiropracter has a different aproach. The reading on the net gets old and not specific enough I feel. Any advice or medications or supplements welcome! And thanks ALL for getting me to thinking.
  14. Had no idea about the car racing. One can read the love in those stories. Good man, and good woman. Integrity & Character come to mind.
  15. OK, so after a rather stern shake up about a few things I had to get resolved, we had a good discussion about the near future and how to get along. She mentioned again the listening, so you know what I did once she got home? I listened, and I listened. Had to be careful not to drift away as I paid bills. Had to listen to the topic. She went to bed happy. And I thought I could talk a long time. But hey when it is good, it is very good. So ladies and fellers, I am listening and not getting too serious, I hope.
  16. Learning Chinese is out until a few other things are done. Plus wife believes it is a waste of my time since she knows English and we live here. But I did take one class and liked the logic of it much better than English. David I am glad you posted. Was hoping you would. OK ALL. I give. I will just do like Dennis says and listen.
  17. Jim I have the boot already. It is very comfortable. I never thought to wear at night. It would be pretty clumsy. I don't wear during the day as I have too many people to see. I will try it though at night. Maybe you mean something different. This same boot will be used after surg. and is like the boot/cast used when I broke my ankle. Don't know about therapy and such. I saw the X-ray and this thing looks pretty bad. I have a large lump on the back of my heel making putting on the right shoe a bit difficult. YES a whole new meaning of pain. Especially when starting out. I did try stretches and such, but it seem to make things worse. Doc said to try the boot. OK I will wait on whittling.
  18. Actually I have a spur on my right heel and they will have to partially detach my Achilles tendon, remove it, then reattach and have me immobile for 10-14 days. right now I walk with a limp toward the end of the day. I just discovered another one under my left ankle which is why that ankle wants to give way with pain, I guess. So maybe I will do both feet at the same time. Wife reminded me I wont be able to drive that way. Hmm, she has a point.
  19. Interestng story Jim and certainly done right for the family. a bit off topic, but I can't help but feel like it is always OK to play by the different rules when in China. It just feels like another world. To the family you are married. I want to expand my thoughts but this isn't the thread for it. We did the registration, but had a reception in Benxi for those who could come. Wife did not want to spend too much and did not want me to have to pay her parents anything, since she felt like a modern woman in Beijing, but tradition tugged on her. Will meet her father if he gets visa next month.
  20. Thats OK. She's got me on gross laziness, while in waiting, by calling her too much when in China and hanging out in CFL entirely too much. And maybe watching eggs fry on roof tops in Wichita. You know she may just want to visit us sometime though. She asked about this place and the people one day last week and I did put in a good word for you all, that I could. I even sent her a quote last night from Trigg where HE was serious about sandwiching criticism about a year ago to MARCH, I think. She took note and says she will learn from it. My thanks to the Triggster. Rogie, I was trying to be a little light harted here, though truthful. Maybe my lady is right. I talk too serious. Haha, I told her what she can do with getting out of bed the British way.
  21. As my cousin up the street says, who married a foreign born wife, smart women can be smart a$$!
  22. http://i19.tinypic.com/3467wd1.jpg Let's just hope that you use the "stick" correctly.... Ha Ha Ha Ha, is that her name? JADE? I get tested on a regular bassis about a gf. Acts like she wouldn't mind. Haha. It would devastate her I think.
  23. I BOUGHT TWO (2) NEW BEDS!! I just didn't HAVE TOO!!!! I got chewed out for not keeping old ones. Seems I did not have to give those away from last divorce. Anyway one new one for TX, a King as hard as a rock. 2nd a Queen for AR, which is perfect for me but too soft for her.
  24. Oldies, but still---- Scrub back with this razor strap look a like except it is rougher than a brillo pad. (Actually I kind of like this. Feels good.) (If wife needs help I scrub her back raw for punishment, but she loves it.) Shower every night (But I like the side benefits This only applies to both of us if I am in town, otherwise she has switched to morning showers now ) Foot massage (says it is as good as sex) (My finger tips are sore) (sometimes so is somethin gelse ) Use your brain, think 3 times before you speak. New ones: Wear comfortable looking clothes around the house. (comfortable is what looks that way to her) Trash can in the van and DON'T remove it. Use it. (OK, so I bring it out when she is around.) Use stickie notes she calls "stick". (But honey stickies come off and get lost wrong answer, wants a divorce, ok so I use them for personal things, NOT WORK, compromise reliefe)
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