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Everything posted by IluvmyLi

  1. just more bs. If i had to provide a video speaking chinese, our visa would never be approved. God help me.
  2. what a bunch of crap. Are not a few photos proof that we have met our SO? If we are standing in front of a monument in China does that not show I visited my SO? I also only have about 6 photos because my camera was damaged in flight and every photo was a blur. Not to mention the difficulty in having to ask someone to take our photo. If the VO isn't even going to look at the proof, then what's the point? Hang in their. I hope you overcome soon.
  3. Thx David......2 questions. I-134: Is their a place on the form for a notary? SO's police, divorce, birth. I have her originals. Only the police certificate needs to be updated closer to the P-4? Also is a single certificate needed for the SO? I thought divorce certificate was good enough. Taxes.....How many years worth? I have 02,03,04, and soon to be 05. But I'm missing 03 W-2. That may stand out like a sore thumb when I have 02 and 04 but not 03. Ooops......that was 4 questions.
  4. I just received my NOA2. Would now be a good time to begin to gather some of the important papers such as Employment and bank letter? David I'm sure you will throw out about 5 links. lmao I checked the link you gave me before about the steps and timeframes and it was suggested to begin gathering right away after NOA2. I am only concerned about the dates that will be on the letters. Or maybe I should not be so concerned when it comes to my employment and bank letter. Also I assume I send my SO the completed I-134 at the same time I send her my employment, banking, letter of intent and the rest of the kitchen sink? Am I rambling?
  5. I received an email from USCIS-CSSO this morning: On November 4, 2005, this approved or re-affirmed case was shipped to the Department of State for visa processing. If you have any additional questions, please contact the Department of State. Is the DOS the same as NVC? thanks much.
  6. Time to study. Thx all for the help!
  7. I'm looking forward to the "GUZ Recliner". I do have a question for you David. Do I need to send all my orginal documents to my SO? My plan was to make 3 copies of everything and bring these with me to China when she has her interview. But in case my travel plans don't work out, I think maybe I should mail her the originals. But I also know I need some of the dates on the paperwork to be closer to the interview date. Financials and the avidavit of support I think. Sound right?
  8. Thx everyone. Yes it is a great feeling. I never expected to approved in only 2 weeks. Now I have to find all the links to figure out what to do next.
  9. GUZ contact numbers anyone? (email, fax) Wow what would I do with out you all. Thanks to CFL and all the members.
  10. So now I must wait until Guangzhou receives my file correct? No need to panic I hope.
  11. Funny thing is. I check the status of my I-129F on the website at least twice a day. So I'm sitting here on my computer (9:20pm) and I get an email. It says "This case has been approved. On November 2, 2005, an approval notice was mailed." WooooHooooo!
  12. Randy I think it might be too late. I just received an email tonight saying my I-129F has been approved.
  13. Warpedbored: So If I am understand it correctly, I should wait until the file arrives at Guangzhou then fax the address. B)
  14. Sorry I am unable to find the original thread for this topic. After reading several posts about the SO's chinese address on the I-129F, I screwed up. I never added her address in Chinese characters on the I-129F or the G-325. I did put it down in PinYin. Is there a way to update my file while I am still waiting on the NOA2?
  15. Dennis and cocomonica, Thank you so very much. I am now beginning to understand what my Li has been telling me. I feel better already!
  16. I am very confused about something. I am a Western man and I tell my SO I love her very much. I say this too often she says. She tells me that I am a man and I should not be like this. She says I worry too much and that I think she will leave me. This is completely incorrect. I thought it was normal to worry about someone you love. I only care abour her well being and safety. Of course I'm the type of man that wants to be continually reminded that she loves me. Maybe it's from past horrible relationships that cause me to be a bit insecure. I don't know. Is the word "worry" have a different meaning to Chinese then what I use it as? When I tell her I no longer worry or think so much about her, then she is happy. I have never been in a relationship that requires me NOT to show my love. She tells me I need to be stronger. Please tell me this is normal. I know some of you have wives and SO's that talk often and chat almost everyday. Even my SO's cousin has said that I think too much. I am hoping that she just wants to make sure that I am strong minded and is concerned about her security for the future. She wants my "Job good, break good, and body good". So now I will pull back a bit and try not to show so much love. It is a very hard thing to do. But as long as she is happy, then I am happy.
  17. I have to admit I was a bit worried when you said she was in Nanning. My SO is also in Nanning and we are only in the early stages of this long process. But when you said she has money, I no longer am worred. My SO has no money. That being said, I hope they can work our thier problems. Does he know she wants to cancel the I-129f?
  18. Girl did not die from chicken. She died from pneumonia. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20051028/ap_on_he_me/bird_flu
  19. My SO name is Li. Sounds good in China and America.
  20. If I get my usa passport renewed, do I lose the pages that show I went to China? Will this be a problem If I renew before finishing the visa process?
  21. Here is the link to the news about possible border closing if flu arrives. As if I'm not stessed enough already. http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20051022/wl_nm/birdflu_dc_55
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