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Everything posted by Smitty

  1. Shanghaiist article Now I can get my SuperStar in Shanghai!
  2. Maybe a nice drive up the coast the next day(or two) would be a good way to decompress from the flight?
  3. I don't think anyone has to hire any specific percentage of any race, color, or creed. You can hire who ever you think will do the job.
  4. Haven't people been talking about the crumbling infrastructure for forever and a day? Everything we build has a lifetime. Everything. What do we do? We pretend that concrete and steel will last forever and that you don't need to do anything. For years people have been saying that we need to fix this stuff, but there is never any money for it until a bridge collapses, and people die. The simple fact is that this country almost always runs in crisis management, and very rarely as planned. If you do need to rebuild something, you just can't rebuild it, you have to factor all the new design requirements into it. In Seattle, we have the Viaduct. Can't rebuild it 'cuz all the fools don't like it, and they don't think anyone uses it anyway, so here's a great iDea - Don't rebuild it! Let's build a tunnel! Great! A tunnel along a coast line in a not seismically stable area. Can anyone see the disaster movie yet? Doom and gloom, along with Fear-Uncertainty-Doubt, should not be what motivates people. Tragically, I don't think that people can deal with things in any other manner.
  5. Well, for me, I only have one Intel Mac, and it's my HTMac. Plex is the primary application, so I will have to wait for the Plex team to get going with the release version. Which, since Apple doesn't release the final(GM) to developers is what they have been waiting for, to finish the update for 10.6.
  6. Picked it up on Friday, but I won't be installing it until Plex support is improved.
  7. I think Brita now has a sports bottle that will accommodate a Brita filter. While a Brita filter won't stop the viruses, a UV flash lamp can take care of them. While it might be inconvenient to lug around a flash lamp and it's power supply, a few drops of bleach can take care of it! Also, for the large scale application, one could set up at a common well, charcoal filter and a solar powered flash lamp. @Gdirt - I've never heard of TED being an infomercial site, or service. Can you expand on that?
  8. Sorry about that! I thought it was one of the people that quit the site that sold the tea...
  9. I forget, but doesn't knloregon sell this tea?
  10. Congratulations for your wife and you!
  11. That's great to hear! Enjoy yourself! You, and your family, have earned it!
  12. That looks interesting. So it runs with your other AV stuff?
  13. Wow! That's so real, I can almost go out and buy a crate of cholesterol medication!
  14. Sadly, Benjamin Franklin was never a president, but he is just about as important in the creation of the union as any president. Otherwise, I'm tempted to go with Thomas Jefferson. Clay S. Jenkinson did a good chautauqua performance as Jefferson. He also does/has done Teddy, Oppenheimer, and Lewis(of Lewis and Clark). He has a website at http://www.jeffersonhour.org/ I might also go with Teddy. The National Parks are a treasure for the Republic, and we wouldn't have them if it wasn't for him.
  15. Thank you. I've Googled this already, and I am familiar with the process already. I'm looking for direct experience from someone that is using an unlocked iPhone on T-Mobiles network. Which is why I asked David about it.
  16. I don't think that you have to go to southeast Asia to ask this question. All you have to look at is "Tookie" Williams.
  17. David, may I inquire as to the process that you used to get it working on the T-Mobile network? I'm thinking about dumping my landline, and if I'm gonna get a real cell phone plan, and a fancier cell phone - I'm wanting to go with a iPhone. A friend is gonna update to a 3GS at some point soon, so I might be getting his.
  18. I'll agree with that part. I think you have this part wrong. It should be slow, brutal, and nearly terminal, IMO.
  19. I figured Amtrak could do it(Kalispell via Essex to Seattle), but for two adults to take a 15 hour ride(one way), it's $300!
  20. I doubt that anyone will learn. We should have learned from the collapse of Japan's bubble economy, but we let the crooks run the show, and the crooks couldn't remember what the smoked last night, much less what happened in a foreign country twenty years ago... I would venture to guess that the same thing will happen in Shanghai, and maybe other Chinese markets.
  21. While I don't like to bring up the bad parts of the last century, but... Isn't this one of the things the Imperial Japanese were working on while they were in Manchuria?
  22. Smitty


    When I read Main Street, I thought about Alhambra first, not downtown LA...
  23. Smitty


    Can't say for Tacoma, or Spokane, or Olympia, but for Seattle it's a bit different than any other Chinatown I've seen. In Seattle it's called the International District, and it's right by both of the Stadiums, the Convention Center(but there are two convention centers in Seattle!), and the train station. While International is stretching it a bit thin, it's mostly Japanese and Chinese in terms of stores and restaurants. It's also fairly small, and only seems to be a few blocks in terms of area. There are some other communities in the area, like Federal Way to the south, that have a focus on other Asian countries. Federal Way undergoing more of a transition to Korean culture. Google Map.
  24. Smitty

    Roll Call

    Born in Pasadena, CA Initial upbringing in Incline Village, grew up in South Pasadena, and moved to Washington a bunch of years back. Moved to Washington, A - Because it was out of California, B - Cooler, C - Beautiful and green, and D - No state income tax! Washington has a fairly diverse population with immigrants from all over the world. Different regions of the state have different economies. Central and Eastern Washington are major agricultural areas, but have some minor industry. Western Washinton is mostly dominated by the I-5 corridor. Northwestern Washington is home to very diverse economies from 'High Tech' to 'Low Tech.' A few years back, some advertising super genius came up with the slogan for tourism of "Say WA." The official state song of Washington is "Washington, My Home," but there is a campaign to make the state song "Louie, Louie."
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