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Dan R

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Everything posted by Dan R

  1. Jim I think they use an automatic spam program to put the name on. I will say though that it looks as though the time frame is getting firmer. My last response by email before DOS gave me the interview date said "Due to the huge number of applicant, it may take a few months to schedule." The following week I had the answer. So don't let thte 3 month thing get you down.
  2. I only saw rugs not carpet (wall to wall tacked down). Those were hung and beaten or spot cleaned with a towel at businesses. Most homes I was in were wood or linoleum or stone flooring. Slippers worn all the time.
  3. Best of luck. Do you mean there comes a time when we get out of bureaucratic purgatory and go on with normal life?
  4. You guys have it wrong. It is written on the little yellow grains of sand that get swept up in the air currents. To read it you must find each one and then piece the message together.
  5. "Well ours is CR-1. She is eligible. I have sent many emails to the consulate about this. Their response is, 'Please be advised that the case is still under the necessary internal processing.' " MikeXiao Sounds like someone got constipated. Perhaps you should send those over worked well meaning souls protecting our country from visa fraud some suppositories to get things moving.
  6. are you saying I don't know what is best for all of us?
  7. My skin color may be white but growing up no one had any problem of recognising me as Jewish or using the common expression of the time "an inside out n***r". I guess you may not have gotten to many different regions in China. The ethnic facial differences are very wide. In skin color, eye and face shape. Of course people speak distinct dialects as well. We may stand out there but also my SO is never thought to be from the north and has even been called Japanese.
  8. I grew up in the U.S. and I have been stared at, beat up, vandalized, been excluded and had a pet killed because of who I am. J. you are younger and I hope your observation means things have changed. Maybe having the experiences I do I am not so concerned of what may happen in China. I don't expect it would be any worse and think it would be less of a problem.
  9. Joseph it is good to hear that you worked through things. I do think culture is more than rules. It is the way people in a place do things. It is how you learn to think of the world around you from thed time you are a baby. Because it is so ingrained you don't even think of it, it is very subtle. It is language and the way you think of things based on the imagery of the language. Individuals can differ within a society. Different cultures will have different perameters within which one acts the norm. This is why it takes more trust in a cross cultural relation because you don't know what is the norm of the other culture. At the same time it is easier to abuse. We see both sides of this on CFL and 001. In a nut shell, life aint easy. Best Regards
  10. I did this for my own when I sent for it. Easier than getting notarized copies later and no hassle about the notary form.
  11. Oh Jason, you eternal optimist you.
  12. Veeerrrryyyyy interesting, but no place for a stroll.
  13. You guys have a funny idea of what a park is. Geez you couldn't even park a motorcycle in that space.
  14. #1 she needs for the interview #2 is the place for the notary if in U.S. or the consulate officer to sign if you are doing this in China.
  15. You can download or print all the forms from here http://home.comcast.net/~donahso/P4index.htm and fill them out. Otherwise you might have to reschedule like a friend of mine did. His SO even went to another consulate to ask for help on that but she was turned away after being told only GZ can deal with this. I don't know if the photo specifics have been up dated. They have gone back to face straight on Bring all the items everyone talks about in threads that you get from the city office where the hokou is. Not currently married cert, divorce cert, not a criminal cert and birth cert. You might try emailing GZ if there are any specific questions but they never responded to my friends request to remail or confirm the address they sent it to. In fact they said their programs do not support Chinese language so they could not confirm where it had been sent!
  16. Sleep well Jim. ( I hope he doesn't try knocking out a tooth, making a wish and leaving it under his pillow.)
  17. I get it.. careful.. just had a vision of a hippopotamus in a clown suit
  18. OOOooooooooo Can everyone resist biting at the bait?
  19. sorry Jim but the truth is ONLY THE GREAT GUZ KNOWS - ARE YOU THE GREAT GUZ[/size]
  20. You keep both feet off the ground? Is that to make a better ring mark?
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