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Everything posted by IluvmyLi

  1. Good post Todd, I have thought about this too. Could be a good idea. When I mentioned it to Jie, she said, "Do they really have dancers like that in Las Vegas, with no tops?" I said yes, do you want to see them? She said, sure, because she cannot believe there is something like that. I said me too, lets see one. Then she changed her mind. I dont know why? 182662[/snapback] Ken that cracks me up. lol I know my Li is very excited about going to vegas. I asked her if she wants to fly or drive. She said we drive. haha. She likes road trips it seems.
  2. Thanks chef4u...... I'll do some online searching.
  3. How many of you soon to be husband and wife will get married in Vegas? Anyone that has already used the sin city as your place of marriage have any pointers to give or recommendations? I dont' have any family here and neither will she. So rather then going down to some government building and just signing a piece of paper, I thought it would be somewhat more romantic to do a nice vegas wedding with photos and flowers.
  4. Thanks a plenty Ken Nice detail and again Congrats on bringing your honey home soon.
  5. Called DOS this morning and was told P3 mailed out on Jan 10th. WooooooooHooooooooo!
  6. I just thought it odd that they would say "refused". Almost seems as if someone actually refused to accept package. I'll give it a till end of January before I start freaking out.
  7. Refused is ok? Well Jim, I'll just have to take your word for it won't I.
  8. I called DHL and they could only confirm that both shipments were refused delivery by the recipient. I'll just have to pray that the 11/25 shipment was mine.
  9. Ok now I'm in worried. My case shipped 11/23 to GUZ. I checked the 3 closest shipments and the one on 25th has been sitting for several weeks. No big dea. The next one on the 28th was on hand 12/2 and as of today it shows "Recipient refused delivery". WTF? Also the next one that was shipped on 11/29 also says "Recipient refused delivery.
  10. you can marry her and file the proper paperwork to keep her here. Of course this is not legal advice that I am giving you. lol I did this on my last marriage. Brought her here on a visitors visa and quickly married her. It was back in 2000 so I don't remember what paperwork we filed. Sorry.
  11. your timline shows that GUZ received your case on 12/16. Expect at least 1.5 to 2 months before GUZ receives actual paper copy.
  12. And if I may please piggy back onto xtal's question. My income changes year to year do to overtime. Would I only put my last years gross even though previous years are different? Sorry xtal.
  13. My last 2 trips to China I slept like a baby. Once I get back home, I don't sleep for 2 weeks.
  14. I don't think she needs anything from you for the P3. Am I correct? MY understanding was we only need to send our SO what she needs for the interveiw.
  15. No reason to get mad at DHL. They deliver as soon as packages clear customs. Two packages haven't cleared customs. Sometimes packages are expedited. In those cases the Consulate appears to have an expedited procedure for getting them out of customs. GUZ has explained the normal procedure to us already. 180864[/snapback] I have to blame someone. haha. I have asked GUZ this question, but I guess it wasn't worth while. I have seen other timelines on this board that have been waiting on GUZ to pick up there shipment from DHL since Oct. Now why are some shipments picked up earlier then others that have been sitting longer? This has nothing to do with my case, I am just curious why this happens. Absolutely no reason why the timelines for GUZ to receive the hard copy from DHL should vary so much. I can understand a 30 day period, but that's about it. It appears to be about 2 month average for DHL from what I have noticed lately.
  16. Screw DHL. I give up on trying to figure out the whole shipping crappola. Out of a possible 3 shipments that went out close to my own date. One was delivered on 12/1/05. The other 2 have been "On Hand" since 12/2/05. I give up.
  17. Jim I'm right behind you. My case was sent 11/23 to GUZ. No paper copy recieved by them yet. My case has been flying quickly so I won't complain too much. 40 days from NOA1 to being shipped to GUZ. I would rather it be sitting on some desk then sitting in a storage facility somewhere.
  18. I know this subject has been beaten to death. And I apologize to GUZ in advance for my question. I still would like an explanation as to why some packages are picked up and entered into GUZ computer within 1 month, while other packages sometime sit for 2-3 months. It appears that some packages just sit in DHL and are passed up by others arriving later. And no I'm not trying hard to find shady practices in this issue. I just want an explanation for the disparity. This isn't a question about name checks and all the other reasons why some cases take longer. This is only about cases sitting in DHL longer then others. The only answer I can come up with is if GUZ waits 2-3 months before picking up a shipment. Then I would understand why such a difference in time. Thank you
  19. Another example of a piss poor attitude coming from a VO. Wake up GUZ and try supervising your own people and stop making applicants jump through burning hoops without even looking at any evidence 1st. And I'm not talking about any certain VO. What's the point in us bringing a pile of evidence if the VO won't even look at it.
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