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My wife is quite insistant on having a clotheline in the back yard. I keep trying to tell her, the dryer will work fine. She is not budging :D ... doesn't she know I'm the man of the house?...... :D

I think I will be finding a way to put her a clothesline in the backyard. :D


Any suggestions or experiences on this subject?

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My wife is quite insistant on having a clotheline in the back yard. I keep trying to tell her, the dryer will work fine. She is not budging :o ... doesn't she know I'm the man of the house?...... :P

I think I will be finding a way to put her a clothesline in the backyard. B)


Any suggestions or experiences on this subject?

You ain't gonna win this one. Clothes aren't clean until they have been kissed by the sun!! BUT, you can get a moral victory. After less than three years I have wifey trained so that she uses the dryer for my clothes and towels. Womens dainty things go on the line outside!


Now if I coud just find a way to get her to stop washing her delicates in the bathtub and hanging them in the washroom!! Once this is accomplshed I'm gonna try to get her to stop putting rolls of toilette paper on every coffee table and night stand in the house--then life will be good!!!!!

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My wife is quite insistant on having a clotheline in the back yard. I keep trying to tell her, the dryer will work fine. She is not budging :o ... doesn't she know I'm the man of the house?...... :P

I think I will be finding a way to put her a clothesline in the backyard. B)


Any suggestions or experiences on this subject?

You ain't gonna win this one. Clothes aren't clean until they have been kissed by the sun!! BUT, you can get a moral victory. After less than three years I have wifey trained so that she uses the dryer for my clothes and towels. Womens dainty things go on the line outside!


Now if I coud just find a way to get her to stop washing her delicates in the bathtub and hanging them in the washroom!! Once this is accomplshed I'm gonna try to get her to stop putting rolls of toilette paper on every coffee table and night stand in the house--then life will be good!!!!!


We utilize a clothesline in our yard. She uses it because it saves energy cost and the clothes last longer. I don't mine the only thing about drying outside is the clothes seem to be stiffer. Now with the cold weather and rain she will have to resort to our dryer? We did have a problem with squirrels gnawing at the ends so a few times we found the clothes on the ground the only thing I could come up with is that maybe they were using it for their nest (home).

Edited by BillV 8-16-2004 (see edit history)
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My wife is quite insistant on having a clotheline in the back yard. I keep trying to tell her, the dryer will work fine. She is not budging :lol: ... doesn't she know I'm the man of the house?...... :rolleyes:

I think I will be finding a way to put her a clothesline in the backyard. :crutch:


Any suggestions or experiences on this subject?



Remember the quote I made in http://candleforlove.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=21202 Post #1?


This looks like a situation for ¡°Logic Man!¡± Logic man is a super hero that lives in my deepest dreams! He is able to tell the difference between realities and fantasy eight out of ten times! He is able to tell the difference between Ad Hominem and a slippery slope argument, seven out of ten times. Little did Logic man realize, that he would soon test his SUPER logic against a Chinese woman¡¯s 5,000 years of culture!


Figuratively speaking and from almost 4 years around Alice: ¡°You¡¯re screwed!¡± Logic man won¡¯t work!


I live in a condo complex. We have rules about the laundry and hanging it outside. Alice stated that it was a stupid American rule, promptly dispatched ¡°Logic Man¡± to Lowe¡¯s home building store to arrange a clothesline for her. Nobody has stopped her yet! I am waiting for the ominous knock at my door though.


Alice want¡¯s, as what one poster said her laudry ¡°Kissed by the Sun!¡± Hmmmm! They must have gone to the same school. Alice said the exact same thing! The only time that that she uses the dryer is for fast dries that she needs to have done now! Orphan spiders are happy though. They now have a new home! Not to mention economic savings, the environment, culture, yadda, yadda, yadda.


Agree with Don also! She hand washes her ¡°unmentionables¡± indoors and they hang in the bathroom. Everything else goes outside!


Charles, just ¡°Grin and Bear it!¡± Some Chinese women change! Some won't! It is a crap shoot, no matter what you do! LOL



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Joanna took to the washer and dryer pretty much like a fish to water. Although there was some discussion of hanging clothes to begin with. That quickly ended after I taught her how to use them. The dish washer: also pretty good -- but I have to pre-wash everything fairly well.


Well, in China it is much cheaper to use help. Sometimes I just wonder, what exactly does a house wife do? No cleaning, washing, cooking or taking care of the baby.

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My solution was to just refuse to put one up... So, her solution was to take a broom handle and balance it on the corner rail of our deck. That's where she dries her danties... I always have such a feeling of satisfaction when we go out, and it starts pouring rain... All my cloths are dry :rolleyes:.

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Joanna took to the washer and dryer pretty much like a fish to water. Although there was some discussion of hanging clothes to begin with. That quickly ended after I taught her how to use them. The dish washer: also pretty good -- but I have to pre-wash everything fairly well.


Well, in China it is much cheaper to use help. Sometimes I just wonder, what exactly does a house wife do? No cleaning, washing, cooking or taking care of the baby.


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I never thought to even try to curb this thing. I have porches front and back the full length of the house. Lines goin up before she arrives. Someday hope to enclose sections at a time, starting with the room with the lines, just like she has back home.


This kinda goes further with me. I was thinking of making an all bathroom shower before I ever went over last year and discovered that this is how their bathrooms are. Wow, OK what a fit. Money is finally saved to do the concrete work in the garage where all the plumbing is coming up through the floor for another bathroom. Clearing same garage a little every night for the project. Just outside of this new bathroom is a door to the back porch where the lines will be. (Ijust want her to feel at home) So many spiders outside, I probably will make a line in the bathroom as well, until I get this one section of porch enclosed. Don't think I can get that done before she arrives.




Beside, we have enough to argue about as is. :wub: No need over laundry. :P

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Here is a thought. While talking with the husband of Jen's cousin in Kunshan, it was expressed to me how he was concerned that Jen was a little too free and as a Chinese wife, she should be a complete subordinate in my house. Far from my thoughts as an American looking for a partner, not a servant. Of course working in the laundry business, he was also shocked to learn that most dryers actually burn natural gas for heat. :rolleyes: I'm all for making Jen feel at home but at the same time, we are in America and in the long run, she will do better thinking and acting as an American. Yes she will always hold on to her heritage, but it should not dictate everything about her. Over the past year, Jen has had a lot to get used to and at times I was told how things are done better in China. While in China, it was expressed to me that we might have a real chance of doing very well opening our own business in China that would lead to possibly moving there, an idea at least worth considering. Jen's response, "I think we better in America." If you want to put up clothes lines, redo bathrooms, hell, even do your own garden and coy pond(I wouldn't mind doing myself). Just remember, there has to be a limit. We are willing to accept how different culture is in China, don't you think we as Americans deserve the same?

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Of course there are limits, but in the case of my bathroom, it was going to be almost exactly what I found over there. It just made sense to me. To my surprise when I walked into her bathroom the first time. I was shocked. I actually froze in the doorway and said to myself, this is exactly what I was going to do. Then her sisters place was the same. Another home of a Taxi driver, the same. All I had seen were hotels which were American or European style. Also the enclosed porch I was going to do anyway. Clothsline? Well that one is new, but I don't mind. It just trims out my ideas to make it Chinese. I had no idea until last year that my ideas would match.


Other things I sit my foot down about. We all have our battles to pick. :angry:

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