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Dan R

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Everything posted by Dan R

  1. PLEASE!! Ever eat those really small guys (or girls, don't mean to be sexist in my carnivorous ways)... The bones are so small, I'm more hungry after attempting to sort the bones from meat in my mouth ! Well if we do the national get together I'll show you how to seperate meat from bone. If you do it right any bone too small to get is safe to eat.
  2. I definitely agree chopsticks and the Chinese spoon are all you need once you are use to it. Chopsticks make it very easy to remove bones from fish and slurp noodles.
  3. I've used chopsticks since I was 5 years old. I use them at home more often than fork and knife. When my SO comes here she can use what she likes as I have plenty of both.
  4. Frank only people that have had as much experience with the government as we have unfortunately had could truly relate to this story. Sounded like you made out good.
  5. Robert doesn't it occur to you that we may have discussed this with our SO and may be repeating their feelings? Why must this be assumed we are disregarding their feelings. This issue is also one that can be expected to change as time goes on and people change. The life insurance is a good thing I think and I may get it once we are established.
  6. Maybe I am use to doing forms or just not as creative. 11. Yes, I do intend to support the applicant.
  7. They make something for people like you ... what's it called Viag something Allow me to re-phrase. Standing back up is difficult. Shheeeeezzz, tough crowd!! Yeh you have to be careful what you say and how. I understood you perfectly
  8. Seems friday stress is rising on CFL. Has anyone ever noticed how sensitive, button pushing and crazy this place gets for Friday and Saturday. Maybe we all make plans for the weekend and it becomes painfully obvious that the person we want to be doing them with is absent. On top of it there is nothing we can do. Now if we can prove GUZ is at fault this might be charge number 385 in our class action suite. May talk to one of our resident attorneys about whether this could be regarded as attempting to incite a riot. Otherwise I guess it is just part of charge #235 which was malicious intent to drive insane. Calm down or you'll stir up the room for another weekend. Inmates should be friends
  9. They make something for people like you ... what's it called Viag something You learn a lot about folks waiting in the Official Waiting Room for K Visa issues.
  10. Joshua pull up a chair. We have plenty of time to discuss this. You have now entered the Official Waiting Room of the Great Guz. Read some posts and feel free to jump in any time. Get use to the room and expect to hang out with us for about 5-6 months. You may find our company preferable to hitting your head against a wall.
  11. Sounds to me like your marrying a western woman... David haven't you noticed that when Asians see something they like, they first absorb it then multiple it times 10.
  12. I understand how to start building the credit but just don't understand the need. The car registration can be done any way you like. I'm just trying to see if there is a need for us to work at building seperate credit for her before she works. After all credit is about your ability to pay.
  13. aosnow is it the weather or what? I have to agree again with you. Why indeed would individual credit matter once you are married. She can use a joint card anytime without having a seperate credit account. It becomes important after a seperation. I am curious to know what others think would require her to have seperate credit?
  14. Jim I'd suggest you call DOS in the morning. I always got more info on the phone with DOS than from GUZ's individualized responses.
  15. I may be from California but I wasn't meaning you big guy. The ONE who matters to me thinks I'm adorable.
  16. no wonder I wasn't able to find Tawain in the atlas. So now what is a Chinese casn that can be so stupid? Is that a pet? My SO asks be about spelling so I check the dictionary to make sure I don't steer her wrong. Then she asks if you need a dictionary why do I need you? I don't know, maybe because I'm cute.
  17. a low credit limit is ok. Just use it often, pay it off on time without leaving balances and they will quickly offer a higher limit hoping you will use it for enough that they will start getting interest.
  18. Working for the government does not make you a party member especially these days. Party Membership is limited. Don't assume he is because he works for the government. Make sure he is a member officially with a party ID card.
  19. The networks like to use Asian women as reporters because they look younger and hold their looks longer than the caucasion women. Once Connie Chung broke into it they started hiring Asians. Ratings proved that these reporters held their audience better for longer than the non Asians. This is not an issue for men because studies show increased viewer support as the male reporters age. This is a gender issue for marketing and not part of the issue of under representation of Asians in the entertainment industry.
  20. Sorry about the link error. I corrected it. I think she can filter some of the misinformation Carl. I had more problems over the American movies she sees on Chinese television. Of course it is nice knowing that everyone on CFL has given the correct information even when two are conflicting.
  21. So how does that differ from western art or calligraphy? I think a big difference is that in western art and calligraphy the object is all important where as in Oriental Art the open space is the focus and defines the object. This influence is seen in the expressionists and minimalists.
  22. I guess it would be easier to go to China than to go back in time to pre 1960s America. Here it started changing post WWII then the attitudes changed drastically in the 60s. It was related to prosperity and developing a service economy rather than manufacture based on hard labor and long hours. Also the high per capita ratio of lawyers to population changed much in the U.S. These factors are also now at work in China. Each country that does this changes quicker than the one before. I am hoping China finds an alternative but only time will tell. The times they are a changing..........
  23. The best thing I think is to see as much as you can. China is a country of very distinct regions. Travel to see what interests you. I have been to the North and Cental regions but not the West or South. The Chiangjiang Cruise is very nice. The two cities at both ends, Chongqing and Yichang are beautiful and very different. Check out places you are interested in at http://www.virtualtourism.com they have lots of info from travelers and residents. I have even had dinners with people I met from the site. Enjoy!
  24. Heck, from what my SO tells me, the girsl on 001 know just about everything They don't seem to know much about sheep though - guess they don't have time for the real important stuff Do you have a URL for the 001 group? I'd like to send it to my SO. Thanks! They have to live in the north or western areas to know sheep or goats. There is a place in Liaoyang, Liaoning and boy do they know how to roast a leg of lamb. rolled in spices and the meat falling off the bone. Mmmmmm Boy is that finger lickin' good. The sign said sheep but the ones I saw grazing along the road were goats. It is actually a new industry for the farmers around there.
  25. Gosh bill, does a duck quack? J take a deep breath let it out slowly. Now inhale and repeat... Ooooohhhhmmmmmm Bbbbllllluuuuueeee Tttthhhhiiiinnnnggggiiiieeeee Only a little further to go. Oh and the answer to your question is "Only in California". Here you can get about anything to your door by clicking on the internet. Hhhmmmm maybe I should have tried that instead of this visa thing.
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