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Everything posted by Jatuke

  1. P3 submitted back in November, but GZ told me they haven't "received" it yet, meaning it's just sitting there in the mail room. Obviously, no name check submission yet. Guess my Congressman didn't give a valiant effort in "contacting GZ." Any other Packet 4 people out there?
  2. Congrats! Thanks for the info. And what's your timeline?
  3. There must be a code, secret, trick, whatever you want to call it. Unfortunately, I don't know exactly what it is.
  4. I waited for 55 minutes to get through from 1:00-1:55 with no luck. 55 cellphone minutes down the drain. I love their recording "You will be on hold for 5 minutes or more..." I am close to thinking about going to China and wait with my fiancee.
  5. I am very interested in cracking this code they have at processing petitions. I want to know how they process these petitions.
  6. I contacted my local Congressman here in Orange County, Rep. Christopher Cox. He mailed a letter back to me 2 weeks ago saying that he's contacted the Consulate. At least he acknowledge my request. As for his case worker, she's incompetent. I called her to follow up the next day I received the letter and she said that I have to wait 30-90 days before she can inquire further. She didn't even bother to ask the relevant questions in regards to my request for assistance. Today I just directly faxed to Rep. Cox. So if anyone else is in O.C. contact Rep. Cox.
  7. First, Congrats!!!! Second, your fiancee called yesterday and got an update? What time did she call? I called GZ yesterday and they told me the computers were down. I want to know if GZ is screwing around with me.
  8. Maybe they're reconfiguring their systems to be in unison with the upcoming DHS overhaul.
  9. Where's a president for the people when we need him???
  10. I just talked to one of the clerks at GZ and he told me their computers are down, and to call back tomorrow. So I waited over an hour and half just to give the clerk a chance to practice his English. I can't wait to finish this process, I'm going to feel like I won the lotto when my fiancee and I are done with this.
  11. Southern California here. I've contacted my local Congressman.
  12. I've spoken to a lady before last week, and it could be the same lady you're talking about, she told me the same, and kept saying to me "do you understand? do you understand?" That was the most productive answer I got out of her. I'll keep trying.
  13. Is it true that the congressman's case worker can't inquire into a case after 30-90 days have passed from the time I received the letter from my congressman? She said that she couldn't do anything else, except for me to just wait. I was pissed, she solved my problem with another problem. I'm going to fax directly to my congressman, he said that he's contacted GZ and he will keep me updated. But I was really disappointed by the staff worker's incompetence. Thanks for letting me vent. Congratulations again to all!
  14. Congrats! So many good news lately, keep it rolling GZ! Where's ours!!! Where's everyone else's!!
  15. Ours is K1. I haven't called DOS yet. I need to do that. I call GZ from the US. I average about a 45 min-1 hour dialing to get through to a clerk. I use onesuite.com to make all my calls to China. I just sit there for an hour and redial the numbers until I get through.
  16. I called GZ yesterday, and the clerk stated that they haven't done anything yet to our P3: no name check submission, no processing, etc. Yet, now I see others getting their P4s, although their timelines are after us. I just need to vent. Thanks. Congratulations on your good news.
  17. Wow, interview and visa all done before 1:30pm? Congratulations! Now only if they were that fast in processing everyone else's.
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