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Dan R

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Everything posted by Dan R

  1. If we have children at this point we decided that we would go to China before they start school and raise them there. Later they can decide about citizenship. Of course that is what we decided now. It could like many things change later.
  2. Ski, that brings up an interesting question, you get a mortgage, lets 10-15 years, you pay it off, well yes, I would thinkk, that yes, you own it, unless it is a condo. I know that right now where I live, up until recently she owned the house. She was finally able to buy the lot that it sits on. Back in the old days of the village here, many came in and bought up all of the property, and lease out the land. After the old many died that owned all the property up here, the atty's are finally starting to sell them off. Where I live is so private, the cops can not even come up and partol unless they are called, or have a very good reason. This is lease hold the same as was done until recently in Hawaii.
  3. Yes even rock, I have a real nice jade pair.
  4. Check this out. It is all you ever wanted to know about bringing pets to the U.S. http://www.foreignborn.com/visas_imm/enter...ringyourpet.htm here is advice to check well in advance. The U.S. government does not require general certificates of health for pets. However, because airlines sometimes require health certificates for pets traveling with them, you should check with your airline prior to your travel date. Here is good info. http://www.aphis.usda.gov/lpa/pubs/petravel.html Also check the state laws for the port of entry and any other state she will fly into from there. I wouldn't want to leave my cat behind either. It also is great for her own adjustment here.
  5. fhtb, I can remember as a child the first time a doctor used a disposable needle on me. I was worried it was so flimsy looking with the plastic syringe and all that I thought it might break off inside. When it was over and no problem I was very relieved.
  6. Lynne, Do you know the current practice in China regarding ceasareans? I am curious because here in L.A. many doctors are doing them as routine. At work in the past year 5 women have had babies of those 3 were ceasarean because their doctors insisted on scheduling the delivery appointment or they couldn't be sure who would deliver the baby. 2 of those required additional surgery following the delivery because of ruptured sutures from going home to soon. This appears to be the trend here. Do you have any information regarding practices in China on this? Also in Japan delivery is in a special delivery chair so the woman squats rather than lie down. In China is this done or is a table used like here. I have heard some hospitals have imported the Japanese delivery chair here. In the case of emergency I don't think it sounds like there is much difference here or what you describe there. Pregnant friends with emergencies have had to wait as much as 3 hours to be seen. The receiving nurse will move you up to the front only if the condition is thought by the nurse to be life threatening for either mother or child. While private practice may differ it seems that hospital (especially emergency) care is similar.
  7. The city notary where the hokou is can prepare all the needed documents. The police department there can supply the statement that she is not a criminal. The City Office would also supply the statement of marriage. Do you have the affidavit of support worked out? It seems that is the most difficult to do when working in China and returning to the U.S. unless you are staying with the same company.
  8. I very limited exposure to this (for Baoding), I understand the following: 1) You tend to pay a high percent as a down payment, 30+% 2) The loans take a long time to process, 1-2 months 3) You tend to pay by the square foot Are these issues similar, or how different in other areas of China? China uses square meter. The amounts for down are changing. Not long ago a loan was only for 4 or 5 years now 20 or 30 year loans are available. China changes fast. My own pet gripe is we can't even get onto the metric system. Industry claims it protects us from cheap import machine parts but we already have mostly imports.
  9. You could split it hind and front half.
  10. This is a big part of the problem. The burden of proof is on us not DOS. This means it is up to us to convince them. I have learned that once we apply to bring someone into the country we no longer have the full protection of the law. We become suspect until we can prove ourselves innocent. Good luck I'll keep fingers crossed for both of us.
  11. Maybe they are popular among the young upwardly mobile. I saw them in the super markets several places I stopped. But why would Chinese waste money when you can pickup free toothpicks at any restaurant? Isn't that a sin in China?
  12. I agree with this. well put. I am crating a jaccuzi to send.
  13. Oh my I think I'm ready to go to Kinko's and copy everything now.
  14. Yup that covers what she told me, except number 6. We already submitted that information and wasn't requested again. I plan to send a reaffirmation of intent letter anyway.
  15. For those of you who still have your Mom with you, enjoy this day and always remember to thank her. For many of us here I think we will be remembering today (based on our ages). I wish to share with you a poem I wrote the night of my Mother's death. I have it on my website. Thank You Mom She lies so quietly, Her white hair upon the pillow. I lie nearby listening to her draw each breath with difficulty. While wishing for her to be free of pain, I cling to a desire not to let her go. This woman who gave me life And saw me through so much. Both fun and strife I shared with her, Always there when needed. I look down at her still form. She lies completely still now, Her skin so pale and cool. Her arms appear so frail. Those arms that held me close, That rocked me to sleep. That held my favorite book while she read me to sleep. Through your examples and teaching I have learned to be me. How could 50 years have changed things so much. While I know you will always be nearby, That I will love you to my own dying breath And beyond This is my final kiss goodbye. Thank you Mom for everything.
  16. Hi, We are working on our packet too. 5) FORM DS-156/156K/157/GNI-2 these were in our packet. " - Can I just write "I intend to furnish room and board, and all living expenses for an infinite amount of time." (without stating any dollar amount)?" I am putting "to assume all financial responsibility for the applicant upon entering the United States until marriage and legal ability to work, at which point this may change to become mutually financially supporting." We didn't get an FC-029 the Affadavit of support is I-134 send as requested on it documentation to prove financial ability to meet 127% or better rule as sponsor. Good luck we are in the home stretch.
  17. james set up a shop and sell it grin call it the Floss shop might pay for the trips robert That is a damn good idea! Except I'd probably have to buy it for $1 a pack here and sell it there for the equivalent of like 25 cents a pack. You'd have to use some kind of quantum physics equation to make a profit doing that. That's interesting James. Here in L.A. many shops are selling the Chinese floss that is a small piece like the string on a bow with a handle. Come in packs of 25 or 50.
  18. Tony my parents had ivory ones. I preferred the bamboo ones.
  19. When the news was announced I remember that Yahoo refused and was blocked for a while. Google agreed because they have a policy to meet local censorship rules. They said that many countries limit what they can access. If I remember right Germany and France were among the list of countries that were mainly Arab countries.
  20. When I tried to get to google (www.google.com) from china, I was always ported to their google counterpart in china... Many computer people I meet in china all liked using google as their choice for searching... This has nothing to do with if you "like" to use google or not. It's about google signing a deal with the Chinese government not to post negative news on their site about China. The Chinese Gov is more complete than that. Give credit where credit is do. They do not give access to sites dealing with specific topics that disagree with the official position even if they do not mention the Chinese Government.
  21. As I traveled or used hotel or cafe internet the access varied considerably. Sometimes gov issue and sometimes computer lacked programs to view like adobe and java. Settings varied and with everything set to Chinese I didn't try adjusting much but did manage to add programs on one and get what I sought. The biggest problem I have had was internet speed and interruptions.
  22. When I was there, we would use the utensils apropriat to the resuraunt we ate at. I was more nervous in western places because Jennifer kept wathing me closely to learn which item to use for what. The sharp thing is for cutting, the thing with the points is for stabbing and the smooth one is for soup. Got it?? I thought the smooth one was for spreading the butter and the little bowl with a handle on it for the soup. My Grandfather ruined my parents training when I was a child. He asked which one came first the fork or the spoon? Neither the hand so use it. Once I got that he told me how to eat applesauce. Grab what is in the bowl then make a fist. Squeeze and lick off everything that comes through. My Mom loved that one. Yup he taught me table manners real good.
  23. Jim the small fork if there are only two is the salad fork.
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