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Everything posted by IluvmyLi

  1. I just got back from office depot and like usual, I went overboard. I ended up getting clear folders that fasten the paperwork from within. Called 'quick bind', no holes needed. Then I got some clear plastic sleeves which I will separate and attach my photos with 2 sided tape. Then I'll put everything in a nice pocket holder. One set of originals and two copied sets. I still have to get a large holder for the kitchen sink. I also picked up other styles of folders and stuff just in case I screwed up.
  2. I was in China Sept 05'. I paid approx $2,000 LAX to Guangzhou rt China shouthern Through flychina.com The premium coach is much like Business class seats. I have long legs so this is a must for me.
  3. I thought about jewelry, but wasn't sure because of the mailing system.
  4. I agree philb. Even though my SO thinks it's too expensive to send flowers overseas, I will continue to do it.
  5. The last two times I have flown china southern premium economy. A bit more expensive, but definately worth the price for the comfort.
  6. Yes those are very good prices compared to www.flowers-to-china.com which I have been using. Thx.
  7. I have been sending flowers now and then. But my SO told me it's too expensive.
  8. Would it be proper to send my SO a gift for christmas? Anyone else do this and what are some good gift ideas? Ok I just realized this is probably not the correct place for this post.
  9. If you don't mind me asking, what area of the country do you live in?
  10. I think those are excellent questions. I would love to see the GUZ give his opinion.
  11. Thx David. I been sitting here just waiting for your link.
  12. I don't think that is the "GUZ #" from the NOA2 anyway. Correct?
  13. Li and I also have used the term "husband" and "wife". I will make sure to avoid printing out these emails. Better safe then sorry.
  14. Thx donahso, Just call me mr. exciteable.
  15. Ok is this 2 hole thingy only needed for the later on process after the SO arrives in USA and not needed for what I plan on sending my SO for her k1 visa interview?
  16. ttlee_99: That's a good idea! Now if I only had the available vacation time and a few grand to go. I need to save as much money as possible in the next 6 months or so in order to go to China during her interview and hopefully bring her home with me. I have a years worth of emails, some phone records and IM's. 6 photos or 60 photos. Either way it shows I was with her.
  17. Ok so I screwed up and wasn't able to take many photos while I was in China to see my SO. Combination of my stupidity and a damaged camera is the reason. My plan is to be in China when my SO has her interview. If I take a many photos the few days before her interview, will this raise a flag by the VO? Also where can I can the photos printed if I download them to my computer from camera? Maybe just buy a few disposable cameras and take them somewhere?
  18. carl what part of that link am i interested in? The fasteners or the folders?
  19. how about one of you more experienced individuals please post a photo example of the folders and what is best to put folders in. As you can see, I'm a bit slow. For example when I copy her certified in english Birth certificate, it has about 3-4 pages. Do i staple these copies together and put in a regular folder that has pockets? Or is it a folder with no pocket only place for punches at top? Wow! I feel like i'm getting dumber by the day. Oh the stress!
  20. my SO can speak a little bit. But I dont think the VO will be interested in her saying "I miss you". I still feel the same as everyone else. The proof is sitting in front of the VO. Just look at it for cripes sake.
  21. holes punched on top? Is this for everthing that we have in our binder? (page with photos, employment, passport copy, etc)
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