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Everything posted by IluvmyLi

  1. Are you saying that every marriage that takes place in Vegas, the bride is unable to use her husbands last name on the certificate? I find that hard to swallow.
  2. check out my timeline. My case sat in DHL for 47 days. My guess within another 2 weeks you should have good news.
  3. GUZ speaks had confirmed earlier in a post that the name check begins before the P3 is sent out. That is on K1's. Not sure if that's 1st or 2nd name check.
  4. I have emailed GUZ several times in the past couple months and they always answered me within 1-2 days. They confirmed that they received my SO's chinese address that I had faxed them. And they also answered me twice when I had emailed asking if they have received the hard copy of our case. Of course after they told me that they have not received the paper copy, they would add a long statement at the bottom of the email explaining that they prefer everyone use the pay line.
  5. You can pick up the visa the very next day right?
  6. No sorry needed. I was only curious if you had to bring both of those forms to the medical. Thanks
  7. Jie you mention the "intent to marry" form. There is also a "certification of legal capacity" form. Did you give both forms to Doctor? Q.1.22 "Certification of legal capacity and intent to marry" form? On the package 4 interview list what is "Certification of legal capacity and intent to marry"? Are those forms included in the P4? A1.22.1 There is a "certification of legal capacity and intent to marry" form in the P4 packet. The SO should write the name of the American citizen she/he is to marry on the form and sign it in the presence of a VO who will also sign it. This form is in addition to the "intent to marry" letter most people write.
  8. At First People's Hosp. in Shanghai they practice the Chinese version of the paperwork reduction act . They tore only two pages out of all our notarized reports (BC, PC, Divorce and (maybe) Marriage and file 86' ed them (trashcan). And NO we did NOT get them back at interview. I took these bindings and other intact parts (I believe the Chinese versions) out of the trash and we shredded them at home. Explained the concept of "identity theft" to my wife. 183690[/snapback] Jie just got back from her second visit to Shanghai Peoples and they did the same thing........tore out the pages. Its amazing how we go through all this work to do everything cleanly, neatly, and legally, and they just go and rip it apart. 183781[/snapback] Why did she have to go 2 times? Was there a problem the 1st time?
  9. Todd, do you know where that thread is? 183620[/snapback] Ken I have no idea. I copied things that I thought were important, but have no way of finding the original post. I bet money David can find it for you.
  10. I will have my SO do what David has suggested long time ago. "I can speak some english, I am learning. But I will understand you better if you speak in chinese".
  11. Ken it's nice the you want Jie to be prepared. I think it's just the luck of the draw on which VO we get and if he or she wants to be a hard azz. Li and I will practice the sample questions and try to get her to answer as many as possible in English. Some VO's don't care if she can speak a word of English. While others will be looking for weakness and jump all over her. Good luck.
  12. Good Point David. 3 Copies of her Birth Certificate will be next. 183578[/snapback] We had dupes made of the single cert and police record, but I did the same.....got 5 copies of her birth. I figured she will need it at one time or another in the states. The whole cost in Shang hai for all of those (2 police, 2 single, 5 birth), was 1500rmb. 183588[/snapback] Hmmmmmmm. Both my SO and her cousin both said about 2000yuan for just the divorce, single cert and police. Certified and translated. Ken do we get all these certificates back from the interview?
  13. Good Point David. 3 Copies of her Birth Certificate will be next.
  14. Thx David, I'll talk to her about it. Those things aren't cheap though.
  15. So when she hands over the sealed envelope at the interview, she can also hand the VO my I-134, intent to marry and other proof at same time? And I also assume her intent to marry is not incuded in the sealed envelope.
  16. Thanks Jie, Having bad feelings about the medical didn't even cross my mind. Until now. No really I'm not concerned about the medical itself. I'm just trying to make sure my Li has all the required documents with her at the time of medical. She will have everything she needs except the Birth cert that I have with me in USA. I need to see if she wants to do the medical while i'm in China or is she wants to do it much sooner. Then i'll know if I need to mail her the Birth cert or just bring it with me. I just hope that she isn't getting her updated Certificates too early. But she is the boss, so no argueing about it.
  17. David, My SO has already had these certs. Tomorrow she is planning on getting updated ones because the previous ones will expire in March. I have her Birth certificate which doesn't need updating. She just sent back her P3. And yes I know this might be a bit premature, but this is what she wanted to do. I'm assuming that if she has all these certs in hand, then we can go to the medical together about one week before the interview.
  18. Jie brought all of these for her first visit, and they asked her to come back tomorrow for the results and to bring all of the above, including all of the certs. I think this all will be packaged and sealed, not to be opened until the interview. 183548[/snapback] Dang it anyway. Guess I better send her birth cert in the mail. Or maybe we'll just spend the week in Guangzhou and do everything at once.
  19. You telling me that when she goes for medical, she needs to hand over her certified divorce, single cert, birth cert and police cert? The reason I need to know is because I have her Certified Birth certificate with me. I was planning on giving it to her when I came to China for her interview.
  20. I checked the FAQ and I'm not clear at what point, or to whom, my SO needs to give her Divorce, Birth, Single, and Police certificate. Under FAQ P4: Q.1.17 What should be brought to the medical exam? A.1.17.5 K1, K3: 1) Four (4) passport pictures (print name on back) 2) Beneficiary Passport 3) P4 Appointment letter (make copies; give them a copy if they will accept it) 4) P3 collected docs from OF-167 (divorce, police, marriage, police certificates, etc -- make copies) 5) P4 (K1 list) (make copies) a. DS-156 in duplicate: 2 in English ; 2 in Chinese ; (sign); attached (2) passport photos of beneficiary to each (total of 4 pics) b. DS-156K in duplicate: 2 in English ; 2 in Chinese ; (do not sign ; beneficiary will sign at consulate) c. DS-157 in duplicate: 2 in English ; 2 in Chinese ; (no signature needed; no signature block) d. GNI-2 , Supplemental Form (do not sign ; beneficiary will sign at consulate) e. GIV-24 , Family Composition Sheet (sign) f. Medical docs from P4 (Instructions and worksheet) g. Certification of legal capacity and intent to marry (K1: do not sign; beneficiary will sign at consulate) 6) DS-230, Part II (CR1 only) 7) If any shot records on hand, bring (CR1/CR2) 8) Have blank forms for P4 docs (in case something is wrong) Line number 4) seems to imply that her certificates need to be brought to the medical. Anyone can answer this please?
  21. Since it takes so long to receive the certified copy, is this something I need to be concerned about? I'll have plenty of time right?
  22. David I have another stupid question. In that list I see she must have the "intent to marry" statement along with everything else before she goes to medical. Is that her "Intent to marry", or the one I also will be bringing her when I go to China for her interview.
  23. prior to the medical? Or just prior to her interview?
  24. Good post Todd, I have thought about this too. Could be a good idea. When I mentioned it to Jie, she said, "Do they really have dancers like that in Las Vegas, with no tops?" I said yes, do you want to see them? She said, sure, because she cannot believe there is something like that. I said me too, lets see one. Then she changed her mind. I dont know why? 182662[/snapback] Ken that cracks me up. lol I know my Li is very excited about going to vegas. I asked her if she wants to fly or drive. She said we drive. haha. She likes road trips it seems. 182675[/snapback] I talked about the road trip too Todd, but when she heard the speeds I like to drive, she changed her mind and wants to fly. I dont get it. Airplanes go 500 to 600 mph. I only go 110. Whats the deal? 182748[/snapback]
  25. Ken I'm bring 3 of everything. Those extra things that we all wonder if we really need will be in my kitchen sink packet.
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