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Everything posted by Smitty

  1. Just saw this article today - http://blog.wired.com/business/2008/09/is-the-non-boot.html
  2. I'm sure that would be my luck too!
  3. So, seeing Livemocha mentioned in Tonys posts, I Googled Livemocha. Turns out it's a language learning service. What all are your opinions on this service? http://www.livemocha.com/
  4. If you have iTunes, then the CSIS has two articles on China. They can be found at iTunes U, which is the predominately FREE section of iTunes with University stuff. Hopefully good iTunes link The articles I noticed were numbers 2 and 3. I haven't had a chance to check them out, so hopefully they aren't too inflammatory.
  5. I think the easiest way to do it is to get an iPhone from Germany, or one of those countries in Europe. I fairly sure it's Germany, but in one of them countries it's illegal to lock cell phones to one carrier. Or you have to get a previous generation, as in not the 3G iPhone, iPhone on eBay or Craigslist, and then get it unlocked. Something else they might want to consider is the OpenMoko phone. While it is still in development, you can get them when they make a batch, and then they might be ahead of the curve and even cooler. Maybe. I was watching an iPhone commercial today where the user downloads a speaking Chinese phrase book. I really wanted one at that point!
  6. I think her in the US, the child would just be called 'spoiled.' I'm sure that answer doesn't help you though. It is the result of the child being the sole heir to the family, and the focus on that one child during it's upbringing.
  7. I would send this further off topic, by asking how you tire changers balance your tires, but I won't in order to preserve the thread!
  8. In developing countries, many people protest against the Olympics coming to their country. The Olympics provide a fiscal boost only to a small area, and the rest of the country tends to suffer.
  9. The second reason I stopped watching the Olympics, is quite simply the way they are broadcast in the United States. Back in '84 I was sent out for the summer so that I wouldn't be exposed to the insanity of the Olympics, or something like that.... Anyway, the family friends I stayed with had one of those six foot satellite dish deals. We preferred watching the Australian feeds as they we the best coverage, and not horribly biased towards the US and against everyone else. I watched a bit of the current Olympics on CNBC, or CBC, or whatever it is. It's fairly reasonable in it's coverage.
  10. The whole reason I gave up on the Olympics, was the US Basketball team. NBA Professionals playing against amateurs from around the world. So much for the 'no professional athletes' rule.
  11. Those are both pretty strong quakes! I hope that people are doing ok, and not too upset!
  12. China is sounding more like the Old Russian Soviet Empire in the bragging rights arena. Ask any Russian who invented anything from the telephone to the airplane and their response will be Russia. Don't forget Quadrotriticale!
  13. Great to hear the good news! Now you need to debrief everyone with all of the questions asked!
  14. Maybe he needs to stop learning languages, and learn the unspoken language! Couldn't find a clip of that scene from "Better Off Dead" dagnabit!
  15. Yes, I did read that in his question. But as has been pointed out, getting a lawyer state side won't do you any good since they can't handle the stuff on the fan once it hits the fan. Rob - Thanks for reminding me! I wasn't sure who was where....
  16. It looks like people are missing the point.... Anyway, if you want to go with a lawyer, from what I have read, you want one that is as close to Guz as possible, so that if for some reason you do have a problem, they can get to Guz before the documents are sent back to the NVC. At least that's my understanding. While I haven't used his services, nor am I recommending him(others will do that) Marc Ellis I believe is in the same building. Maybe a few post starting with this one can get you started.
  17. I must also agree with that. Some people are not cut out for structured education that provided in higher education. But I will also add that a degree can sometimes be the deciding factor, and is once again starting to appear as a requirement for many jobs that have traditionally not needed it.
  18. Well, at least someone is thinking about the children! Other countries also do this, and some things that are more to season the children's abilities to handle difficulties.
  19. I don't know whether to laugh or cry for you Chilton747! At least you case is moving forward! So that's gotta be good news!
  20. I'd agree that medical will always be a hot ticket, but it can be a draining profession. As Toplaw mentioned, accounting also seems to be strong. I think they should look at themselves and see what their strengths are, and see where they can go from there.
  21. Don't forget there is a thread just for his hotel.
  22. Anyone remember A Mafan's thread about using this place correctly?
  23. Not just that she is Chinese, but most teenagers tend to think that they are smarter than their parents.
  24. Watch out Griz! Make sure isn't trying to pull a fast on you!
  25. Congratulations Erika and Hubby! No more worrying about stupid Japanese documents for you two!
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