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Everything posted by Jatuke

  1. LOL Actually I'm more worried about N. Korea than Iraq, because N. Korea has already blatantly stated that they do have nuclear capability. Such turbulent times I'm praying everyday that the light at the end of the tunnel will show up soon.
  2. N. Korea and China are allies...even if they weren't, N. Korea wouldn't dare rile up a giant neighbor that already has nuclear capabilities. If China wanted to, they can make N. Korea into another Chinese Province. N. Korea relies heavily on China. The threat is if Bush decides to take action, flights to and from China will have to be modified somehow.
  3. But with a desk job, you are away 8-10 hours away, and there are only 24 hours...but that's better than being away for days. I'm looking at all means to leave the rat race...
  4. We all know now that the ploy by DOS telling us not to call them for 2 weeks was just a smokescreen and what they were really saying was "quit bugging us, geez". Next time, we need to continue pushing. We must not fall for the "our computers are down" b.s., "within 2 weeks" b.s., "call back in a few days" b.s., "etc.." b.s. Who's at fault? DOS or GZ? What's up with GZ turning off their phones? We're all paying taxes to their salaries, and this is the service we receive?
  5. Q&Q, That was a very informative and detailed post about the interview. So you got the "next-day pickup", Can you tell me your timeline? NOA1, NOA2, P3, P4...
  6. I've faxed GUZ a day ago, I emailed Harty from the link on this site, and I'm going to send a fax to my Congressman next week. We need to continue applying "pressure" on these people, or else they will become complacent.
  7. I think that's the RFE - Request for more Evidence.
  8. Has anyone been successful in getting through GUZ's line at 011-86-20-8399-2000? I have been unsuccessful, and I just called now during the 2pm-4pm period. Yesterday I was successful in getting through the GUZ info line and I actually spoke to a girl, and I got excited because I was talking to a live person, but when I told her that I wanted to inquire about the case status of my fiancee, she said "hold on"...and transferred me to the 8399-2000 line...really ridiculous...
  9. Two weeks ago, my fiancee and I went to the Consulate just to check out the surroundings and the settings so that my fiancee will be familiar when her interview day comes. However, I think we only saw and visited the back entrance which had two "security" guards. From what I saw, the Consulate was nothing like the pictures I've seen from other community message boards. There was a two story European style building and it looked like there was some construction going on, and there was blue fencing surrounding the back part of this compound. So I thought we were at the wrong place, but my question is, There are two entrances right, from what I've heard a North and South entrance? Or is there 'more to be seen' once we past the security checkpoint that we saw? Did we go to the right place???? But next to the security checkpoint with the two guards, there was a guard-booth with the sign "American Citizen Services Hours". Please provide me with some sense of direction.
  10. Another poster mentioned that she noticed 20 other K-1 people inside GUZ to pick up their visas? So on average 20 visas a day, 11 busines days left before the Chinese New Year, so about 220 visas before the CNY. I wonder if the concept of New Year's Resolution exists in the Chinese New Years. Maybe DOS is waiting for the Chinese New Year to get their act together, so GZ and DOS can be in synchronization.
  11. So where do we go from here? No updates, nothing spectacularly new...Just sprinkles, trickles...No heavy floods, rainshowers...Maybe DOS is waiting for the Three Gorges Dam to be completed. What now?
  12. Every single post and posters on here are very informative, and I'm very appreciative. If you can provide more on this subject, or anything else you can remember, will be appreciated. Imagine the database of such useful information that is being created for future K-1 couples. Who needs those overpriced lawyers claiming to be 'experts'!
  13. From a LAX<->GUZ itinerary: I came into LAX from Guangzhou last week, and my suitcase was locked with one of those mini-padlocks made for luggage. With regards to this no-lock concept, I believe it applies when you are leaving the U.S. When I was at LAX flying to China, I was told by the "luggage police" to unlock my suitcase and they checked the contents. And they locked it back for me. When I arrived in Guangzhou (my suitcase arrived 1 day later), I was called by the airport that they needed to open my bag because they noticed some "suspicious" items when they ran my bag through security, which were really bottled juice. So I gave them my lock combo to open my bag. When I left Guangzhou for LAX, my luggage went through security, and within 30 feet there was a checkpoint where every passenger had to pay 15 RMB per luggage to get their luggage bounded with those yellow "passed-security" strips (I'm not sure if this is mandatory, I saw some passengers who didn't get their luggage bounded), then passengers checked in at the counters, then after check-in, you go up the one escalator that leads to the waiting room upstairs. When I arrived at LAX and went through customs I was not asked to unlock my luggage. I think it will also depend on your customs declaration form. If this is an American Govmt. law, the Chinese are not 'obligated' to check every single piece of luggage that is locked, and in my case and other passengers' they didn't check. I believe they will ask you to unlock your luggage if they notice anything "suspicious", which is normal. My advice for your fiancees would be to secure your luggage somehow to be safe from theft. Maybe the procedures are different at other Chinese International airports. Hope this helps somewhat...
  14. Phatkat, On the topic of 'sense a genuine relationship'... 1. GZ states that they 'open a case' for your fiancee, so I was wondering does that mean they have a 'file folder or some kind of record keeping' where they keep all your email requests to GZ, and any faxes to GZ, and these files support the genuinity? (However I doubt this, because this is a large overhead of recordkeeping) Is this possible? 2. I know they have our I-129 contents: documents, photos, evidence. Do the I-129F contents dictate the extent of the interview? I have not a single doubt about our genuine relationship, but I would like to be on the safe-side of being paranoid and prepared. I too am preparing a folder with the emails, phone logs, and anything else that I can find.
  15. I used to use phone cards before, and I would mail the actual phone cards to my fiancee to be used as evidence. However, I have been using onesuite.com's service, which is an online phone card service and they provide call logs that you can print. The rates are great and the member services are very useful as well.
  16. Thanks for all the info. My fiancee hasn't received an interview date, we're still waiting for P4, but I just want to prepare my fiancee as best as possible.
  17. My fiancee and I would like to know if the interview is conducted in Chinese or English? How many questions are asked, what's the extent of the questions, etc.? What should my fiancee expect? Any answers/advice is appreciated.
  18. Aren't you one of the ones that have already received the visa pickup notice??? If so, you're going to give up at this point?? You've and We've come along this far, don't let this incompetent government of ours called 'DOS' beat us. Think about if you just wait a little longer, which I know is a ridiculous concept, and you go together with your special lady to Europe, how much sweeter it will be! If you're not that person, then disregard this message.
  19. First of all, Congratulations! Second of all, I don't understand the logic of how GZ processes these timelines. I don't want to sound like I'm whining, but I'm just curious that time and time again, people that are approved after you, finish first. Anyone have an angle on GZ's logic? My timeline: NOA1 - 4/02/02 NOA2 - 7/26/02 P3 received by GZ - 12/02/02 P4 - Still waiting for P4... Brian, can you share with me your methodology in dealing with GZ?
  20. This is not the infamous "white paper" that everyone has been talking about on here. If I understood your post, you have only received packet 3, which contains the forms that you will submit to GZ for packet 4. The "white paper" that everyone's been talking about is a letter from GZ stating to pick up a visa. You still have one more step to complete before the "white paper" phase. First, submit the forms in packet 3 to GZ. Then GZ will process those forms, and after will mail you packet 4 with an interview date. And if things are still the way they are now, GZ will tell your fiancee to wait for the "white paper" in the mail stating to come back to GZ and pick up the visa. I think your post heading may mislead people.
  21. I just noticed I have two blue thingies now! I'm moving up!
  22. On the topic of monks, I've seen some monks in China with cell phones, rolexes, gucci glasses, etc...This is against the Buddhist philosophy of 'giving up the material world'. I've even heard monks in Pu Tuo Shan up in Zhejiang Province use the money from their offerings to buy Benz's, and all the nice 'materialistic' toys. Corruption in China has spread through all facets of the Chinese society!
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